Evan Power, the Chair of the Republican Party of Florida, announced his intentions last month regarding an endorsement vote for “presumptive nominee” Donald Trump.
On Saturday, it was made official, with a Republican Party meeting sealing the deal and removing what little drama there might be ahead of the March Primary.
The vote was confirmed by Rep. Dean Black of Jacksonville, who made the motion to end a “pointless primary” and certify the intentions of a state party once torn by the contest between the former President and Gov. Ron DeSantis, who suspended his campaign last month.
Black described a “resounding” voice vote, with “one or two lonely no’s,” as the verdict capping a 2024 primary cycle in Florida that was once deeply contentious and is now barely contested.
“The results of Iowa and New Hampshire make it clear that President Trump is the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party,” Power said in January as he called the meeting. He added then that it was “time for Republicans to come together and put 100% of our focus on defeating Joe Biden and his failed administration in November.”
“This primary is over and the Florida GOP is united behind President Trump! Floridians can’t afford four more years of crooked Joe Biden’s doddering weakness and ineptitude. We must stop America’s decline. We need a strong President again who has always put America First. That man is President Donald J. Trump,” Black said at the same time.
Even before DeSantis exited the race, Trump was around 60% in polls of Florida Republicans, so it’s clear the official party is following the will of the voters expected to show up in March for Florida’s winner-take-all contest.
Florida is actually not the first state whose GOP endorsed Trump preemptively. Ohio made the same move back in December.
The endorsement comes as DeSantis continues to suggest that Trump may have problems winning the General Election even after he pushed the Governor out of the race.
“Ultimately, it’s not just the person with our jersey’s in or not in,” DeSantis said in January. “It’s like, are you going to deliver and actually fix all these problems that are there because we’ve talked about these problems for a long time.”
“I think the time for talk is over,” DeSantis said. “People have been talking for a long time. And the question is, are we going to actually be able to turn the ship around? And that’s going to require strong leadership, it’s going to require a plan to get this done.”
The Dude
February 10, 2024 at 12:37 pm
I would prefer a different Repub nominee. With that being said anyone is better than Sloooooooooow Joe. Between inflation and the Southern Border and let’s add well over 160 attacks on US installation’s overseas, it’s time for a change. Joe is Jimmy Carter 2.
February 10, 2024 at 4:10 pm
So you say, but the public has seen how much MAGAmites actually want to deal with the border crisis: In 2025. And, the stock market is booming because corporate America is gouging consumers on their way to record profits.
Joe stumbles during a 5-hour grilling by a so-special counsel while trying to respond to a Mideast meltdown. How is that the same as confusing Ms. Pelosi with Ms. Haley on Jan. 6?
If Haley makes it to Florida, I’ll be there to vote for her — and I hope thousands of otherwise Democratic or independent voters will be there for Haley, too. Feb. 20 is the last day to register as a GOP and vote in the primary.
Impeach Biden
February 11, 2024 at 11:06 am
Joe is going to eat those Executive Orders he signed. You can’t blame this on the Repubs. Look at the number of illegal crossings since Joe took over. Remember you had the House and Senate for the first two years and did nothing.
Defund florida, a cancer on Earth
February 11, 2024 at 11:52 am
Time to FlExit you out of our lovely United States.
Capricious and violent isn’t welcome in the civil world.
The Dude
February 11, 2024 at 12:36 pm
You obviously don’t read the news and crime reports in Big Blue cities.
February 11, 2024 at 5:46 pm
The Dud can’t be bothered to cite a source or sources for his contention — unless one wants to go with Dee’s defamatory comments on San Francisco.
From Forbes:
“Major cities like New York (-12%), Los Angeles (-14%) and Chicago (-14%) all reported double-digit drops in homicides in 2023, while eight cities saw increases, including Washington (30%) and Seattle (12%), per the report.
“If those numbers hold as the FBI collects more data about 2023 from more cities, it would be one of the largest single-year drops in U.S. homicides since at least 1960, the Council on Criminal Justice said.”
February 11, 2024 at 11:55 am
Most Americans are reasonable and have to wonder why MAGAs ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY had to have tighter border controls for military assistance to go to our overseas allies. Then, after getting their way in the Senate, the House says it can wait to control the border in Jan. 2025. That’s a problem and no amount of smoke and mirrors will alter the inability of the MAGA element to govern in the best interests — and not DJT’s current mania.
D nominal control of Senate was tenuous, dependent on two mercurial senators Manchin and Sinema plus tie-breaker from Harris (who cast more tie-breakers than any previous VP).
Nancy — not Nikki — did run a tight ship in the House.
Dont Say FLA
February 11, 2024 at 2:22 pm
IBS when i posted Joe’s list of 17 EO’s from day one of his first term as President and asked which one(s) you were referencing, there wasn’t any response. If you’re going to keep hounding about 17 EOs from day one, please explain which one(s) and what effect was observed as the result
Impeach Biden
February 11, 2024 at 5:13 pm
Border Wall construction. How’s that? Now compare the number of illegals entering the southern border under the Trump administration vs the Joe administration. And the answer is?
Dont Say FLA
February 12, 2024 at 11:22 am
Migrants going around the wall by boat to the Gulf Coast beaches or California beaches would be better? That’s all a wall does.
Gulf of Mexico can become the new Mediterranean Sea, full of sunk boats that were far overcrowded. While that might sound appealing to a lot of folks, it won’t be that great when you’re at the beach and a body washes up. They really smelly.
Defund florida, a cancer on Earth
February 11, 2024 at 11:53 am
You are a cancer to the civilization you wanted to destroy.
FlExit florida from the United States.
#flexit, like Brexit but for us.
February 10, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Trump will never again sit in the Oval Office. Highly educated and patriotic, Independent voters are America’s second party of choice after the Democratic Party and we will not be voting for a twice impeached indicated criminal facing 91 charges.
Nebraska Granny
February 10, 2024 at 2:31 pm
Here here! I’m glad others can see the light. If Trump is the nominee, my vote will be with RFKJr. This is NOT the will of the people. Over half of the people have not been bamboozled by the polls and the media and DO NOT want a Biden, a Socialist, and Trump, a fascist. This is not a lie, it is an example of “Those who do not remember the mistakes of the past are doomed to repeat them” leading us into another world war.
Ms Rodriguez
February 10, 2024 at 5:56 pm
May the best man or woman win I’m not sure who that will be at this time but Joe needs to consider leaving it’s time his health has took a toll on him and trump is not in the driveway he has over 90 charges pending and not in a good way so if anyone else cares to step in it would be an improvement.
February 10, 2024 at 10:15 pm
In the best of all possible worlds, your solution would be followed. But these two old farts are playing chicken at a stratospheric level. I am cool with Kamala, but we shall have to see what fool will couple with DJT. That will be important when the next President has to step aside and the VP takes over.
Dont Say FLA
February 11, 2024 at 11:30 am
Dear Trumpers, Trump was asked how he would respond to Russia bombing a NATO member that hadn’t paid their dues.
Trump answered he’d allow the bombing, no repercussions.
Can we extrapolate from Trump’s response there that NATO members will be paying their own way, and we can except some defunding of the US military since others would be paying their ow way?
I would be all for that! Except we’d never see one penny slashed from our taxes, 80%+ of which pay for military.
Somebody needs to see if Trumpy can back up his “everybody else should pay their own way” braggadocio with proposed cuts to the military budgets based on the savings of everybody else paying their own way.
IOW, NATO members paying their own say sounds fair, but we need some proof that it would benefit me and you by so much as one dime at tax time.
Dont Say FLA
February 11, 2024 at 11:33 am
And to explain for the Trumpers, point being: Trump isn’t wanting to save money or free up US military resources.
Trump is wanting to help his boss man Putin win more wars just like he’s helping Putin in Ukraine by Defunding Ukraine.
When he says NATO members should pay their own way, that sounds appealing like we get something out of that as taxpayers, but what Trump really means is he wants to make Russia’s expansion easier for Putin, ’cause Trump is Putin’s Pocket Pussy.
Defund florida, a cancer on Earth
February 11, 2024 at 11:50 am
For decades, Miami Seaquarium was a jewel in Florida’s well-polished crown of popular tourist attractions, known to millions worldwide as the home of the beloved aquatic television superstar Flipper the dolphin.
But these are tough times for the once-exalted aquarium, mired in a battle for its survival against the weight of animal rights activists, federal inspectors, financial troubles and now the Miami-Dade commission, which says it is behind with the rent and has begun eviction proceedings.
It has been a spectacular fall, even in an era of a growing public backlash to theme parks with marine animals. That pushback was sparked in large part by the disruptive 2013 documentary Blackfish, which exposed the miserable plight of the captive killer whale Tilikum at SeaWorld Orlando, 230 miles to the north.
Almost all of the Seaquarium’s wounds are self-inflicted, a succession of failures in veterinary care of its dolphins, manatees, sea turtles and other animals, poor maintenance of facilities, and chronic understaffing, documented in successive scathing inspection reports by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Ocean Joe
February 11, 2024 at 3:49 pm
Not sure how this relates to the article, but I’ll bite. The days of locking up aquatic mammals in small pens for human entertainment should be over.
The days of Trump and Biden as presidential candidates should be over too.
real warriors actually serve
February 11, 2024 at 4:40 pm
Once either Michelle Obama or Taylor Swift gets on the Democratic ticket, you can say bye bye to the Tramp. You know, the one who compared dating during the Viet Nam war to having actually served in the jungle getting shot at. He called himself ” a great a brave warrior” for his fooling around “dating” maybe he was raping girls and trying not to get busted. You know, like the “date” in the dressing room that just cost him $140M or so.Oh yeah, John McCain was a “loser” because of his POW experience actually serving his Country. Who knew? Tramp insulted Haley because of her husband’s absence from the campaign trail – oops, he’s deployed actually serving his Country. Geeze
Defund florida, a cancer on Earth
February 11, 2024 at 6:19 pm
Each of his voters; what to do with them after?
February 12, 2024 at 5:47 pm
Make sure there are condoms available.
Defund florida, a cancer on Earth
February 11, 2024 at 6:18 pm
It’s ok to be hateful homophobic racists; it’s what florida is for. It’s ok.
But you’re not part of the US.
FlExit and defund
Florida Exit
Florida Brexit
Ron Forrest Ron
February 12, 2024 at 1:25 pm
NC’s former gov Nikki Haley is standing up to the Maga Lardo. GA gov Brian Kemp is too. Why can’t Flop Gov and the Florida GOP party stand up to him?
Haley and Kemp know the view never changes when you just follow the lead dog. Will the FL-OP ever figure it out? Or does the FL-OP enjoy following the same ass hole everywhere he goes, even when he goes against everyone’s bipartisan interests other than the illegal immigrants who continue to flow across the border because Trump said “Make it so?”
February 12, 2024 at 10:50 pm
You have until Feb. 20 to change your Florida registration to GOP, if you want to cast a vote against DJT in the primary. That is, assuming Haley stays in. She should as she is the only one so far to get under DJT’s skin.
Dr. Franklin Waters
February 12, 2024 at 1:51 pm
Florida Republicans are cool with rape and wanting to start WWIII. Got it.
February 12, 2024 at 2:58 pm
Who can support a former president, who encourages Russia to invade our NATO allies, countries who have suffered much from dictatorship and are strong, moral and good countries. What president ever would encourage Putin to invade these good countries. This man is so evil! I guess he wants Putin to help interfere in our elections once again. This is more than troubling–if a presidential candidate had said this before–he would never, ever be considered for president.
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