As currently configured, the Governor of Florida doesn’t have nuclear weapons at his disposal, but he wonders how the sitting U.S. President does have them given the latest evidence of his mental decline.
During a typically friendly interview with Fox News’ Mark Levin, the Governor weighed in on a special counsel report that judged Joe Biden as having retained classified documents, but as apparently being plagued by a “hazy” and “significantly limited” memory.
“Well, I think there’s been a lot of focus understandably on the provision saying, ‘Hey, this guy is just too senile to actually stand trial. A jury wouldn’t convict him.’ And I think that that is something that ‘OK, you can’t stand trial, but somehow you can have the nuclear codes,'” DeSantis articulated. “What about invoking the 25th Amendment?”
DeSantis ascribed intent to Biden in the next breath.
“This was willful retention of documents over many decades. This was like a pattern in practice when he was a U.S. Senator, when he was Vice President, when he got out of office,” the Governor claimed, before going on to contrast Biden’s case to that of Hillary Clinton.
“Biden, I think, was even more willful,” DeSantis said. “”These documents are sprinkled over how many different locations and so clearly, you know, they had the goods if they wanted to go forward and recommend.”
“Now, of course, a sitting President: that’s a separate issue, but they’re hanging their hat on the fact that this guy is effectively not mentally competent to stand trial. How pathetic is that for our country that this is the guy that has the nuclear codes.”
Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report Thursday stopped short of recommending criminal charges for the President, saying he “willfully” retained classified documents over a period of years, but adding that the President’s memory was “significantly limited” when investigators probed the President about not just the purloined documents, but about events that he participated in as a public official.
The Associated Press contributed reporting.
Michael K
February 10, 2024 at 11:06 am
Dear Rhonda,
Nobody cares what you think. And nobody wants you to be president. Ever. You said you were going to focus on Florida (which means more cruelty and destruction) but here you are still thinking you are campaigning, cavorting on private jets, and burning through $160 million of other people’s money for a doomed ego trip. Nobody wants your new confederacy.
Dont Say FLA
February 10, 2024 at 11:07 am
DIdn’t anyone tell Rhonda his campaign was ended?
It’s over, Rhonda. You’re done. You failed so spectacularly, there’s no second chance coming in 4 more years.
Go back to collecting waterfront properties for “preservation” so you can sell them to condo developers in a few years when your planned “preservation” is so unforeseeably deemed to be too expensive.
February 10, 2024 at 11:09 am
hey RON,,hows your memory? when was the last time you partied with the ZIEGLERS?
Math Made His Head Hurt 🧮
February 10, 2024 at 11:38 am
Poor lil feller 👢👢
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
February 10, 2024 at 12:43 pm
Good afternoon Florida,
You will all be happy to know that I, Earl Pitts Amrican, studied the above picture of our President and frankly I was shocked at how they have allowed Joe’s appearance to degrade to the point of looking like an abandoned elder in a nursing home whose relatives abandoned about 7 to 10 years ago.
So I, Earl Pitts American picked up my phone ans called our old childhood baby sitter Dr. Jillian Biden (she goes by Jill now).
So I said, “Jillian this is Little Earley Squirrley who you used to babysit back in the day”!!!
She was delighted to hear from “Little Early” and I asked her if she could please spruce up The President to make him look more “Presidential”.
She promised to have his bushy “Oldster Man Eyebrows” trimmed up and some brown hair dye put in his hair after a haircut.
Then I, Earl Pitts American, told her about “Mortitions Wax” to rub on Joes faca. EPA
February 10, 2024 at 1:30 pm
Ron DeSantis thinks he’s still relevant on the national stage. His political future is finished.
February 10, 2024 at 4:18 pm
The mere idea of Dee having the nuclear football when the Mideast melted down in October is terrifying. We know he’d blow up Bimini, given half a chance. What a fertile field of mischief Dee would have in the Mideast, if he could untangle the protagonists.
February 10, 2024 at 8:30 pm
And none of the Country trusted you with ‘codes’, or real shoes!
try grabbing my pussy you orange turd
February 11, 2024 at 8:01 am
What happened to respect for one’s Country and President? Rona was quick to endorse Tramp after exiting the race. Tramp who famously went on camera saying that he was a great and brave hero for dating during the Viet Nam war, comparing his dating to having served his Country on the battlefields of Nam. Draft evading loser who called POWs like McCain “losers” for getting captured in Nam. Grab em by the pussy Tramp! He continues to demean Rona even today. Stand by your cowardice Rona!
Ron Forrest Ron
February 12, 2024 at 3:52 pm
Rhonda Dee says those nuclear code grapes are so sour
February 13, 2024 at 3:28 am
It’s heartwarming to hear that I’m not the only one sick and tired of desantis’ nonsense. He’s destroying Florida, thankfully he was not given the chance to destroy our country if you live in Florida then you know first hand what desantis has done for the state which is basically nothing but destruction. He’s tearing it down piece by piece. during covid he went out of his way to make the vaccine hard to get, he discouraged getting it, he lied about the deaths, he appointed an imbecile as FL surgeon general who thinks the vaccine is deadly and restructures your dna. Our home owners ins is the highest in the country, our schools have very few qualified teachers, while most educational subjects are no longer allowed to be taught, medical professionals are slim to non-existent he’s forever starting wars with the states largest employer and his buddies are everywhere chanting their hate. Never before have I seen so many nazis and other criminal-like thugs that desantis encourages to harass the citizens and tourists in the larger cities. desantis is one of the worst things to happen to Florida
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