Florida’s junior Senator is backing former President Donald Trump in the 2024 race for the Republican nomination.
“I support my friend President Donald J. Trump to be the 47th president of the United States and encourage every Republican to unite behind his efforts to win back the White House. It’s time for the Republican Party to come together, behind one candidate, and declare with one voice that we are united in our efforts to defeat Joe Biden and rescue America,” U.S. Sen. Rick Scott wrote in Newsweek Thursday.
Scott offered qualified praise of the rest of the field, noting “every single one of them would be a better president than Joe Biden.”
“But Republican voters are making their voices heard loud and clear. They want to return to the leadership of Donald Trump,” the Senator added.
Scott said he would “never demand or even ask that another candidate drop out of a political contest. That’s a decision for every candidate to make for themselves.” Yet he believes “the stakes are too high” not to back Trump now.
Scott was coy when asked previously if he would endorse Trump, saying he was waiting for the field to develop.
“There’s a lot of people who are probably going to get into the race. I’ll watch who gets in the race and work with them as they go through it. My focus is doing a good job as a U.S. Senator and running for re-election as a Senator from Florida,” he said in December 2022.
But circumstances have changed, he noted Thursday.
“Here’s the honest truth. It’s not morning in America today. It’s midnight in America. In my view there is one person running who has the strength to bring America back, who is well-positioned to win the Republican primary, and who will win the general election. And that is why I am supporting Donald Trump for president.”
Despite the meaningful if unsurprising endorsement, given the strained relationship historically between Scott and Gov. Ron DeSantis, the current Governor’s presidential campaign isn’t too shaken up by his predecessor backing Trump.
“Ron DeSantis has more endorsements from state legislators than the former president in Iowa (41), New Hampshire (63), and South Carolina (16). He also has the support of almost all Florida elected officials because he worked with them to deliver historic results for the conservative movement. The governor will win his home state because Floridians want to see a fighter who will bring the same type of results-oriented leadership to Washington that he has provided in the Sunshine State,” said Communications Director Andrew Romeo.
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 10:59 am
Good mornting America,
I’m not sure where Rick’s been getting his “Sage Political Advice” from.
But he would do his constituants a really “Biggy Solid” by reading my, Earl Pitts American’s, sage words of wisdom on the regular. How can you be a Senator and “Pretend” not to know me, Earl Pitts American?
Had he been keeping up with “The Earl Of Politics” he would know that Ron and Casey will be in The White House. Rick I dont have time to compleatly school you and bring you up to my level. I suggest you ask somebody.
Thanks Rick,
Earl Pitts American
Tallahassee Insider
November 2, 2023 at 1:14 pm
I work in state government, Earl.
Literally everybody here hates Ron DeSantis on a personal level. They might be his ally politically, but nobody actually likes the guy. Ron & Rick actually hate each others guts.
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 3:20 pm
Thank you for that “Insider Information” and thank you for your your service to the Good Citizens of The Great State of Florida.
I wont ask for any additional information as some of the Dook 4 Brains Leftist “Crabs In A Bucket” at your agency may identify you and try to make your professional life misreable in the hopes you move on.
My advice to all government workers is to avoid making any political assumptions and/or political statements of any kind to any coworkers, avoid filing any type of greivance over who got hired and who did not for any position you applied for, and never file a “Whistle-Blower” action.
I’ve represented many employees that did one or more of the 3 things above and believe me: No matter how angry you are, no matter how much you feel your right and “THEY” are wrong, the odds are greatly stacked against you and odds are you will feel so bad at the end that you will actually give up your retirement and find yourself working the night shift at the liquor store on “The Southside” of town wondering each night: “Why Did’ent I Just Swallow My Fool Pride” and listen to Earl Pitts American????
Your retirement will be very sweet if you follow my advice. And in the end that is all that is important.
BTW there is a key word above that if you find you are about to say (or even think) it’s your CODE RED to shut your mouth, smile and wave, and quickly change the subject to something more plesant. That word is “THEY” if you ever start to think you are going to blaim these “They Them” people for something that made you angry then 1.) STOP 2.) SMILE & 3.) WAIVE goodbye to the subject by changing the subject or gracefully walking away.
Your retirement is in danger of being permentally flushed away if you keep on talking.
You may not like my advice now, but if you take my advice, I gurantee you will be the winner as you settle into your comfy retirement nest quietly reflect on your honorable Government service, smile a little sly smile and think “Thank You, Earl Pitts American, I never had to work the night shift at that dangerous liquor store on The Southside of town.
Thanks again Insider and enjoy your retirement when the time comes. Keep your focus “Retirement”.
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
November 3, 2023 at 10:52 am
That’s a lot of words you wasted your time writing that nobody will read because everybody here knows you’re a convicted child molester.
So stop wasting everybody’s time and precious oxygen and eat the business end of a shotgun today. 😊
Michael K
November 2, 2023 at 11:01 am
Frauds and crooks always stick together… Rhonda must feel DeSerted.
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 11:14 am
Thank you Mike for your concurement and endorsement of my, Earl Pitts American’s, above posting of sage political wisdom and superior knowledge.
I understand you are very disapointed with Senator Scott.
Mike, its very important for you to call Senator Scott’s Office several times today and demand that his staff pass on your mandatory request that your Senator immediatly begin a review of all of Earl Pitts American’s sweet knowledge drop golden nuggets of “Sage Political Wisdom”.
Thank you Mike, my newest “Besty Lefty”,
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 2:34 pm
Earl Pitts is a former FBI special agent who was convicted of espionage for selling information to Soviet and Russian intelligence services.
Earl is this you?
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
November 2, 2023 at 2:45 pm
Nah, this is Earl Pitts.
He’s a convicted child molestor.
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 3:46 pm
No Sir Tjb,
That was a real bad guy named “Earl Bitts UnAmerican” who I had to bring to justice because he was a disgusting Dook 4 Brains Leftist and a total danger to Truth, Justice, and The American Way.
Thank you for your insightfull inquiry my newest Besty Lefty Tjb. If I can ever use your services to put some dastardly Dookbl 4 Brains Leftys out of business permantly I will call you my newest Besty Lefty Tjb.
Keep up the good work my dog,
Thank you Tjb,
Earl Pitts American
Ocean Joe
November 2, 2023 at 11:41 am
Scott endorses fellow scoundrel Trump because Al Capone isnt on the ballot.
My Take
November 2, 2023 at 11:52 am
How scum paŕticles clot into various different groups has interests to specialists I suppose.
Michael K
November 2, 2023 at 12:09 pm
Scott is hedging his re-election bets, knowing Rhonda is a DeSaster. Scott, Trump, and Rhonda are all liars, grifters and losers.
November 3, 2023 at 10:15 am
What? Rubio, the candidate of the NRA, is left off your list?
November 2, 2023 at 1:05 pm
Two House Republicans have stated they won’t seek reelection! One is a Democrat pick up! Elsewhere, Obama and Holder lawyers are reversing House gerrymandering! Democrats are expected to pick up a dozen House seats through their efforts. Independent voters will be deciding who wins the 2024 elections. Independent voters are the second party of choice following Democrats!
Rick Scott’s policies and decisions are offering more Republican voters the incentive to jump ship!
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
Earl Pitts "World-Wide Political Influncer" American
November 3, 2023 at 8:50 am
Peter I’ve posted several nuggetts of sage political wisdom aimed at informing all my Besty Lefties on the hazzards of reading A. P. articles without the knowledge that they are all 99.99% political propaganda.
My advice, Peter, is to use great care when reading A. P. articles and pause at least 12 times mid-read to ask yourself …. “HMmmmmm …. what would Earl Pitts American think about that factiod of A. P. propaganda which I, “Reforming Dook 4 Brains Lefty” Peter just read?
Congrats on reaching out for help Peter.
I, Earl Pitts American, am here for you in your journey to shake your Dook 4 Brains Leftism, and return to being the proud Patriot your relatives in Heaven and here on Earth will be proud of. Keep up the good work Peter we will get you thru this together.
Earl Pitts American
November 2, 2023 at 8:33 pm
In the accompanying photo, Trump is offering Rick more gruel. sir.
Silly Wabbit
November 3, 2023 at 7:57 am
Scott dick.
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