Attorney General Ashley Moody is making good on her promise to ask the Florida Supreme Court to block a proposed abortion rights amendment from making the 2024 ballot.
Moody officially asked the high court to review the initiative more than a month after the Department of State said the citizen initiative had cleared the threshold needed to reach the court.
In her submission to the court, Moody did not go into details on why she wants the court to block the measure, saying that she would present legal briefs at a later time that explain why “the aforementioned initiative does not satisfy the legal requirements for ballot placement.”
Last Friday, Moody released an op-ed for Florida’s Voice where she argued that the measure’s ballot summary would mislead voters. If ultimately passed by 60% of voters, the amendment would prohibit the Legislature from banning abortion prior to “before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health.”
Moody trashed the language used in the amendment proposed by Floridians Protecting Freedom as “one of the worst I have seen.” She says voters would be confused by the term “viability” and that it could be viewed as allowing abortion anywhere from 12 weeks to 25 weeks.
“While I personally would not vote for this initiative no matter what definition of ‘viability’ it was using, I know that to some voters, it is material to their vote — whether you are talking about an abortion in the first trimester or at the end of the second trimester,” Moody wrote. “Floridians are entitled to know clearly and concisely what they are voting for or against.”
Moody, who is considered a potential candidate for Governor in 2026, has called herself “pro-life” but contends her personal views are not behind her decision to oppose the proposed initiative.
Senate Democratic Leader Lauren Book in a statement said the administration of Gov. Ron DeSantis is wary of having the abortion debate decided at the polls.
“They know they will lose—plain and simple,” Book, a Democrat from Davie, said in a statement.”That’s why the Attorney General is attempting to prevent our measure from ever making it on the ballot. We will win this latest challenge, we will put abortion rights on the ballot, and voters will choose to restore women’s rights, because at the end of the day, Florida’s ban on women’s fundamental rights is dangerous, unpopular, and wrong.”
As part of the legal fight over Florida’s current ban on abortions after 15 weeks, Moody has already asked the Florida Supreme Court to overturn a 1989 ruling that struck down abortion restrictions. In that ruling, the court found that restrictions on abortion violated the privacy clause that voters put in the state constitution nine years earlier.
In order to reach the 2024 ballot organizers behind the proposed abortion rights amendment will need to collect more than 891,000 voter signatures. So far, state election officials have verified more than 400,000.
But in order to reach the ballot, the Florida Supreme Court must make sure the amendment sticks to a single subject and that the ballot summary given to voters is not misleading.
Florida legislators earlier this year reduced the state’s ban on abortion from 15 weeks to six weeks. But that law will not take effect unless the state Supreme Court upholds the current 15-week law.
Dale A Arnold
October 9, 2023 at 6:32 pm
They ( Republicans) are running scared of the people having their say… Cause they know it will go the way Kansas did.
Rick Whitaker
October 11, 2023 at 8:26 am
very true. kansas is an example they can’t run from.
Not Laura Loomwr
October 9, 2023 at 6:58 pm
Just a friendly reminder that Stafford Jones is a cancer on the GOP.
Earl Pitts American
October 9, 2023 at 8:32 pm
Go Ashley Go,
The Democrat politicians and the American voters which support them are 100% responsable for what Hamas did in the Mid-East. That being said Real Patriots are so proud of Ashley for keeping the pressure on the leftists in regards to their sacred cow of abortion while they are on the defense for their role in the grizely murder of over 700 Jews and Americans.
Thank you Ashley Moody
Earl Pitts American
ML Johnson
October 9, 2023 at 11:41 pm
Could you please take a few minutes and write a cogent thesis on why exactly every person in this country, regardless of national service, position in community, or moral/religious belief system should be considered at fault for the hundreds of people in Israel who were wrongly killed in a sneak attack by a known terrorist organization, based on how the vote and support their country. If they vote, by the way, they are Americans and, maybe even more so than the thousands who never voted on their life, until JDT ran and then voted once, yet called themselves patriotic ‘Mericans.
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist" American
October 10, 2023 at 8:48 am
Thanks for your question Johnson,
I will do my best to explain my position.
Voting for The USA’s true and percieved World-Wide weakness and voting for the Democratic party’s candidates here in the USA are the exact same thing.
Isreal is in fact an extention of The USA based on it’s founding after The USA, almost single handedy, liberated the Jews (along with the rest of the Free World) from the scrouge of Nazi domination, tourture, and mass exicution.
Since WWII the 8utt hurt nations of the world are still whizzed off at the USA and The Jews *(in the Nation of Isreal)* and have been seething mad over the last 50 years, insulting and threatining Isreal AKA the little Satan – and the USA the Big Satan.
Moving along …. the haters of the world have been waiting and watching for a chink in Isreal’s armor and The USA’s armor to appear at the same time.
Well, Johnson, that believe it or not never happened at the same time due to the great strength of the Nation of Isreal.
Johnson, what did happen, is The USA, under weak, peverse, twisted, immoral Democratic Rule just over exposed its-self as being insanely weak, vulnarable, un-prepared and un-willing to fight.
Then, Johnson, the haters of The Little and The Big Satan saw there first “real” oppurtunity to really win and potentally take-out both the Little and Big Satan.
This, Johnson, was 100% facilated by votes from regular Americans (like you & me Johnson) for the weak and vulanerable positions of The USA Democratic Party.
This, Johnson, 100% signaled the weakness of The USA to the extent of being the most vulanerable in 50 years. The haters made their logical move a few short days ago.
We are literally on the brink of WWIII due to our Democratic Politician induced, percieved & actual world wide weakness.
And that, Johnson, is how historically, the USA went from being perceived and feared as the world’s #1 Super Power to The Worlds laughable high school nerd that you, Johnson, used to torment every day back in high school.
Thanks Johnson,
EPA (Political Scientist)
**Ironically, Johnson, to add insult to injury, the Nation of Isreal, is 100% aware that without 99% of the Jews in the USA voting Democrat for the last 50 years there is no way, except for RFK in the 1960’s, that there would have ever been a weak, appeaser, peverse, and vulinarable-corrupt Democrat in The White House and the recent invasion of Isreal would never have happened due to The USA never having lost it’s most feared #1 Super Power status.*
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 7:06 am
earl to your surprise dems are not responsible for you being 82 years old and addled in the brain. you must have eaten too much pork from that cheesy bar b que restaurant you use to own. it shows for sure.
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist" American
October 10, 2023 at 9:02 am
My Man Rick,
Your short but excellant, wacky contrarian Dook 4 Brains leftist leaning , Earl Pitts American, uplifting (above comment); is deemed to be your best ever!
My Man Rick, Great Job making your Boss, Earl Pitts American, look extra Great to a world hungry for the type of leadership only a Super-Hero, such as myself, Earl Pitts American, can deliver to our troubled Planet.
Thanks again Rick you R The Bestest Ever!!!!!!,
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 5:46 pm
billy purser aka gary burbank, aka earl pitts, why do you post such crap? that is a question i’m sure you can’t answer. go call one of your male escorts that you hire regularly. that should keep you busy for a while. does pearl know about that? did i pull your hole card. at 82 years old, you should know better. your hooked on that homosexual action, but at your age you could get robbed or worse.
Rick Whitaker
October 11, 2023 at 8:27 am
caution, troll comment
Rick Whitaker
October 11, 2023 at 3:11 pm
warning troll comment
October 9, 2023 at 8:36 pm
The Republican goal is a total ban on abortion.
There is not a single Republican Presidential candidate who hasn’t promised to ban abortion nationwide if given the opportunity.
Meanwhile women are now traveling to Cuba and Mexico to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.
Elections have consequences for women in America!
Earl Pitts American
October 9, 2023 at 9:06 pm
Quick PeterH, pour water on your pants:
They are on fire you big old fat stinky liar liar.
That was close PeterH you almost burnt up your diminuative johnson in that unfortunate Liar Liar Pants On Fire incident.
Glad I, Earl Pitts American, was here to help save your johnson Sir.
Carry on PeterH,
Earl Pitts “Part Time Fire Man” American
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 6:33 am
what a creepy comment from a creepy pervert. earl i got a solution for you. stick your head in a full toilet, and flush. why are you calling peterH a liar. is it because he is exposing your hero desantis as a nazi. you are so transparent with your projectionism. what aloser you are.
Earl Pitts "Political Scientist" American
October 10, 2023 at 9:08 am
Yet another excellant, Earl Pitts American, uplifting contrarian Dook 4 Brains Leftist comentary.
Thanks Rick,
Your are like a Nephew to me Little Rickey. A Nephew that works hard for me and makes me, Earl Pitts American Millions of Dollars.
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 5:49 pm
i have told you before, i am straight. go hit on somebody else. you shameless bastard.
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 6:22 am
solution, vote dem up and down
Women Speaking for Women
October 16, 2023 at 11:08 am
Women have not lost any rights, and they most certainly are not traveling to Cuba and Mexico to abort their sons or daughters!!! Women are traveling to Florida from other states for abortions…we’ve become a haven state for abortion unfortunately! Get your facts straight! And don’t act like you speak for all women…..because the true majority of women abhor the dismembering and chemical poisoning of the youngest humans!
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 6:19 am
more propaganda from freedom takers. moody is wrong to not quickly put it up for vote. i predict she will use her power to keep moving the goalposts, as is common to maga cultists
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 6:49 am
your comment was confusing. you know nothing about non christians that don’t make their decisions based on christian propaganda and the ancient fairy tales known as the bible. all through history christians have slaughtered innocent people to steal their gold and land in the name of christ. religion is the real enemy, including zionism. ml johnson, i reread your comment and it didn’t make much sense to me.
Michael K
October 10, 2023 at 8:01 am
Republicans are out of touch on this issue (and many others) – and Moody knows it. The only way Republicans keep control is by voter suppression, gerrymandering, and rejecting the will of the people by ballot initiative.
Rick Whitaker
October 11, 2023 at 8:29 am
very true
Rick Whitaker
October 10, 2023 at 4:56 pm
ml johnson your comment was confusing. you know nothing about non christians that don’t make their decisions based on christian propaganda and the ancient fairy tales known as the bible. all through history christians have slaughtered innocent people to steal their gold and land in the name of christ.
Sonja Fitch
October 12, 2023 at 5:46 am
Once again one of the most obvious reasons to look at an abortion issue
Is The damn role of the sperm donor!!!!! This abuse of power is just another method to blame women!
October 12, 2023 at 1:50 pm
Because the GOP thinks they should have the power to unilaterally decide what the voters want. PUT it up for a vote an let the people vote. Stop taking away our freedoms.
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