The numbers aren’t adding up for Ron DeSantis in recent 2024 polling, but the Florida Governor says the more relevant metrics come from elections of the past.
During a virtual press conference with Iowa reporters, the Republican presidential candidate urged those with questions about the future to look back to previous years rather than put stock in public opinion surveys.
“So, every time I’ve been on the ballot, I’ve over-performed the national environment,” DeSantis said Thursday morning.
He contrasted his win in 2022 over Charlie Crist (“a victory that nobody has ever been able to do as Republicans”) with allegedly less impressive wins by Primary rival Nikki Haley.
“When she ran for Governor of South Carolina, she ran in two really big red wave years and she under-performed both of those. In fact, her margins, even though South Carolina is a really solid Republican state and she was running in wet red wave years, she had much small margins than I did in Florida running in a relatively poor year for Republicans in a swing state,” he said.
The Governor believes his 2022 success against Crist, a former Republican who emerged from a divisive primary against Nikki Fried, is the best indicator of future performance.
“If you want to be able to win the Electoral College. You got to win Georgia. You got to win Arizona. You got to win Wisconsin, maybe even Pennsylvania. And so we’ve shown an ability to do that in ways that the other candidates have not. Obviously, you know, Donald Trump ran in 2020 against Joe Biden,” DeSantis said. “It didn’t work out well.”
The Governor also threw cold water on polling in general.
“Some of these polls that people put out, I would remind people the polls were predicting a red wave in 2022 that did not happen,” he said. “The polls were predicting that I would win Governor, but by about half as much as I actually did; a lot of them were saying 5 to 7 points and we won by almost 20. So, we not only have a history of over-performing the national environment, but also over-performing the polls.”
DeSantis’ words will be put to the test in the months ahead, starting with the Iowa caucuses Jan. 15. He will have to over-perform polling for sure: the Race to the White House average shows him 48 points behind Trump nationally,
Linwood Wright
November 30, 2023 at 1:02 pm
He’s just completely delusional, but you can’t spell MoRON without Ron.
Who killed Peter Antonacci? 🧐
November 30, 2023 at 1:10 pm
He’s also been dodging questions about his cover up of the death of Peter Anotonacci in his office. I wonder if he was complicit?
Impeach Biden
November 30, 2023 at 1:19 pm
Do you really think he had anything to do with this? Is this Nikki Fried by chance using an alias?
Who killed Peter Antonacci? 🧐
November 30, 2023 at 2:05 pm
I thin the fact that security footage shows he layed dying while clutching his chest for 24 minutes before anybody lifted a finger to help at the very least shows gross incompetence and negligence on the part of the Governor at best.
At worst, he seized the opportunity to let the man die in order to conveiently get rid of the guy after their relationship turned sour. All accounts say they had a heated argument just minutes before his death.
The fact that there was actual cover-up and we’re not hearing about his until a year later is EXTREMELY suspicious.
So, do I think the Governor killed him? No.
Do I think he took the opportunity to let him die? Maybe.
Do I think the Governor is incompetent and negligent here?
Absolutely, undoubtedly, 100% YES.
Why else the cover up?
This governor needs to be investigated here.
My Take
November 30, 2023 at 2:57 pm
Maybe he can use that one-in-qùadrillion thing from the 2020 election.
My Take
December 1, 2023 at 2:56 pm
Laquacko may have some arcane statistical theory.
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