Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to claim he would carry out mass deportations if elected President, contending his “big program” would hearken back to a President seven decades ago.
“If you let people come illegally without a sanction, you’re going to continue to have this problem. The sanction is you get deported. So we’re going to do it,” DeSantis said on The Blaze.
The Governor pledged a policy of last in, first out, saying his administration would “start with the more recent arrivals and work our way back,” though offering no indication how far back he would go.
“But it’s going to be a big program similar to what (Dwight) Eisenhower did in the 1950s,” DeSantis said, presumably referring to Operation Wetback, a first-term program that saw anywhere from 300,000 to 1.3 million people deported, removed from the United States on planes and boats and repatriated to Mexico.
“I’m really the only candidate that you can trust to do it,” DeSantis added. “I mean, I know Donald Trump is promising it, but he said the same thing in 2016 and didn’t deliver on it. A lot of the other Republicans, as you rightfully point out, they’re uncomfortable even talking about doing that. But we’re never going to solve the problem unless we have the rule of law prevail.”
DeSantis continues to float mass deportations, but it seems his rhetoric and his promises are still being fine-tuned.
During an interview last week with an Iowa radio station, the 2024 presidential candidate ameliorated his previous promise to remove “everyone who has come in illegally under Biden” to “the last ones to come in under Biden are going to be the first ones out.
“Well, here’s the thing. So I don’t know how many are here,” DeSantis admitted.
“We’ve been told for many years, it was like 10, 11 million. But just under Biden, there’s been 6 or 7 million. You can’t say (that) because you’re not going to be able to do 100%, that then you should send none. I mean, I think that that’s a non-starter. You have to establish that there’s going to be a sanction. You have to enforce the law. Clearly, we have limited resources. You’re going to have to make choices as about how you do that.”
Though DeSantis is rooting his deportation proposal in Eisenhower policies, it should be noted that by the end of his second term, the former President was arguing for the “liberalization” of immigration standards. Eisenhower sought to not only double the quota of legal immigrants received, but also a “special provision for the absorption of many thousands of persons who are refugees without a country as a result of political upheavals and their flight from persecution.”
Thomas Kaspar
October 12, 2023 at 9:49 am
Send them all to front yards of St Pete and Jacksonville residents.
Kaspar the Ghost
October 12, 2023 at 9:59 am
We can always count on you for an immature, asinine comment. You should have your anger issues looked into, it’s going to destroy what’s left of your humanity. Or give you a heart attack. I hope you live alone, I’d feel sorry for anyone who lived with you.
Thomas Kaspar
October 12, 2023 at 4:10 pm
I live with Earl Pitts. We both rape children together.
I’m not lonely at all. LOL
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 7:24 pm
folks, he’s not kidding. i’m just wondering who does what to who
Michael K
October 12, 2023 at 10:08 am
We need sensible, comprehensive immigration reform – not more political stunts and division. Imagine the humanitarian crisis that mass deportations would create. Funny how people like DeSantis spouts his so-called Christian pro-life values, except when it comes to actual living human beings.
America always needs more workers – that is our history. There have been recent, serious, bi-partisan attmepts, but now Republican polictal dysfunction prohibits any actual solutions, favoring chaos, division and blame. Just look at what “hard-line” stance has done to agriculture and hospitality industries here in Florida.
This is from the same deperate politican who thinks MAGA hats are stupid enough to beieve that Mexico will pay fo rthe wall.
Silly Wabbit
October 12, 2023 at 10:23 am
Michael good.
October 12, 2023 at 11:24 am
Someone should ask him what he did about immigration during his six years in the house – that’s right, he just wanted to kill social security and medicare. Congress really needs to do something to figure this out but of course, they’re useless when it comes to anything that requires actual work.
October 12, 2023 at 11:12 am
“I’m really the only candidate that you can trust to (fill in the blank)”
Now, fellow canines, let me warn you, any effing human politician who begins a sentence with those words is a dog-kicking, cat-screwing liar. Doesn’t matter what you fill in the blank.
Lesson for the day, fellow dogs.
October 12, 2023 at 11:16 am
This is good news for anyone interested in working from home and enjoying the benefits it provides. In this article, we’ll take a look at ten jobs (many of them with entry-level options) that hire remote employees..ds10 These jobs pay well—higher than the national median annual wage Lets Start Today!
My Take
October 12, 2023 at 1:47 pm
Will–can–thè legal system cause Trump to fall and put DeSScamus in first place?
Here I would even include so pressuring Trump so badly that he snaps and does or says something vastly beyond the pale.
Sonja Fitch
October 12, 2023 at 2:04 pm
Omg another bs Desantis solution. Immigrants are the backbone o America and Florida. Shut up Desantis
October 12, 2023 at 6:36 pm
Wow, I pray to the powers above that somehow we come to our senses on immigration!!!
I pray, and please note there is evidence out there, that will show a very serious transfer of a massive population shift to come, maybe our way?
Will we be forced to migrate, if so, what country will take US? Some of the human population is EVIL, I think 🤔!!!
October 13, 2023 at 9:20 am
Not to worry, Mr. Roy. Christmas is coming and for a few weeks or more we’ll celebrate the birth of the most famous asylum seekers in Western Civilization. Then, it will be back to the business of scorning and rebuking asylum seekers who are the backbone of the economy — and, if we’re luckier than we deserve, whose sons and daughters will someday be doctors and lawyers and such.
Rick Whitaker
October 12, 2023 at 9:17 pm
most maga cultist SEEM to be dreading the inevitable browning. of america, white christian nationalist are obvious about being racist and having no qualms about forcing christian dogma on the country in an undemocratic way. but the rest of the maga/gop is tagging along and suffering from the same dread. white christian bigotry and cronyism, has made me welcome more diversity, and immigration. we need more workers and immigrants need work, sounds like a good fit to me. the gop has used immigration as a phoney wedge issue for way too long. they cry the debt and then run it up when in office. i’m tired of this bs. the bottom line is they don’t want to give up power and greed. we need to stand up and drive as many maga cultist and gop out of office top to bottom. we don’t need the lies, oil interests, hate, and the general ruin of democracy. we can heal the country with new woke politicians and new workers.
Jonathan Swift
October 14, 2023 at 6:37 pm
Replace deportation with banishment and a suspended death sentence to be carried out of the person returns uninvited in writing by the President.
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