Ron DeSantis needed Donald Trump to become Governor in 2018. In 2024, Trump is standing in his way in the state, far ahead in presidential preference polls.
On Tuesday night, DeSantis responded to a reporter’s question about whether he would win Florida with a non-answer and confession of his “underdog” status.
“Look, you guys are gonna prognosticate,” DeSantis said to NBC’s Alec Hernandez. “I like being underestimated.”
“I think that being the underdog suits me better,” he added. “So I, I hope people can, you know, will, will, will, will underestimate. You know, we’re gonna do well. But what’s gonna happen is starting with Iowa because you’re going to see a lot of fluidity with this. Once people start voting, you’re going to see that.”
Polls suggest that Florida Republican voters aren’t feeling fluid as of this writing.
In a Victory Insights survey of 1,220 voters conducted on Dec. 8 and 9, Trump has 59% support, with DeSantis at 19% and Nikki Haley at 8%.
A Florida Atlantic University survey from November showed Trump leading DeSantis, 61% to 20%.
The University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab, in a November poll, showed Trump had 60% support while DeSantis had just 21% backinFlorida’sa’s March 19 Primary is a winner-take-all contest, in which 125 delegates to the Republican National Convention will be allocated.
Michael K
January 9, 2024 at 10:48 pm
Being “underestimated” is a polite way of saying you are extremely disliked and most people find you repulsive.
A dog no longer in the fight isn’t an “underdog”…
January 9, 2024 at 11:39 pm
DeSantis will suspend his campaign long before the Florida presidential preference primary.
January 10, 2024 at 7:41 am
Delusions of grandeur – he’s toast. If, and that’s a big if, he’s still around in March, I’d like to see Nikki beat him for second place just to hammer home that point that he’s totally unlikeable.
Dont Say FLA
January 10, 2024 at 8:21 am
Rhonda, you yourself corrected the public’s estimation of you.
The idea of you sounded great to many, leading to speculative and gross overestimation.
But then Rhonda showed up and opened that Kermit the Frog mouth of his, complaining incessantly about drag queens and such nonsense, crashing his own campaign like a saboteur could only dream of. Unless Casey is the saboteur.
January 10, 2024 at 9:07 am
When the political elites decide that running Trump in a general election from prison will be a nightmare, everyone is going to rally behind Desantis. Desantis did a wonderful job of navigating Florida through COVID. Policy-wise, Desantis and Trump are pretty similar. But from a press standpoint, Desantis won’t be blundering like Trump did on occasion. People need to remember that the Independents and Democrats that you need to pull to win elections are not the same people as the Republican primary voters. Desantis is a good compromise who is likely to win even after the Democrats switch to Obama, Newsome, or Clinton as they won’t actually be running Biden.
Dont Say FLA
January 10, 2024 at 11:45 am
The elites prefer Loser Trump, so voters should abandon the elites and instead pick the Ivy League Law guy who Trump picked to be Florida’s Governor? That’ll learn ’em. Them elites will never know what hit ’em with an Ivy League, Harvard and Yale law guy in the oval office. LOLex
January 10, 2024 at 4:28 pm
Policy wise Ron is far smarter in his little pinky than Trump.
Trump is fun and likes to talk. Ron is cerebral and gets the job done better than any executive in the country..
Trump had a great economy for all , but didn’t build the big beautiful wall and surrendered our country to two bureaucrats Fauci and Birx (the scarf queen)
and allowed a nationwide totalitarian lockdown and forced jabs like a 3rd world country.
Trump won in ‘16 because the cheaters in those 5 states who vault ballots for the Ds never suspected he would beat Clinton.
America needs to move on and put DeSantis in the WH before the illegal invasion at the border destroys America and bankrupts the middle class to pay for these lawbreakers.
John L
January 10, 2024 at 10:39 am
Trump is not going to prison ever. It will in appeals forever and he will be president by the time any of these cases are decided. Stalling was reason for his nutjob lawyer saying Trump could murder his political rivals with the navy seals and not be charged unless impeached first. It will be appealed to whole appeals court and then supreme court and election will be over by then. Desantis is unlikable and mean and petty and has zero chance even if trump went to jail. Haley would beat him
Dont Say FLA
January 10, 2024 at 11:48 am
Agree. Haley will beat DeSantis in their one-on-one debate tonight like Rhonda was an unwanted Texas newborn.
Speaking of unwanted Texas newborns, wonder if any of Rhonda’s trafficking victims he flew out from Texas got an abortion since then? Based on Abbott’s Law in Texas, we can all sue Rhonda if somebody did. Abbott’s done it too. One abortion and Abbot is on the hook to everybody who sues him for transporting a mother-to-be across state lines and getting an abortion.
My Take
January 11, 2024 at 3:05 am
Rhonda’s not a Net troll, he’s a bridge troll. Look at him. Listen to him.
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