Gov. Ron DeSantis endorsed Donald Trump upon leaving the presidential race, but he clearly harbors doubts about the former President’s viability.
Asked about “our chances” in 2024, DeSantis started off with a quip before cataloging many of the concerns that animated his speeches in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in recent months.
“Well, obviously I wouldn’t have run if I didn’t think my chances were the best on all of this. So I may not be the right guy, but look, these things happen and, and ultimately it’s up for candidates to be able to go out there and make the case going forward,” DeSantis said in Naples.
While DeSantis believes Joe Biden is a “failed President,” he also thought the Democrat was a “failed candidate” four years ago. And Biden’s bumbling doesn’t in itself make the case for Trump, he added.
“Ultimately, it’s not just the person with our jersey’s in or not in,” DeSantis said. “It’s like, are you going to deliver and actually fix all these problems that are there because we’ve talked about these problems for a long time.”
The Governor said the debt continues to increase no matter who controls the White House, the crisis continues at the Mexican border, and government has “continued to get bigger regardless of who has been in charge.”
“I think the time for talk is over,” DeSantis said. “People have been talking for a long time. And the question is, are we going to actually be able to turn the ship around? And that’s going to require strong leadership, it’s going to require a plan to get this done.”
DeSantis alluded to previously expressed doubts about the former President’s coattails also, saying the GOP needed to win “a lot of elections all across the country for House and Senate that we’ve not really shown as Republicans an ability to win in recent years.”
Never again
January 29, 2024 at 11:05 am
I sure wish he would identify what problems other than the ones the MAGA GOP has created… Overturning ROE, Banning books, creating Voting Police reporting to him, taking out elected officials that disagree with him? The economy is great, the infrastructure bill brought money to florida, the best immigration agreement ever (that trump is telling them NOT to agree to), the best relationships with our allies… NOT being embarrassed by a RAPIST..
January 29, 2024 at 11:07 am
Why did Ron DeSantis endorse someone he knows is suffering from lapses of memory, incompetence, vengeful behavior and insecurity fueled by narcissistic tendencies? How can Americans trust DeSantis when his decisions are irrational?
January 29, 2024 at 11:36 am
Dee acted like he was kissing his sister when he endorsed DJT.
Anyone wanting to fix the federal debt should start by clawing back the tax breaks given to the ultra wealthy and corporations by GOP over the last quarter century.
And, enough with the foreign invasions, which GOP specialized in this century. The toll for Afghanistan-Iraq is now over $two trillion and climbing as vets start needing more help for conflict-related damage.
Impeach Biden
January 29, 2024 at 11:39 am
I was completely unaware that the the Repubs have been in charge for 25 years.
January 29, 2024 at 12:04 pm
Bush gave tax cuts that primarily benefited the rich in 2001 and 2003 which were extended in 2012 and trump did likewise in 2017 which is a span of more or less a quarter century. Depending on who wins, the trump tax breaks maybe won’t be extended in 2025 which will save the country $300BN a year. Fiscal conservatism would seem to be quite the myth/running joke.
January 29, 2024 at 5:20 pm
This is true for Florida — pushing onto 20 years of right-wing pandering.
You mite wonder why your minuscule DJT tax break will have to be be renegotiated in 2025, but the tax break for ultra-rich and corporations — worth some $2 trillion, so far — was made PERMANENT.
January 29, 2024 at 5:24 pm
The Florida Legislature has been in MAGA and GOP hands since 1997. In 1999 the Governor became R and has remained.
President Biden, Your Daddy
January 30, 2024 at 8:12 am
Only the beginning of what you are not aware of.
Dont Say FLA
January 29, 2024 at 2:47 pm
Trump is definitely the G0P standard bearer.
The problem isn’t Trump.
The problem is the G0P and their very low standards.
January 29, 2024 at 5:57 pm
AND the people who actually vote for them.
January 30, 2024 at 8:14 am
This is a non-story. Desantis should have lambasted the person asking the question. Of course, Desantis thinks he would’ve been a better choice or he wouldn’t have run. At this point, Desantis understands that unless something outside of a Republican primary changes, Trump will be the candidate. If the Republicans wanted to elect the most electable candidate they should have chosen Desantis. Republican voters chose Trump. Trump will be a great President if he wins. I expect Desantis would have been essentially very similar a president to the President that Trump will be. But if Desantis was smart, he would just say it is a bad question. Desantis is on the Trump team and at this point, Desantis is the backup QB. Backup QBs are supposed to support the starting QB, even though it really hurts.
Silly Wabbit
January 30, 2024 at 4:40 pm
You kwazy.
Dont Say FLA
January 30, 2024 at 9:14 pm
Lex while I suspect we have different outlooks, I once agree with you. You wrote “If DeSantis was smart, he would just say it is a bad question.” And of course DeSantis said no such thing.
DeSantis makes an irrefutable argument against athletic scholarships.
Today when college athletes can earn some money for being good, why award scholarships anymore? Award instead the collegiate environment in which prospects figure they can make the most money. That way you don’t end up with losers like Rhonda.
woke up fo sho
January 30, 2024 at 8:24 am
Rona was foolish to endorse Tramp. As I understand it, Rona’s rationale was his pledge to support the GOP nominee. Yet, Tramp refused to join the GOP debates which was part of the “pledge.” Tramp is not yet the nominee, he did well in two states. In any event, Rona should have gone after Tramp as unfit from day one. January 6th says it all. As if lying, cheating and stealing weren’t enough to disqualify Tramp. Rona’s endorsement of Tramp proves that Rona is also unfit for office. Tramp called him unflattering names and questioned his manhood. What kind of wimp turns around and kisses his bully’s butt? Two turds circling the bowl!
Gene Jones
January 30, 2024 at 11:23 am
Florida and America will not be able to achieve the prosperity we could have as long as MAGA is has any power. All MAGA politicians should be turned out so our freedoms are protected and climate change can be addressed. We can build the most prosperous and sustainable economy ever, but MAGA keeps the brakes on. We could solve the immigration problem if MAGA would allow a bill to go forward in congress.
January 30, 2024 at 4:53 pm
Glorious Leader DeSantis continues to show us how he would govern America: whine about everything he can’t control. The GOP saw that it was either going to be that or it would be Trump playing victim, and the GOP chose victim.
They have made their bed, and they will sleep on it.
No dogs on the bed.
Dont Say FLA
January 30, 2024 at 9:10 pm
Aww Biscuit, we will make an exception for you whenever it’s cold. You can join the humans on the bed when temperatures dip below 40 which just isn’t unusual anymore in Florida.
Dont Say FLA
January 30, 2024 at 9:34 pm
It seems the right wingers have declared Swifties as their mortal enemy.
Right wingers will be going down, so hard.
Swifities can actually get off the couch, stand up, walk up stairs, drive their car more than a few blocks before it breaks down, the list goes on.
RIP MAGAs that try shit with the Swifties. Except don’t RIP. Rest in misery, MAGA chumps.
January 31, 2024 at 5:01 pm
Can’t they get Kid Rock or Ted Nugent to beat her up?
Imagine, Roe v Wade gets overturned and millions of young women of childbearing age come out to vote at the urging of TS – who would have suspected any blow back from that decision? Is Taylor Derangement Syndrome a thing yet? I’m sure it will be soon.
Dont Say FLA
January 31, 2024 at 9:39 pm
Exactly right. G0P is looking for a scapegoat to take blame for all their failures.
Newsflash for the still-deluded G0Ps: Your eventual scapegoat won’t be Taylor Swift. It will be Donald J Trump.
My Take
January 30, 2024 at 11:13 pm
If Trump fails somehow–e.g., medically, legally, mentally, terminally–could DeSScamus readily jump back in?
February 1, 2024 at 2:58 pm
Strong leadership, and a plan: two things the RepubliQan party has been missing for 8+ years.
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