Casey DeSantis is calling on supporters of her husband’s presidential campaign to spend some time in the Hawkeye State next month.
“We’re asking all of these moms and grandmoms to come from wherever it might be — North Carolina, South Carolina — and descend upon the state of Iowa to be a part of the caucus because you do not have to be a resident of Iowa to be able to participate in the caucus. So moms and grandmoms are going to be able to come and be a part and let their voice be heard in support of Ron DeSantis.”
Florida’s First Lady made the comments on the Fox News Channel.
Casey DeSantis clarified these comments during an event in Iowa later on Friday, noting that the campaign knows “that they cannot vote in the caucus process, but they can come and volunteer and they can be a part of it in that way, so you’re seeing people from North Carolina, from South Carolina, from Florida, in particular coming because they feel so strongly about protecting the future of their kids.
The Iowa GOP notes that all caucus participants must actually live in the state, meanwhile, throwing cold water on those supporters’ vacation plans. This comes after Gov. DeSantis suggested that Iowa should hold caucuses in Florida, an idea that got no traction.
The DeSantis campaign is betting heavily on mobilizing female voters with progeny toward its cause.
The campaign announced that its coalition of “Mamas for DeSantis” now has “mamas and grandmamas in all 99 counties” of Iowa on board Friday. Those who remember his re-election campaign will recall that “Mamas for DeSantis” was a key part of his campaign’s success against Charlie Crist last November.
And if Casey DeSantis’ words are any indication, they expect that success to translate nationally.
“Ron and I are thrilled to have built the largest mobilization of moms and grandmothers across the United States of America, starting right here in Iowa, to champion Ron DeSantis for President. He will protect the innocence of our children and to protect the rights of parents,” Casey DeSantis said Friday.
“This is the fight of our lifetime. For so many parents across the country — Republicans, Democrats and independents alike — we draw the line at coming after our kids. This coalition will fight for Ron DeSantis to become the next President of the United States because he will fight to defend the innocence of children and hold the line in defense of our rights, liberties and freedoms.”
Michael K
December 8, 2023 at 4:30 pm
Wait a minute. A caucus does not require one to be a resident?
What a pathetic joke.
December 8, 2023 at 4:51 pm
So, Casey and Ron “…will fight to defend the innocence of children and hold the line in defense of our rights, liberties and freedoms.”
But only children they approve of, only “rights” as they define rights, and only liberties and freedoms for them and their followers, not others.
So that’s three strikes agains Casey at the bat.
December 8, 2023 at 5:24 pm
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December 8, 2023 at 4:54 pm
And you’re right, Michael K, why in the world call it the Iowa Caucus if it’s open to anyone in the country. How insulting to the residents of Iowa.
And how desperate of Casey to try to take advantage and import supporters. Makes me wonder if they’re looking at flying some in, they don’t seem to have a problem with wasting donated money.
December 8, 2023 at 5:16 pm
She said you can participate as an out of state resident, but she did not say you could vote. A little sneaky but that’s how Team DeSantis rolls: never stop lies, distortions, gaslighting.
December 10, 2023 at 4:32 pm
Caucus voting does require residency.
John Lentini
December 8, 2023 at 4:51 pm
Oh yeah. Women will flock from around the country to support Ron and Casey’s forced birth agenda.
December 8, 2023 at 5:04 pm
Sounds like she is advocating for non residents to skew the results of the Caucuses in favor of Ron. Sounds like interference.
December 8, 2023 at 5:19 pm
No Consequences In Florida
December 8, 2023 at 5:49 pm
Poor thing; just clueless.
December 8, 2023 at 6:11 pm
Nobody’s coming after the kids. She is the one who is trying to restrict their liberties and freedoms. She’s totally crackers.
Michael K
December 8, 2023 at 8:06 pm
So here are the rules. Casey is trying to break the rules. Call the election police:
You can caucus if you meet the following requirements:
You must be eligible to vote in the state of Iowa.
You will be 18 years old by Nov. 5, 2024. That means if you’re 17 and turn 18 between the date of the caucuses and the general election, you can caucus.
You must be registered as a Democrat or Republican. If you’re registered under a third party or no party, you won’t be able to caucus.
My Take
December 8, 2023 at 9:10 pm
It was probably initially envisioned that almost no one in his right mind would voluntarily come to Iowa in winter.
My Take
December 9, 2023 at 12:12 am
Come to Iowa.
“It will be wild !”
December 9, 2023 at 6:27 am
Is Casey also calling on the Mamas For Liberty to join in too?
No Consequences In Florida
December 9, 2023 at 7:56 am
KC wants in on the thruple
Sonja Fitch
December 9, 2023 at 8:08 am
As usual Mrs Desantis does not have or care to know the Law. Desantis and Mrs Desantis do not believe they belong to low lifers that follow the rules for the common good! Sad! Pathetic! Get out Desantis!
Dale A Arnold
December 9, 2023 at 8:58 am
Maybe Christian and Bridget Ziegler will help out? Such upstanding people with great morals that are an example for the children!
Dont Say FLA
December 9, 2023 at 10:31 am
That’s pretty bad when Trailer Face is the public face for your presidential campaign. Somebody please find Jill’s missing 200 pounds, reattach it to her, and put her back in the single wide she came from.
Michael K
December 9, 2023 at 11:04 am
Curious to know how many of the mamas, grandmas, and kids her husband kicked off Medicaid will line up to shill for DeSaster.
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