One of the greatest football players in the history of the University of Florida (UF) is “utterly disgusted” with a recent decision made to phase out diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) programming and initiatives.
Emmitt Smith said he’s upset with the decision, given that the elimination of DEI leaves it to the Provost to “raise money for the University and continue to advance the academic studies and programs.”
“We cannot believe and trust that a team of leaders all made up of the same background will make the right decision when it comes to equality and diversity. History has proven that’s not the case,” Smith said.
“Instead of showing courage and leadership, we continue to fail based on systemic issues and with this decision, UF has conformed to the political pressures of today’s time,” Smith continued, adding that those who “stay on the sidelines and say nothing” are “complicit in supporting systemic issues.”
The Alligator broke the news of the university’s DEI dissociation, publishing a memo that asserted the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer is closed, with employees tasked with roles in that effort given 12 weeks of severance and urged to apply for other roles in the University.
The $5 million allocated to UF for diversity initiatives will now be devoted to faculty recruitment.
Smith’s response to the news comes after politicians split on party lines in the wake of Friday’s announcement.
Florida’s two U.S. Senators and Gov. Ron DeSantis were thrilled with the move.
“Time for other colleges and universities to follow Florida’s lead,” enthused U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott raved that President Ben Sasse “continues to do all the right things at UF.”
“Every university should follow his lead,” the former Governor counseled.
DeSantis said “DEI is toxic and has no place in our public universities. I’m glad that Florida was the first state to eliminate DEI and I hope more states follow suit.”
As Republicans raved about the diversity dump, Democrats decried the decision.
“The impact of this will be felt for generations,” warned Nikki Fried, the Chair of the state party.
Other Democrats expressed their own outrage.
State Rep. Dianne Hart, Chair of Florida Legislative Black Caucus, framed the “series of firings” as “the most recent manifestation of the policies of an out of touch legislature, and a Governor’s failed Presidential bid.”
Added state Rep. Yvonne Hayes Hinson of Gainesville: “I am stunned but not surprised at the elimination of DEI staff at University of Florida, my Alma Mater. The culture wars engaged in the Republican dominated Florida House of Representatives will continue until Floridians have had enough and develop the will and determination to flip the majority in the Florida House.”
— Emmitt Smith (@EmmittSmith22) March 3, 2024
Dont Say FLA
March 4, 2024 at 12:13 pm
Positions are not Practices.
Don’t name a C-suite officer for DEI and then fill that position with some black lady nobody ever hears from just so you can show your company’s diversity in your company officer photo.
Practice DEI and you don’t need a position of Chief DEI Officer, Tenir Les Cordons du Poêle
March 4, 2024 at 12:20 pm
Sorry to tell you your alma mater has been a partisan tool of the Florida RepubliQan party for many years now, Emmitt. “Courage and leadership” moved away from campus long ago.
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
March 4, 2024 at 1:26 pm
If you are a “constituent” for any of the DEI employees who have been let go, please feel free to privately crowd-source their efforts on your behalf.
Do not use the tuition paid by other students and their families to subsidize these DEI types. Use your own money.
Live free or die.
Josh Green
March 4, 2024 at 9:51 pm
Libertarians are never not insufferably obnoxious.
My Take
March 5, 2024 at 1:08 am
And so many are kooky
Personally, I prefer that airline pilots and surgeons and such have to be tested and licensed.
rick whitaker
March 5, 2024 at 5:31 pm
larry, your comment” dei type” is so telling to me. you are probably a hardcore racist that is trying to pass himself off as a libertarian, instead of coming out and admitting that you are a racist fascist. that libertarian cloak you use to pass yourself off as somebody legitimate, is tattered and transparent. you libertarians are just as about annoying as a typical trumper. in some ways, you are worse.
March 4, 2024 at 3:08 pm
No, LG, you go ahead and feel free to pontificate about policies and individuals seeking to open up UF to the widest possible spectrum of our fellow citizens, including military vets and folks who deal daily with a variety of physical and/or mental hurdles.
the Truth
March 4, 2024 at 4:53 pm
Emmet Smith is WOKE.. he supports Bud Light as well… he is not a Florida Gator anymore, bye bye Emmet
March 4, 2024 at 5:28 pm
The NFL’s all-time rusher won’t be forgotten soon. Especially by those of us who hated Dallas.
March 4, 2024 at 10:22 pm
At least he went to (your favorite) college, unlike the yokels and rubes that comprise your political party. “Bye bye the Truth” is effectively your beloved RepubliQan platform, Foxbrain
March 4, 2024 at 6:45 pm
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
March 4, 2024 at 8:09 pm
You’ll be voting in the upcoming GOP primary, right?
I’ll be voting for Nikita — a fleeting MAGA moment in my bio.
Ron DeSantis is a Racist
March 4, 2024 at 9:50 pm
Ron DeSantis, and ALL of his supporters hate anybody that isn’t white.
March 5, 2024 at 12:01 pm
Perhaps Emmitt Smith would consider returning to Florida to run for Governor in 2026?
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