With two weeks before the South Carolina Republican Primary, Nikki Haley is trying to challenge Donald Trump on her home turf while the former President tries to quash his last major rival’s narrow path to the nomination.
Trump, turning his campaign focus to the Southern state days after an easy victory in Nevada, revved up a massive crowd of supporters at a Saturday afternoon rally in Conway, near Myrtle Beach, by touting his time in office, repeating his false claims that the 2020 election he lost was rigged, maligning a news media he sees as biased against him and lobbing attacks on Haley and President Joe Biden.
In his rally speech, Trump insulted Haley by using his derisive nickname for her, “Birdbrain,” and lavished praise on South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster, who endorsed him early. Trump claimed that he selected Haley to serve as his ambassador to the United Nations in 2017 and represent America on the world stage only because he was motivated to make McMaster — her second-in-command — the Governor of South Carolina.
Trump, who has long been the front-runner in the GOP presidential race, won three states in a row and is looking to use South Carolina’s Feb. 24 Primary to close out Haley’s chances and turn his focus entirely on an expected rematch with Biden in the general election.
Haley skipped the Nevada Caucuses, condemning the contest as rigged for Trump, and has instead focused on South Carolina, kicking off a two-week bus tour across the state where she served as Governor from 2011 to 2017.
Speaking to about a couple hundred people gathered outside a historic opera house in Newberry, Haley on Saturday portrayed Trump as an erratic and self-absorbed figure not focused on the American people.
Haley reprised her questions of Trump’s mental fitness, an attack she has sharpened since a Jan. 19 speech in which he repeatedly confused her with former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Haley, 52, has called throughout her campaign for mental competency tests for politicians, a way to contrast with 77-year-old Trump and 81-year-old Biden.
“Why do we have to have someone in their 80s run for office?” she asked. “Why can’t they let go of their power?”
A person in the crowd shouted out: “Because they’re grumpy old men!”
Republished with permission of The Associated Press.
February 10, 2024 at 8:47 pm
Trump attacked Nikki’s husband for being absent on the campaign trail…… Nikki’s husband is serving this country overseas. Trump doesn’t like our military…… this isn’t the first time.
Additionally, Trump encouraged Russia to invade any NATO country that Putin wishes!
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
Racist florida
February 11, 2024 at 5:04 am
The beta-simp cuck’s of Florida, names like
The Dude
Impeach Biden
and the rest of Christina Pooshaw’s sock-puppet accounts are dormant and whimpering in the dark as their exposed hatred dies in sunlight.
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
February 11, 2024 at 4:45 pm
Good afternoon America,
Just to be clear, our Beloved Boss, is referencing some clown by the name of Earl Jackson, who used to annoy us all until I, Earl Pitts American, busted in on the scene and ran “Bad ‘Ole Earl Jackson” away by informing Bad ‘Ole Earl Jackson that there was only room for one “Earl” up in here.
And we all lived happly ever after.
Thanks and a tip of the hat to me, Earl Pitts American, for running that “Bad ‘Ole Earl Jackson” off to parts unknown.
Thanks again,
“THE GOOD EARL”, Earl Pitts “The New & Good Earl” American
February 12, 2024 at 5:56 am
Incoherent diatribe, to be kind.
February 12, 2024 at 2:37 am
VOTE FOR HALEY. Put these old men out to pasture. They have had their turn in office. She can’t do any worse then they have done. I don’t trust trump or Biden anymore, I see how they operate. VOTE for Haley………I AM
February 12, 2024 at 5:57 am
Dont Say FLA
February 12, 2024 at 2:33 pm
Why Never Nikki? She is politically indistinguishable from Trump except in one respect.
Haley does support the US military which is where most US folks stake their ground. Trump does not.
The NeverNikki people are therefore anti-military, one must presume? And if it’s not that, what is it? Is it that she’s female and kind of brown? Oh no, it can’t possibly be that. So it has to be her support of the US military they find offensive about her candidacy.
Sally B
February 12, 2024 at 5:48 pm
Presumption can be a fatal flaw, and so can out-of-state trolling.
My Take
February 12, 2024 at 6:48 pm
Haley is a decent human being.
That alone puts her far better than Trump
February 13, 2024 at 9:58 am
Haley is so much better than Donald Trump and understands the world order and how dangerous Russia and China are and respects the military. She appears to be much more honest and caring than Trump and isn’t a narcissist, but can speak quickly and coherently and has a great sense of humor. I’m not a Republican, but would vote for her a hundred million times over , rather than ever for Donald Trump.
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