Florida’s Governor is speaking out in defense of Florida’s strictest abortion law in history, and defending “exceptions” put in to the six-week ban as the Legislature acceding to the popular will.
During an CNN interview Thursday, Ron DeSantis was asked about 2023’s Heartbeat Protection Act, a bill that bans abortion early in gestation except in cases of rape, incest, and other outlier issues difficult to adjudicate that early in pregnancy. Those situations would allow abortions up to the 15th week of pregnancy.
“But those exceptions are in law. I know those are issues that a lot of people have strong feelings about. And so I signed the legislation with those exceptions in law: rape, incest, life of the mother, victims of human trafficking, as well as the really terrible situations where you have the fetal abnormality. So that is what I think the people wanted and that was what the law reflects,” DeSantis said.
“Those are exceptions that have been talked about for many, many years And the legislature put those in very carefully and yes, of course, I think they’re reasonable,” DeSantis added.
Asked about the previously ratified 15-week ban, which lacked exceptions, DeSantis didn’t explain why it was necessary to tighten the law twice in two years. He instead noted that “the reason why it wasn’t is because there was no reason required at all for up to the 15 weeks.”
“And so that’s why they didn’t put it in when you’re talking about a heartbeat. It’s just a different, there’s a prudential judgment that the legislature is making. But I’ve said I support exceptions and would support exceptions.”
January 4, 2024 at 11:44 pm
Yeah sure. If by some miracle he was elected president, and by another miracle it got through congress, he would sign a national ban on abortion so fast your head would spin.
Dont Say FLA
January 5, 2024 at 7:35 am
Let’s say an extremely obese MAGA voting vax denying Floridian with failing kidneys and high blood pressure and mysteriously still a heartbeat refuses the Covid vaccine.
Does this bill require them to get the vaccine? It should, just so long as their enlarged ticker is still ticking.
It’s only fair. A heartbeat is a heartbeat, and Florida is pro-heartbeat.
Does State of Florida have to feed the hungry?
It’s only fair. A heartbeat is a heartbeat. You don’t eat, your heart stops after a few weeks.
Does State of Florida have to house the unhoused?
It’s only fair. A heartbeat is a heartbeat is a heartbeat.. You get too hot or, potentially, even in Florida, too cold, your heart stops beating.
Should Florida shut down its beaches? Some heartbeats are ended by drowning, you know.
Whatabout cars? So many heartbeats are stopped when cars are not appropriately stopped in spacetime.
January 5, 2024 at 1:07 pm
Well abortion will be on the ballot in November of 2024 and the Florida voters will have their say. Register to vote! If you’re not registered….. you can’t vote!
January 5, 2024 at 4:41 pm
Let’s hear from the distaff side. It’s their bodies being discussed and regulated.
January 5, 2024 at 11:10 pm
The abortion/choice referendum petition has reached critical mass. AG Moody is trying to kill the measure. at the Florida Supreme Court, which Dee crammed with his fellow travelers in robes.
Ron Forrest Ron
January 6, 2024 at 1:07 pm
Texas has conveniently demonstrated, for all of us to see, how the “exceptions” clause works in real life: “NO exceptions!”
Impeach Biden
January 12, 2024 at 2:10 pm
I think that every woman should have their vagina sewn shut until she’s been legally married in a Christian church.
Ron Forrest Ron
January 18, 2024 at 7:56 am
Ron must not have heard up in Iowa how Texas already let the cat out of the bag.
“Exceptions for blah blah blah” really means “No exceptions you should have kept your legs shut like the Bible says.”
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