Florida’s Governor is out of state during the height of the Legislative Session. Ron DeSantis is slated to address South Carolina legislators in Columbia Tuesday afternoon at the South Carolina State House Senate Chamber.
The remarks are expected to begin at 5:15 p.m.
It was initially unclear why DeSantis is in the Palmetto State, given his suspension of his presidential campaign last month after his loss in Iowa and before what would have been an ignominious third place finish in New Hampshire.
However, former supporter and campaign surrogate Rep. Josh Kimbrell says the Governor is going to pitch federal term limits to state legislators. It should be noted that South Carolina legislators have no such term limit requirements in their own legislature.
DeSantis’ appearance in the state comes just days before a South Carolina Primary between former President Donald Trump, whom he endorsed, and former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who he pointedly does not support.
During a recent cable news hit, DeSantis said Haley was playing to “very liberal Democrats” in Iowa, as he claimed to see at the caucuses.
“They had N95 masks on, they had shirts that had liberal slogans on. That was a core part of her strategy: to appeal to those people … people who aren’t kind of stock Republicans and that’s just not going to work in a Republican primary, but it’s definitely not going to work against somebody who is as well known and has already been President, like Donald Trump,” DeSantis said.
It’s unclear what DeSantis will talk about Tuesday at this writing.
February 20, 2024 at 1:41 pm
DeSantis needs to stay in Florida and fix the issues here. Leave other people alone. Stop the stupid culture wars and do what we sent you there to do. Insurance is killing the state. Step up and lead.
Mayorkas Impeached
February 20, 2024 at 1:50 pm
What exactly do you propose in regards to insurance reform? I don’t like the high prices either but we do live in a hurricane bullseye zone and when those storms hit its costs tens of billions. More regulations will lead to more companies leaving. Claims run the full gamut from legit to ripe with fraud. Years after a major hurricane went through my neck of the woods I had adjusters knocking on my door telling me they could get me a new roof. Of course hidden in the fine print was the statement that they keep 30% or more if they win. Another scam.
Dancing Outlaw
February 20, 2024 at 2:22 pm
FLPatriot’s proposal was very clear. It was that Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis “step up and lead.”
And the response from the DeSantis team? As usual we don’t know what to do and we have zero ideas. There’s fraud. We can’t fix that. You got any ideas?
Michael K
February 20, 2024 at 2:35 pm
I once lived in a state that had a very active and powerful elected insurance commissioner who – get this – protected consumers!
All one needs to do is follow the money flowing from the insurance industry to DeSantis and the state Republicans to begin to understand why they do nothing but maintain the status quo.
February 20, 2024 at 3:13 pm
Search for and read the article below – maybe after dept of insurance members leave, they shouldn’t be allowed to work for lobbyists for 5 years. We could start there. I’d call that low hanging fruit.
“The Revolving Door: How A Florida Insurance Commissioner Is Going On to a Lucrative Career as an Insurance Lobbyist—Likely At the Expense of Consumers”
February 20, 2024 at 3:36 pm
With apologies to music fans: No one knows what goes on behind revolving doors — except money changes hands.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 1:47 pm
I would assume this is an instructional postmortem for his spectacularly failed campaign, but did anybody tell Rhonda it’s over?
Poor lil monkey might think he went back to Florida because Iowa was over and South Carolina was still a few weeks away.
Would somebody on his campaign staff tell him it’s over, please?
Florida Cracker
February 20, 2024 at 2:03 pm
Funny how some people can be called monkeys yet others cry racism. Kind of like exclusive use of the “N” word.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 2:05 pm
The commenter that writes as “Mayorkas Impeached” introduced the word “monkey” around here for name calling. Ask them what it’s about.
Michael K
February 20, 2024 at 1:50 pm
OMG – Haley is appealing to people who care about their health and well being. Oh, the humanity!
The gentle people in SC should remember that our governor burned through more than $150 million on the worst political campaign in modern history, and has absolutley nothing to show for it.
Nikki is still in the race – her high heels beating his, bigly.
Mayorkas Impeached
February 20, 2024 at 1:52 pm
And of course the howler monkeys are back. Where do s that recall? LMFAO.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 2:08 pm
MI. do you have anything positive to say about your team?
Seems like all you ever have to say is “shoot the messenger because they’re stupid and wrong.”
We got it. That’s your take. “Everybody but Ron DeSantis is stupid and wrong.”
Please come up with something worth saying. Pretty please with sugar on top? Seems like you’re interested in the discussion. Why not participate?
Mayorkas Impeached
February 20, 2024 at 2:35 pm
It’s simple as you attack DeSantis, I fire back. No need for me to list the accomplishments of our fine Governor.The results speak for themselves. Just look at the people moving here and companies relocating as well. You are either Nikki Fried or very similar to her. She used her position as AG Comissioner to attack DeSantis daily. She thought she could beat him for Governor. She couldn’t even get by flip flopper Crist. Florida is a free state and DeSantis set the stage during Covid. No wet sand / dry sand nonsense here.
Michael K
February 20, 2024 at 7:59 pm
Many of the “fine accomplishments” took aim at my family, my friends, my neighbors, myself, and institutions I deeply care about. He has maliciously attacked people I love – without shame, or purpose; no compassion, no remorse. He tears vulnerable people down with vile attacks intended only to stir hate, to “advance” his hollow, failed, political ambitions. And yes, he’s racist, xenophobic, and homophobic – a disgrace to the Ivy-League education he now despises and abhors.
DeSantis is not a leader, he is a divider, who will say and do anything destructive, at any human or financial cost, just to further his blind and misguided personal ambition. There is no self-awareness, no forgiveness, no remorse, no care for the real hurt and harm he has inflicted. Human life is disposable if it suits his misguided, selfish ambition.
People move to Florida for the climate – especially old people on pensions who cash out on their homes to escape winters. It’s not to live in DeSantistan, it’s to die someplace warm.
Al Sharpton
February 20, 2024 at 8:49 pm
Exactly who has DeSantis attacked? You sure covered the full spectrum though didn’t you snowflake? Butch up buttercup. Life ain’t easy and nothing will be given to you, trophies and all. Go out and earn it and stop with Al, your sensitivity BS.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 9:07 pm
If Flop Gov’s pre-Rhonda existence defines his entire story and explains itself, what an why are they up in SC explaining?
But I get it. You live in the Ron DeSantis past, before Rhonda showed up, when he was a pretty reasonable Republican and looked to have a bright future.
But then Rhonda showed up, and everybody hates Rhonda.
Dont Say Howler Monkey
February 21, 2024 at 8:18 am
For me it was when the Governor of the state where Pulse Nightclub happened declared a war on drag queens and gays while promoting more guns, and all for political pandering purposes.
The sad little guy doesn’t even believe his own bullshit, but he still spews it without consideration for the humans his anti-different-from-how-Republicans-pretend-to-be rhetoric puts in harm’s way whether or not any actual harm happened or happens. It makes no different. Ron fosters an environment of harm for Floridians.
Rhonda begged for my attention, and he got it. Begging for my attention to go away now, that doesn’t work as well, but keep begging me to go away if you like.
Call me all the names you want, but know that when you “hit back” with ad hominem, your response denigrates yourself and exactly nobody else.
And nobody attacks DeSantis. People criticize his policy and attempted law making. People make fun of his apparent self delusion and Ivy League level of obliviousness to real life, but nobody attacks him unless you consider calling out reality vs his bullshit to be an attack. In which case, as they say, “stay out the kitchen if you can’t take the heat.”
Someone’s in the kitchen with Rhonnnnn Duh.
Someone’s in the kitchen I know I know.
Someone’s in the kitchen with Rhonnnnn Duh.
Can’t you hear the whistle blowin’
Rise up so early in the morn
Can’t you hear the captain shouting,
“Rhonda blow your horn!”
Rhonda won’t you blow? Rhonda won’t you blow?
Singin’ Dee, die, diddly-i-o
Dee, die, diddly-i-o-o-o-o
Dee, die, diddly-i-o
Strummin’ on the old bannnnnnnnn Joe
Mayorkas Impeached
February 20, 2024 at 5:13 pm
I did respond and the scrubbers deleted my response. I’m not going to try again. Simply look at the migration of both people and businesses into Florida. DeSantis kept our state open during the COVID stupidity. None of that “wet sand / dry sand “ silliness that was going on at in Kalifornia. No wonder both people and companies are leaving.
February 21, 2024 at 11:17 am
People are coming in to Florida, but there’s no place for them to live unless they bump someone who’s been here for a bit and gets paid the standard low wages for which Florida is celebrated. This is the MAGA/DeSantis replacement plan.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 9:11 pm
Speaking of recall, how’s that recall vote going? Got it thru the legislature yet for Florida even to have heard of such a thing?
No G0P run state offers its voters the recall vote. G0Ps don’t like it when voters vote.
For examples, see both weed and abortion currently.
So yeah it’s easy to run one’s mouth about how Ron would re-elected bigly when there’s absolutely no way to test that theory but a recall vote and that ain’t happenin’ in G0P run Fleur D’uh.
Ron Forrest Ron
February 20, 2024 at 2:16 pm
Ron DeSantis shut his own campaign down, but his own campaign was the only one allowed under his exemption from Resign to Run and from Florida’s Sunshine laws.
Ron is in SC campaigning, but not for himself holding any higher office. That mean Ron needs to resign. It also means his expenditures for this trip to South Carolina are not exempt from sunshine.
If only
February 20, 2024 at 3:30 pm
Good points. If only there were a way to enforce it. There isn’t. The inmates are running the asylum. No honor among thieves. If wishes were horses. U can think of a few more.
February 20, 2024 at 3:40 pm
Is this Dee’s sad way to win back the affections of the Donald and possibly put himself in line for VP?
It does look more difficult for DJT to win in Nov.
Dancing Outlaw
February 20, 2024 at 9:49 pm
Dee claimed he would rather finish his term as Florida’s Governor than be VP.
Having learned here of his lame duck impotence stemming from his Sunshine Secrets being held over his head, he must have changed his mind.
Now he admits it through his actions if not yet his words.
Rhonda Dee wants 2B VP.
My Take
February 20, 2024 at 3:31 pm
Does he ever shut up?
Stay there
February 20, 2024 at 3:42 pm
Under campaign finance laws, he still has access to whatever monies are left and can keep it open for some time (any experts out there, please correct me). This way, he can still fly around eating lots of food and staying in fancy hotels and playing big man dress up games, spending other people’s money and not actually doing anything. Since he has proven to be so destructive, costly, and inept, it’s probably better to just let him play top Barbie for as long as possible. It would be cheaper to pay him to stay there.
Dont Say FLA
February 20, 2024 at 9:08 pm
Does he get to keep his big boy boots?
Dont Say Howler Monkey
February 21, 2024 at 8:02 am
Does anybody know what Ron said to the legislators in South Carolina?
Nobody at all was listening. I bet Ron probably doesn’t even know what he said to them, but if asked, he could legitimately claim he said “mumble mumble whine whine like you know mumble whine you know like mumble whine”
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