The Iowa caucuses are in four days, and according to the latest survey from Iowa State University, Ron DeSantis needs to make up ground quickly.
Just as was the case with a Suffolk University poll also released on Thursday, the Florida Governor is 41 points behind, with less than 15% support.
“Of the 1,128 registered Iowa voters surveyed from Jan. 5-10 … (more than) half (55%) of these likely caucus-goers selected former President Donald Trump as their top pick. This is consistent with results from December, which showed him at 54%,” the polling memo reads.
DeSantis is tied for second with Nikki Haley at 14%. DeSantis dropped 4 points from last month, while Haley fell 2 points.
“Not a lot of people are changing their mind. People who came into this race knowing they wanted Donald Trump to be the nominee have kept that position the entire time, which is about half of likely caucus-goers,” said Dave Peterson, Lucken Professor of Political Science at Iowa State University and organizer of the ISU/Civiqs poll.
DeSantis is telling Iowa media that the race is closer than the polls say.
“I mean, I think our events in the last week, a lot of undecideds are coming. We’re going to be barnstorming Iowa all through caucus. I think there’s a lot of people that haven’t made a firm decision. We’ve got a lot of firm commitments, which is great. And these folks are going to come out, and we’re going to turn them out,” the Governor told radio host Doug Wagner Thursday.
DeSantis has said all the right things about his political organization and its ability to compel Iowans to caucus. The polls tell a different story. Monday night will be the proving ground for one narrative or the other.
One comment
Dont Say FLA
January 11, 2024 at 3:43 pm
Maybe these poll stories would be less monotonous via reporting how far Rhonda’s fallen behind Nikki Haley.
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