Gas prices in Florida fell 12 cents last week to $3.47 per gallon. But the overall decline has lasted for 10 straight days, continuing through Monday for a total downturn of 16 cents, according to AAA — The Auto Club Group.
While pump prices are again below “year-ago levels,” AAA spokesperson Mark Jenkins said, upward pressure moving back into the market likely means the cheaper gas won’t last long.
“The U.S. price of oil surged to new 2024 highs last week, which could cause gas prices to move higher,” he said in a statement.
Domestic oil prices settled at $86.91 per barrel on Friday, up 4% from the week before and $3 per barrel more than the previous 2024 high recorded two weeks earlier.
“OPIS petroleum analysts attribute the oil price gains to demand concerns amid Israel’s ongoing war with Hamas, and Ukraine drone strikes on Russian oil refineries,” Jenkins said. “Interestingly enough, similar gains were not seen in the gasoline futures market.”
Once again, the priciest metropolitan market for gas on Monday morning was the West Palm Beach-Boca Raton area, where motorists paid $3.69 per gallon on average, followed by Naples ($3.63) and Fort Lauderdale ($3.56).
The cheapest fuel, again, was in Panama City ($3.26), followed by the Crestview-Fort Walton Beach area ($3.33) and Pensacola ($3.37).
The national average gas price was $3.60. Colorado had the best price for a gallon of gas ($3.05), while California had the worst ($5.35).
Impeach Biden
April 8, 2024 at 10:04 am
Still well above where it was in Jan 2021. Bidenomics. I guess the WH doesn’t use that term anymore as everyone is getting hit hard by his inflationary agenda.
Ocean Joe
April 8, 2024 at 11:00 am
Supply and demand, like the laws of physics apparently “cease to exist on the top of your stove.”
Impeach Biden
April 8, 2024 at 11:57 am
Hi there Ocean. I certainly understand supply and demand Let’s roll reverse a little and put a Repub in the President’s office. This Repub inherited $2 dollar fuel. Now it is over $3. You and the rest of your Femo friends would be screaming at the current administration. To those that say Joe has no impact on fuel prices, then why did he release over 140 billion barrels in the open market?
Rick Whitaker
April 8, 2024 at 12:02 pm
IM, trying to explain something like gas prices to a maga cultist is a waste of time. you go with the line your cult puts out regardless of if it’s true or not. i don’t think you really realize how controlled you look. puppet on a maga string.
Ocean Joe
April 8, 2024 at 2:48 pm
We probably agree on two points. In 2021 Biden released oil from the reserves to buoy supply and ease prices which means yes, a president can have influence. We likely also agree that our reserves should never be used to please consumers but to stand ready for emergency needs like a 2 front war or whatnot.
Take a moment and go look at the eclipse, pretty spectacular even for a Republican, we are getting 40% here in the Keys.
Ocean Joe
April 8, 2024 at 2:51 pm
And let’s remember we are the number one producer of oil in the world, second to nobody, so all that drill baby drill crazy talk and the alligator tears from big oil is a bit much.
Leaving a livable world for your kids ought to matter more than the cost of a gallon of gas.
April 8, 2024 at 11:17 am
Dear Ms Pushaw,
Praying for Trump to flood the fossil fuel market with our precious oil reserves during in the height of an international pandemic makes sense to MAGA insurrectionist!
Please understand that common sense independent American voters believe that your pathetic fake news fossil fuel influencer pricing narrative, without historical context, is steering voters away from today’s GOP.
Republicans are America’s worst enemy!
Vote all Republicans out of office.
Not Pushaw
April 8, 2024 at 12:00 pm
PeterH I am not Pushaw but it is obvious I live rent free in your head. Call me whatever you want.
Rick Whitaker
April 8, 2024 at 12:08 pm
hey pushaw, you sure do have a bad reputation, what do you have to say to defend yourself?
Rick Whitaker
April 8, 2024 at 11:57 am
IM, if you are foolish enough to think that the price of gas from month to month is a direct function of a president, then you will believe anything. you think like a cult member, never questioning your handlers.
Impeach Biden
April 8, 2024 at 12:01 pm
Fish on the line, Fish on the line!!!
Rick Whitaker
April 8, 2024 at 12:04 pm
IM, yeah……..right?
Impeach Biden
April 8, 2024 at 12:09 pm
Big Mouth / Wide Mouth bASS 🤣
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