Gov. Ron DeSantis is telling Iowans that there shouldn’t be national regulation of the minimum wage, pointing to Florida as an example.
But back before Florida voters passed a constitutional amendment setting the stage for a $15 an hour minimum by 2026, the Governor opposed it.
The contrast between comments made by DeSantis as a presidential candidate and ones he made before launching a national run is worth noting.
In Waukee on Thursday, DeSantis noted that “voters approved a minimum wage that’s higher than the federal minimum wage,” a move “that was controversial when it passed because people were concerned it could cost jobs.”
Indeed, DeSantis was among those who were “concerned,” saying at the time the proposal would “cause big, big upheavals for the restaurant industry” and said that if people regretted the move, they “literally would have to go back and do another constitutional amendment.”
But if there was a need to do another amendment, Iowans wouldn’t have known it, given his framing of Florida wages.
“I think what’s happened is our economy so outperformed the rest of the country that we have rising wages in Florida. And it’s real wages. It’s not just because of inflation,” DeSantis said.
He credited having “E-Verify in place” and “a legal workforce” as the things really driving Florida’s wage growth.
“That helps because you can’t have illegal aliens undercutting American workers, particularly for blue-collar jobs,” he said.
“So we’ve shown, I think, the way to have higher wages is through sound policy, not necessarily dictating it from the government. Even though we do have that in our Constitution, most of the wages in Florida, even at entry level, are far in excess of that.”
My Take
January 3, 2024 at 1:20 pm
If DeSSantis got lyrangitis would he inflate and blow up?
Dont Say FLA
January 3, 2024 at 2:04 pm
DeSantis is suddenly all interested in increasing Florida’s minimum wage.
And why?
Because his next job, playing Dopey at Disney World, only pays minimum wage!
January 3, 2024 at 4:13 pm
esyovia sullivan
January 5, 2024 at 7:40 am
hmmm….he does really look like Dopey!
January 3, 2024 at 6:49 pm
January 3, 2024 at 9:48 pm
Better to put poor teenagers to work at minimum wage on rooftops than pay their parents a decent wage with humane benefits.
Uncle Jimmy
January 4, 2024 at 9:15 am
Somebody got to get up on them roofs hammering to keep the De Santis Florida insurance industry racket going full steam and fully in all our pockets.
And it sure ain’t going to be De Santis getting up on any roof. Which is not a short joke. Ladders work, even for shorties like Ron.
Climbing ladders and hammering shingles all day in the searing heat under constant pressure to go faster, that there is demanding torture.
Ron DeSantis, however, is normally found on torture’s supply side. Also Ron is already too fast, at least according to Jill when she gets tipsy around the Secret Services guys, people are saying.
January 5, 2024 at 7:13 am
Booger Boy 🤮🤮🤮
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