U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is doubling down on his presidential endorsement, arguing that the race for the GOP nomination is over.
“Donald Trump’s going to clearly win the Primary and then I think he’s going to win the General Election and then there’ll be a lot of work,” Scott told host Drew Steele on 92.5 Right All Along.
Scott’s comments follow an endorsement formalized six days ago.
“I support my friend President Donald J. Trump to be the 47th president of the United States and encourage every Republican to unite behind his efforts to win back the White House. It’s time for the Republican Party to come together, behind one candidate, and declare with one voice that we are united in our efforts to defeat Joe Biden and rescue America,” Scott wrote in Newsweek Thursday.
The Senator added that “Republican voters are making their voices heard loud and clear. They want to return to the leadership of Donald Trump.” While Scott would “never demand or even ask that another candidate drop out of a political contest,” he believes “the stakes are too high” not to back Trump now.
The comments, which came before a debate Wednesday in Miami among the non-Trump candidates in the Republican field, offer more proof of Scott’s conviction in this race.
On Saturday, Scott acknowledged that Gov. Ron DeSantis is “working hard and doing the best he can” as Governor, but has previously discussed a lack of dialogue or collaboration between the current Governor and the Senator who preceded him as the state’s chief executive.
Meanwhile, DeSantis has lumped Scott in with “people that are having a rush to try to short circuit the people’s voice” in the presidential race, suggesting that the chilly dynamic between the two won’t thaw anytime soon.
Floridians at least for now seem to agree with Scott’s take on the race, however. A new poll from the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab shows the Governor trailing former President Donald Trump by nearly 40 points in Florida. Trump has 60% support while DeSantis has just 21% backing.
Impeach Biden
November 8, 2023 at 8:29 am
Probably correct. The press has focused all its energy on attacking DeSantis. The press knows. The Demo party knows. Many voters know that DeSantis would easily defeat “Dementia Joe” and “Giggles”. However a near dead, Joe Biden, would beat Trump. There you have it. Mission complete. Four more years, if he makes it, of babbling and bumbling, trying to read that teleprompter Joe. Then there is the protector of Willie’s willy standing by. Oh boy.
November 8, 2023 at 9:19 am
The alternative is continuing to shift wealth and income from the middle and working classes to the uber rich.
Earl Pitts "Making Politics Better for Minoritys" American
November 8, 2023 at 10:45 am
Good morning MH/Duuuval,
It’s time to put a sock in the mouth of you and any other Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s singing that tired old yarn.
Hello fools:
It’s 20-€ffin-23 already!!!!
Nobody’s smelling the dusty old P00Ts you’re P00TING out any more.
Go out to your Suburu SUV and scrape off that faded old HILLARY sticker. 8itch 8iden’s got us on the tipping point to WWIII and you’re still harping on that tired old outdated so yester-€ffin-day shifting wealth and income B. S.
Thank you MH/Duuuvall,
Other than that little necessary 8itch Slap wake-up call I hope you have a great day.
November 8, 2023 at 10:51 am
Thanks for reaching out EarL – the GOP reeducation camp knows you are their facist poster boy.
And EarL knows his boy Ronnie D is getting trounced as people are waking up to his BS so he’s trying to discredit the reasons.
Shifting wealth isn’t an old trope and enough people remember what it was like to be middle class and enough young people want to experience it. This is the reason the GOP wants to surpress their voting.
You’re tribe is losing and have been losing. If not for the rules being setup like they are, the tribe wouldn’t have any power.
Good luck EarL – your time is passing. Ohio, Kentucky, and Virgina were further examples of this Tuesday.
Earl Pitts "Making Politics Better for Minoritys" American
November 8, 2023 at 12:12 pm
Thank you JD for your gift of wacky contrarian Dook 4 Brains Lefty commentary cleverly designed to make me, Earl Pitts American, more of the Sage Go-To-American- Political-Guru than I really am.
Don’t let Rick Whitaker intimidate you as he has had my wacky Leftist contrarian commentator position on lock-down and will be jealous of you.
November 8, 2023 at 12:15 pm
Please EarL, enlighten us how my response made you look more sage like?
You know, for us in the cheap seats. EarL Shitts, a legend in his own mind…
“It’s not the heat. It’s EarL’s stupidity”
Ralph Loewenthal
November 8, 2023 at 4:16 pm
I agree with you that Biden be impeached or forced, into retirement. He is complicit in all the deaths in Gaza. Iran, as the sponsor of the terrorist groups, Hamas / Isis and Hezbollah through Iran and Quatar. Look what happened when he took office, by pulling American troops out of Afghanistan and leaving billions of dollars of armaments, that were taken to Pakistan to arm Al Quida
Rick Whitaker
November 8, 2023 at 6:12 pm
impeach biden, how crude and imbecilic can you get. you are embarrassing yourself.
November 9, 2023 at 10:45 pm
No more so than Ralph Loewenthal who doesn’t write so much as spit on his keyboard.
Don Camp
November 8, 2023 at 8:44 pm
Wisdom has been chasing you for a long time, BUT you have always been faster.
Earl Pitts "Making Politics Better for Minoritys" American
November 8, 2023 at 8:55 am
Good morning America
Rick’s gonna wish he had been a fan of Earl Pitts American because Rick would have known that Trump will soon be giving his endorsement to “Our Next POTUS Ron DeSantis” and Rick could have saved some of his Honor and Trustability factor by not going so “in your €fin face to DeSantis”.
Rick’s most likely not going to run again and is trying to put the boot to DeSantis butt in a foolish Mano y Mano hate filled vengeful thing.
There you have my, Earl Pitts American’s, sage wisdom explanation of why Rick is acting like such a b hole to our next POTUS Ron DeSantis.
Rick Whitaker
November 8, 2023 at 6:15 pm
rick scott is a horrible man, but in this case he happens to be right. when desantis loses to a bigger loser, what are you going to do with your free time.
November 8, 2023 at 9:52 am
Brawhahaha – poetic justice to DeSantis
I just want our FL Taxpayer money back used for the campaign
Deegan for Govenor 2026
My Takeamus's calling forr
November 8, 2023 at 11:12 am
Espècially amusing comìng a day oŕ so after DeSScamus’s calling for his other rivals to drop out and not be “spoilers.”
My Take
November 8, 2023 at 11:15 am
Without my noticing, the tablet jumps to the name block
Impeach Biden
November 8, 2023 at 11:46 am
JD, How about we go after a much larger tax ripoff and that is the amount of Federal taxes we are paying to feed, house, clothe, transport, provide medical care, education to the millions that have crossed this border illegally. The three stooges: “Dementia” Joe, “Willie” Harris, and “Lying” Mayorkas should all be impeached for their complete mismanagement and handling of what was once our Southern Border. There are criminals, pedophiles, terrorists that have entered this country illegally. Just imagine if Israel had an open Border with Gaza. Billions have been wasted in this debacle.
November 8, 2023 at 12:13 pm
Please “Impeach”, send up some numbers, and their sources. I am curious as well and if they are legit, then it’s something that should be addressed.
But those are “what-about-ism” on the Federal level, when talking about state funds being used for a campaign.
Should we talk about state monies being used for something that’s not a state purview?
Like moving illegals around the country from other states to another without a goal in mind that fixes the problem?
How about saying they are moving weapons around to Israel? Well, acting like it was moved around but called out by the Israelis themselves as it being not true?
Or moving people out of the Gaza conflict but leaving them stranded in another country instead of getting them to the US as promised?
All using state funds when it is the jurisdiction of the Feds? How are those What-about-isms?
November 8, 2023 at 1:55 pm
How about we class back the $2.1 trillion tax break Trump gave to the upper one percent? Trump and his MAGA stooges in Congress have already said they want to renew the break for those who can’t spend it fast enough..
November 8, 2023 at 10:53 pm
claw back, not class back
Flash Light
November 10, 2023 at 3:31 am
When you say crossed the border illegally, where is a citation of fact or empirical data of numbers in the millions?
Are you confusing “illegals” with legitimate persons who have come to the border, requested asylum, and are being processed through our immigration service?
Undesirable “illegals” as you refer to have entered the U.S. for decades, yet Congress – which is responsible for passing immigration law – has done NOTHING MEANINGFUL since Republicans have blocked meaningful proposed legislation for quite some time. All presidents have hands tied unless Congress acts or allocates more funding to address the issues.
It is easy to generalize, takes more work to provide facts to your argument.
Earl Pitts "Making Politics Better for Minoritys" American
November 8, 2023 at 5:11 pm
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you JD,
But in response to how you made me look more “Sage” (which BTW is every political advisor’s fondest dream) I, Earl Pitts American, just gazed upon my “SAGE COUNTENANCE” in the mirror and incredibly found myself, Earl Pitts American, to reflect an 88.34% increased reflection of “Sageness” on the trusted and indisputable “Saffer/Simpson Scale of Political Sageness” !!!!
BOOYAH JD – In Your Face My Man !!!
*FYI I just got off the phone with the RINO Political Advisor, Karl Rove, and not only did Karl congratulate my, Earl Pitts American’s, awesome “Sageness” Karl stated if he could only reflect an additional 10% increase in his Sageness he would immediately without touching “IT” have a tumultuous organza in his pants.
Proof Positive JD.
Rick Whitaker
November 8, 2023 at 5:49 pm
November 8, 2023 at 6:09 pm
“without touching “IT” have a tumultuous organza in his pants”
So you’re saying you gave an old white republican male an orgasm?
Gross man.
You are seriously adding evidence that you are a creeper and a groomer.
Better hope the Democrats keep the GOP from taking away your homosexual rights.
Bless your heart.
Earl Pitts "Making Politics Better for Minoritys" American
November 8, 2023 at 6:44 pm
Thank you JD
While I, Earl Pitts American, do not agree that homertesticals will enter The Kingdom of Heaven without some serious repentance and forgiveness and changing back to the non-homertesticular lifestyle [AKA STRAIGHT].
I, Earl Pitts American, do not agree with the way you abuse and talk down to our homertesticular voters who have not yet repented.
The Republican Party has a “Big Tent” and all voters are welcome. Even “Not Yet Repentance Homertesticuls”.
Do Better JD.
Earl Pitts “Homertesticular Voters Are Welcome” American
November 8, 2023 at 8:34 pm
Big tent is a gipper line there EarL and he’s king passed.
The Dook 4 Brains GOP will need repentance. Especially once the orange goon goes jail.
Nobody’s buying tickets to that Big Tent circus and clown show any more.
Do better EarL
Rick Whitaker
November 8, 2023 at 8:37 pm
Michael K
November 8, 2023 at 9:57 am
I rarely agree with Scott – and detest most of his policies and positions, especially his insistence to gut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. But I think he is correct in his assessment. So far as the media treatment of DeSantis, he is, or was, nationally, an unknown, and the press has an obligation to do more than regurgitate campaign talking points, as DeSantis would prefer.
Past is prologue, and a candidate with no relationship with his colleagues from his three terms as a US Congressman, and with the governor he succeeded, says a lot about DeSantis’s inability or unwillingness to build and maintain bridges. His hardline policies and waffling are fair game – and the only reason he was able to be so radical was because of a Republican supermajority. That’s not even remotely possible at the federal level.
Finally, it’s not just the candidate – it’s the MAGA voters and cult enablers who have seized control of the Republican party, and they are not going to let anyone usurp their power or replace their orange idol.
November 8, 2023 at 2:40 pm
True Dat with Scott’s prediction that Trump will be the chosen one. But how brave and ball$y would it have been for Rick to make a bold and different choice, throw his weight towards a semi normal Republican, bang the “We gotta get rid of Trump” drum and rescue America? I’m sure this endorsement comes with a position in Trumps potential administration, Secretary of Defense, maybe so he could wear his Navy hat. And I’m sure not advocating for DeSantis, Haley, maybe… But its just too much to expect Ricky to Man Up, I guess.
My Take
November 8, 2023 at 11:20 am
HOW do GOPers ignore Trump’s enormous, vast, deep, ìnsidious, and uncorrectable faults??
Linwood Wright
November 8, 2023 at 12:11 pm
Those are features to them.
The average Republican vote is an absolute scumbag, and they see themselves in Donald Trump.
Linwood Wright
November 8, 2023 at 12:10 pm
It’s truly telling that the best the GOP can come up with is Donald Trump. A man facing a list of felonies and indictments as thick as the Manhattan phone book.
The GOP truly is a broken party.
November 8, 2023 at 12:11 pm
Please “Impeach”, send up some numbers, and their sources. I am curious as well and if they are legit, then it’s something that should be addressed.
But those are “what-about-ism” on the Federal level, when talking about state funds being used for a campaign.
Should we talk about state monies being used for something that’s not a state purview?
Like moving illegals around the country from other states to another without a goal in mind that fixes the problem?
How about saying they are moving weapons around to Israel? Well, acting like it was moved around but called out by the Israelis themselves as it being not true?
Or moving people out of the Gaza conflict but leaving them stranded in another country instead of getting them to the US as promised?
All using state funds when it is the jurisdiction of the Feds? How are those What-about-isms?
My Take
November 8, 2023 at 12:15 pm
DeSScaredis is too afraid of Trump to attack effectìvely.
Now true, he can’t afford to highly alienate MAGA.
But tthere are subjects that could infuriate and trigger Trumpy that the MAGA morons don’t really care about.
Call Trumpy “Forbes Reject”, “not one of the BIG big boys,” “rich but not super rich” “upper MIDDLE rank,” “once feared,” etc.
November 8, 2023 at 12:16 pm
Tuesday night gave today’s Republican Party a well deserved kick in the teeth. There will be more to come. Trump will never be president and neither will DeSantis.
My Take
November 9, 2023 at 9:14 am
How would you like tò see Trump fail, he to be eliminated from the frey ?
Nothing fatal or brutal or medical: we are not like them.
Eliminated legally from the ballot would be outstanding.
Prison would be nice.
Held hostage by DeepState for a few month to protect their day jobs; that would be historic.
RNC conniving it somehow to try to win would be a joy to behold: MAGA would yield megatons.
À more likely mode would be a show worth watching too. Trump at frequent times now seems near the edge. A Trump meltdown to madness would stop clocks. Extreme exotherny!
What fortuitous trigger lies in his many travails? Election day sedated in a private asylum! The angels would sing.
November 9, 2023 at 10:58 am
Mr. Scott… Trump has not appeared at a single debate. Trump is likely to be convicted in three jurisdictions before the election. You are suggesting a losing strategy. I follow politics and know that these are no legal lawsuits, but low information and independent voters will not understand. I want to win. Desantis is essentially the same on policy as Trump. Let Trump be Speaker of the House. Nothing against Trump, but he does not have the same chance to win a National election. As good as polls look now for Trump, they were better for Desantis in swing states.
Ocean Joe
November 9, 2023 at 1:21 pm
Lex, there is a serious disorder among the American voting public that either vile Trump or the cognitively challenged Biden could be seriously considered for the presidency.
Gerald Ford was no genius, but by comparison he looks like one now.
Ocean Joe
November 9, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Earl, I feel your pain.
I hope you can find peace when Ronnie gets crushed in Iowa by all those fat government subsidized redneck farmer types.
Focus on the bright side: Desantis is in his 40’s, the cheeseburgers and the bonespurs will take Trump off the scene before long and Ronnie can rise again. There will always be folks drawn to his discrimination.
November 12, 2023 at 8:56 pm
For the record: Trump had to pay off the midwest farmers some $9B — in addition to their normal payments — because of his attempts to hurt China’s economy.
PRC quit buying so much corn, etc., from US in retaliation.
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