Florida’s Governor continues to deliver mixed signals about the appropriate American role in the Middle East.
In the latest example, DeSantis told Fox News viewers that American troops deployed to Syria are “sitting ducks,” and that there either needs to be more of them or none at all.
“It seems to me we’ve got troops there. It’s not clear to me that we have enough troops to really make an impact with whatever they’re trying to do. And yet we have enough troops to where they’re going to be able to be targets. And so they’re kind of sitting ducks there,” DeSantis said on Friday’s “Fox and Friends.”
DeSantis was reacting to reports that American fighter jets bombed Syrian sites that were said to be linked to Iran, widely held to be a principal sponsor of terror in the region.
The Governor has no access to intelligence briefings, but he has more to say about troops in the region.
“Now, I’m not sure Biden’s policy with how he’s deploying those troops is the right one. He’s not really articulated why that’s there. It seems like the risks are better than the benefits in terms of that,” DeSantis added.
The Governor continues to get to the right and the left of Biden on military aid to Israel and U.S. interests in the region, seemingly depending on the day.
On Thursday, the Governor announced that his administration sent cargo planes with drones, helmets, and other accessories of war to Israel, including privately-funded weapons and ammunition. It was eventually revealed that unnamed parties in the Israeli government brokered the deal, per the Associated Press.
Yet despite the unusual optics of a state functioning in bilateral military cooperation with a foreign nation, DeSantis has also said America should not get “enmeshed” in Israel’s war.
“I think that we have to be careful about getting enmeshed in a war in the Middle East, partially because China is really going to take advantage of this situation and you just find yourself $33 trillion in debt as it is (with) a very weakened defense industrial base,” DeSantis said on Newsmax Monday night.
During a NewsNation interview last week, he was asked specifically about “Special Forces,” and while the Governor didn’t rule that out either, he stressed that any U.S. military entanglement would be “classified and secret.”
“Or others who can be involved in hostage rescue attempts and there may be something where this is being done by Israel and that wouldn’t be necessary,” DeSantis said. “All that, of course, would be something that would be classified and secret, as it should be.”
Though DeSantis left the door open to the American military being engaged in “hostage rescue attempts,” he stressed then that any engagement should be in a limited, support role, and that “you wouldn’t see ground troops fighting in Israel if I were President.”
Content from The Associated Press was used in this report.
My Take
October 27, 2023 at 9:07 am
It will be wonderful when this disgusting little toad is off the daily news. Like Don Jr. now, for example. Maybe not gone, but lots less.
Earl Pitts "America's BIG VOICE on The Right" American
October 27, 2023 at 9:09 am
Good mornting America,
The fake 8IDEN Administration, how ya doing Barak, should clearly see that “The Ronald” totally has the stink on them and just resign at this time. Right after they make 8IDEN appoint “The Ronald” Desantis to his rightfull position of POTUS.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
October 27, 2023 at 9:22 am
Don’t worry. You’re boy is not falling into obscurity Shitts. He’s falling into being disliked nationally and donor-wise. And Xtina’s army of Twitter bots aren’t going to save him.
Look around doofus – nobody here is shouting out his name and going “Thank you Sir, may I have another” like the paddling scene from Animal House but you.
You’re boy lost not only POTUS, but Florida’s love too. America’s Governor? America’s Ass.
EarL (Dip)Shitts
Newt G.
October 27, 2023 at 10:01 am
Sage advice Earl,
I took the initiave and called “B” to discuss your terms of their surrender. Both he and “M” want you to know they are sorry for all the death and distruction but they just thought it was a natural extension of their expertise in communitty organization.
And would like everyone to agree to waive any alledged involvement they may or may not have been involved in to just be shrugged off as a “no harm no foul” type of thing.
As a sweetner and to to avoid prosicution they are willing to make their 8IDEN Admn. award you the Presidential Medal of Honor as their last official act prior to leaving office. (Basically the same honor which Trump bestowed upon Limbaugh prior to his departing the planet).
Thanks Earl,
Mr. Speaker
Earl Pitts "Gettin A Medal of Honor" American
October 27, 2023 at 10:20 am
Thank you Mr. Speaker for making the initial contact. It sounds perfect. I will call Ron and let him know whats about to happen.
Earl Pitts American
*normally I would not agree to such a deal, America, however I, Earl Pitts American, made this exception because I always wanted my very own Presidential Medal of Honor just like the one Rush got. *
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
October 27, 2023 at 10:09 am
Hang yourself, pedophile.
October 27, 2023 at 9:55 am
Ron Dee’s comments remind me of how the callow Ronald Reagan — Ron’s model — sent troops into Lebanon where nearly three hundred Marines were lost to a suicide truck bomber.
James L Wilson
October 27, 2023 at 10:43 am
Ah, our pacifist, warmongering leader. Not ready for prime time. Nor the undercard.
October 27, 2023 at 11:54 am
What a disaster this guy would be in the Oval Office surrounded by military advisors like the ones he has advising him now.
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