Gov. Ron DeSantis says he has a plan to cut gas prices by half of their current amount after the first year of his presidency.
“We want to give people relief at the pump. Gas is almost $4 a gallon nationally. In 2025 we’re shooting for $2 a gallon, and that means you’ve got to let people do their jobs,” DeSantis said on the Fox Business Network’s “Varney & Co.“
DeSantis, who is going to outline his energy policy proposals during a speech Wednesday in Midland, Texas, says his plan would “embrace the resources that we have both in terms of hydrocarbons but also in terms of having an auto industry that makes sense.”
“We’re going to get rid of the EV mandates so that people can buy the cars they want, and we are going to do things that are going to benefit us in terms of national security. (Joe) Biden’s energy policy benefits China, Iran, Russia and Venezuela. We are going to restore energy dominance; we’re going to be so dominant that all those hostile regimes are going to have a disadvantage. And that’s, I think, what the American people want.”
DeSantis’ speech will be the public facing highlight of a week of fundraising events.
Dallas businessman G. Brint Ryan will host an event Sept. 21 in Dallas, one the Dallas Morning News says will charge couples up to $13,200, with individual contributions topping out at $6,600.
On Sept. 22, DeSantis will be in Alamo Heights near San Antonio at a luncheon hosted by former U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith and current U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, per San Antonio Reports. Roy is one of the few members of Congress endorsing DeSantis, who served three terms in the House representing constituencies south of Jacksonville.
Texas has been central to the Governor’s campaign messaging beyond oil, with his border security pitch being prominent.
When DeSantis brought his campaign to Texas earlier this summer, calling attention yet again to undocumented immigrants entering at the Mexican border, he vowed to use “deadly force” via the U.S. military when asked during a news conference after his campaign event, saying that if some “cartel operatives” got “dropped,” it would change their attitude.
But at least thus far, polls haven’t reflected the effort. The Governor’s week in Texas comes as his worst numbers in the state ever were just released.
The Defend Texas Liberty PAC Texas Statewide 2024 Likely Republican Labor Day Issue Poll shows Donald Trump ahead of the Florida Governor, 61% to 10%, among the 406 likely voters surveyed by CWS Research.
This is by far Trump’s biggest lead over DeSantis in the state. DeSantis was at 13% in July, 19% in June and 23% in May, meaning the Governor has lost more than half his support in the last few months.
DeSantis’ 10% matches the share of undecided voters, and puts the Governor ahead of the non-Trump field, including Nikki Haley and Mike Pence, tied for third place with 5% each.
Debra Hughes
September 19, 2023 at 11:32 am
I would like to ask Ron if he is going to allow drilling off the coast of Fl?
Earl Pitts "Political Genious" American
September 19, 2023 at 6:00 pm
Thank you Debra,
I, Earl Pitts America, advise everyone to start believing that if Ron says it Ron’s gonna do it. You can go ahead and carve your 2024 family budget into stone now with the blessed assurance that you will be paying $2.00 at the pump for gas.
A couple more small items for your condideration:
1.) There is no need to waste your time reading any of the posts below. I, Earl Pitts American, have proofed them and they are all nonsensical Dook 4 Brains Lefty blathering comments so dont waste your time.
2.) Americans one and all would behoove themselves to study me, Earl Pitts American, and begin behaving like me. Go to my YouTube videos and watch them over and over and over again with your goal being one of “Self Improvement”. Your assignment is to start acting, talking, and dressing more and more like me, Earl Pitts American.
Thank you Debra,
*this public service announcement was brought to you by the word “Behoove” and the numbers “One and Two”*
Rick Whitaker
September 20, 2023 at 5:17 pm
why ask, of course he would allow drilling everywhere.
Debra Hughes
September 20, 2023 at 5:40 pm
I believe you are right but he will deny it until he is elected.
Michael K
September 19, 2023 at 11:35 am
Here’s a news flash:
No one is forcing anyone to buy an electric vehicle. But those who have solar panels and an EV are getting free energy. Why is he fighting this?
Oil prices are not determined by federal policy. It is a global commodity.
DeSantis is fully owned by big oil.
Paying too much at the pump? Stop driving a behemoth and get something more economical.
My Take
September 19, 2023 at 12:17 pm
He’s not even brave enough to say where the high prices are going as windfall profits.
September 19, 2023 at 12:23 pm
“In 2025 we’re shooting for $2 a gallon, and that means you’ve got to let people do their jobs… We’re going to get rid of the EV mandates so that people can buy the cars they want, and we are going to do things that are going to benefit us in terms of national security.” – Here DeSantis is once again just talking out of his a*s as if he were a simpleton, being the aspiring dictator he wishes to become and who will say ANYTHING no matter HOW dumb, false or knowingly deceitful it is in order to get the votes he needs to make it happen (ala Adolph Hitler). The US Government does NOT control the price of gas and the ONLY way it could be brought down to $2/gallon is by FORCE (i.e. if the US were to be governed by a totalitarian dictatorship). NOR would ANYTHING he could do as a US President get the auto manufacturers to decide to continue to make gasoline-fueled cars – unless of course he were to become the dictator that he aspires to be – as the move from gasoline ICE to electric powertrains is in fact being driven by AUTOMAKERS’ strategic planning *NOT* the US (or any other) government (this has pretty much always been the case, politicians just try to make it LOOK like they’re the ones making it happen). No way is this guy fit to be elected President of the United States of America.
September 19, 2023 at 12:24 pm
“In 2025 we’re shooting for $2 a gallon, and that means you’ve got to let people do their jobs… We’re going to get rid of the EV mandates so that people can buy the cars they want, and we are going to do things that are going to benefit us in terms of national security.” – Here DeSantis is once again just talking out of his behind as if he were a simpleton, being the aspiring dictator he wishes to become and who will say ANYTHING no matter HOW dumb, false or knowingly deceitful it is in order to get the votes he needs to make it happen (ala Adolph Hitler). The US Government does NOT control the price of gas and the ONLY way it could be brought down to $2/gallon is by FORCE (i.e. if the US were to be governed by a totalitarian dictatorship). NOR would ANYTHING he could do as a US President get the auto manufacturers to decide to continue to make gasoline-fueled cars – unless of course he were to become the dictator that he aspires to be – as the move from gasoline ICE to electric powertrains is in fact being driven by AUTOMAKERS’ strategic planning *NOT* the US (or any other) government (this has pretty much always been the case, politicians just try to make it LOOK like they’re the ones making it happen). No way is this guy fit to be elected President of the United States of America.
University of North Florida
September 19, 2023 at 12:57 pm
Cool, now do it for Florida. Cut insurance prices in half while you’re at it.
My Take
September 19, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Ì wonder what far rightwing zealot DeSScamus has in store for Broward College.
September 19, 2023 at 1:15 pm
So he’s taking over OPEC now? You really think the American oil companies are going to give up their staggeringly large profits and drop out of the pricing parity scheme that keep prices high? That may be one of the stupidest promises made by a presidential wannabe (aside from building a wall).
September 19, 2023 at 1:53 pm
Buuulllllllll shiiiiiiiiit! This angry pipsqueak has zero clue how federal government and/or foreign policy work.
So Rhonda is a Socialist now?
September 19, 2023 at 2:00 pm
I didn’t know that he was such a massive socialist. This is an interesting development.
A large percentage of the price of a gallon of gasoline is subsidized by the federal government, to keep the fuel prices in the US low for the consumer. Is he suggesting throwing more federal money into subsidies?
And I wonder how many people driving big trucks with their “Let’s Go Brandon” sticker realize that Uncle Sam is picking up the tab on about half the cost of the gas they’re putting in the big ol’ truck.
My Take
September 19, 2023 at 5:19 pm
There is a multi-hour middle of night radio show on the powerful radio stations whose sole purpose is to make/keep truçkers rightwingers.
My Take
September 20, 2023 at 7:57 am
Red Eye Radio
Richard Russell
September 19, 2023 at 2:02 pm
He’s not going to be President, so he can say anything he wants
Rick Whitaker
September 20, 2023 at 11:11 am
he is presently the governor of desantistan so when he lies it’s still important, or should be. just because he has zero chance of being president, is not a reason to not judge him for lying.
Les Lawrence
September 21, 2023 at 10:10 pm
If DeSantis wanted to cut gas prices in Florida why doesn’t he eliminate all the State and County taxes? That would probably cut prices by at least a dollar or more in some counties.
Rude Eye
September 19, 2023 at 3:48 pm
And if frogs had wings they wouldn’t bump their asses.
September 19, 2023 at 5:36 pm
I heard next week he’s going to promise to give everybody a free pony too!
My Take
September 19, 2023 at 7:19 pm
“I will order pi to be a rational number.
Zero, a slackard, will bend to my authority and divide other numbers.”
Carolyn Giandonato
September 20, 2023 at 10:38 am
The comments to this article are hilarious. And so true. If the President of the US can control gas prices, wouldn’t it already be at $1?
Rick Whitaker
September 20, 2023 at 10:58 am
gop candidates lie, nothing new
Michael K
September 20, 2023 at 1:26 pm
Reminds me of the Republican health care plan to replace Obamacare. Due out any day now, right?
Rhonda Speak
September 20, 2023 at 5:23 pm
Rhonda will get the price of gasoline below $2 by changing the unit of measure from gallon to liter, and his voters are so dumb they’ll swallow the price increase hook, lyin’ and stinker
My Take
September 21, 2023 at 12:34 am
Years ago a loaded jetliner at 40,000 feet ran out of fuel due to that mixup.
The pilot, an accomplished glider pilot too, glided the jetliner to an abandoned RCAF remote field and landed safely, with just a collapsed nose wheel gear.
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