Voters across the country want lawmakers to shut down illegal vape shops.
That’s according to new polling from Cygnal, which also shows voters are largely unaware of the availability of illegal Chinese vapes.
Pollsters found 55% of respondents did not know disposable vapes from China were freely available for purchase in the U.S. Florida leads the nation in sales of those nicotine dispensing devices, according to the Florida Retail Federation.
The poll included responses from 1,500 voters in 14 states.
Similarly, 58% of voters were unaware Chinese imports circumvented a ban by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on flavored products, many of which target child consumers.
The poll also found support for policy solutions, as lawmakers consider legislation in the Senate (SB 1006) and House (HB 1007). Those bills would require vape manufacturers register with the state and verify their products comply with state and federal law under threat of fine.
Cygnal found 57% of voters support passing a state law to create a directory to confirm manufacturers’ Premarket Tobacco Product Application status. That would allow better enforcement of laws already on the books.
The polling also showed the source of vapes is concerning to Florida voters. About 68% of those polled have an unfavorable view of China. That makes the Eastern superpower less popular in the state than vape shops, which also have an unfavorable rating from 52% of voters.
Cygnal said the strongest message with voters about regulating vapes was: “Illegal flavored disposable vapor products are targeted towards youth by using kid-friendly flavors and packaging — usage among high schoolers has skyrocketed 2,617% since 2019. PMTA Directory legislation will provide law enforcement a much-needed tool to crack down on illegal disposable vapes and protect our children.”