Gov. Ron DeSantis says Hamas sympathizers “rule the roost” at some American universities, and is condemning protesters for blocking roads that could impair hospital access or child care.
“When you’re chasing Jewish students around, when you’re not letting a Jewish professor enter a building, when you’re targeting people like that, that’s not free speech,” DeSantis said in Redington Beach.
“I mean, that’s harassment. That violates appropriate conduct. And yet Columbia, Yale, all these places, those folks rule the roost. They do whatever they want. And these administrators and the Presidents at these universities are weak, they’re scared and they don’t do anything.”
The Governor’s most recent statement builds on previous comments, in which he said the federal Justice Department and Department of Education should be tasked to handle protests that have devolved into threats against Jewish students.
DeSantis also had choice words on Wednesday for street protesters and their effect on public safety.
“You think about what happened when you have these Hamas demonstrators out, they’re taking over bridges and they’re taking over roads. And first of all, you don’t have a right to do that,” DeSantis said.
“You have someone get stuck in traffic. How do you know if someone may need to get to a hospital, someone may need to pick up a child somewhere and you’re just going to commandeer the road because you have this, this ideological protection?”
DeSantis noted that in Miami when protests happened, it took “10 minutes” for the demonstrators to get “dragged off the road where they belong.”
April 24, 2024 at 12:35 pm
Fun Fact
College students frequently protest stuff.
Dont Say FLA
April 24, 2024 at 12:38 pm
Rhonda Dee claims ‘when you’re targeting people like that, that’s not free speech.”
Rhonda’s right. Israel’s ongoing, fatal targeting of regular everyday citizens of Gaza by the tens of thousands and counting? Definitely not free speech, regardless of the words coming out of Netenyahu’s mouth making all the excuses for it.
Frank Lankford
April 24, 2024 at 3:03 pm
Well, as far as I know, neither Israel nor Gaza have the same Constitutional right to free speech. Therefore the Gazans who both voted for and support Hamas are not entitled to that right.
Dont Say FLA
April 24, 2024 at 3:13 pm
Frank are you going to blame 2024 Trump voters in 2044 when Don Junior has turned the USA into a shit hole country?
Or, come 2044, will the 2024 Trump voters be victims of the Trump family negating the Constitution and staying in office for 25 years and counting?
What says Frank about that?
Ron Forrest Ron
April 24, 2024 at 12:39 pm
What is it when Marjorie Taylor Green chases school shooting survivors around, yelling at them? Qualifying for the G0P Primary?
Needa Hospital
April 24, 2024 at 12:41 pm
Someone may need to get to a hospital.
Gosh and Golly. I hope they don’t find themselves having that need anywhere in Gaza. ‘Cause they ain’t no hospitals anymore. Israel blew them all up.
Guam Might Tip
April 24, 2024 at 12:44 pm
Hamas, a terrorist organization, should have never invaded Israel and murdered over 1200 people. They started this and Israel is going to finish it. All of these student protestors that are here on student visas should be rounded up and sent back to where they came from. Enough of the stupidity by these Woke College Presidents.
Needa Hospital
April 24, 2024 at 12:48 pm
Agreed. Hamas shouldn’t have did that. Question is, why did Netenyaho let them? He can stop 350+ missiles and rockets and drones from Iran, but couldn’t stop hillbillies in hang gliders? PLEASE
April 24, 2024 at 8:12 pm
Netanyahu took his eye off the ball because he is in deep legal doo-doo — there was intel about the coming assault. Bush also was warned in 2001, but he was too busy planning a BIG tax break for the ultra-wealthy and turning loose the automatic weapons zealots.
Dont Say FLA
April 26, 2024 at 9:43 am
I’m not as generous as MH/Duuuval.
I use the phrase “manufacturing demand” for Dubya’s and Netenyahu’s (claims of) “missing the intelligence”
When you want to start (or join) a fight, but you don’t want to take the blame, what do you do? You let the other guy throw the first punch.
By that, you manufactured demand for what you next, which is exactly what you wanted to do the whole time.
If some little people, bystanders, get hurt or killed, hey, “freedom isn’t free,” right? “They paid the price for all our freedoms. They were truly great [Nationalists]”
Ron Forrest Ron
April 24, 2024 at 12:45 pm
Ron is green with jelly.
Ron wishes he could rule the roost somewhere.
But the legislature knows what he spent on his campaign from the Florida state treasury. They own him like Mrs Rhonda and the kids and even the dog own him.
April 24, 2024 at 2:04 pm
Remember when the Westboro Baptist Church began protesting the funerals of American soldiers killed in action during war in Afghanistan. Protestors would carry signs with messages like “G@d Hates F@gs” and “Thank G@d for Dead Soldiers.” Their beef was basically over government decisions regarding inclusion in the ranks, but how despicable can those JC freaks get? SCOTUS ruled that Westboro’s protests were protected under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Targeting military families as well as LGBTQ+, but hey speech is still free whether you like the message or not.
My Take
April 25, 2024 at 3:29 pm
DeSSantis is a kook–or kkkook, or Qook–to be listened to now only to laugh at.
Lyndon LaRouch ressurected.
April 25, 2024 at 8:25 pm
Forever land disputes.policy engagements…with the USA say what the fight is for. Mining ⛏️.and interests.
All they needed was a place to lay there heads. …Kind of like homeless squatting
Dont Say FLA
April 26, 2024 at 9:45 am
Oh look an emoji. Okay, you get a C- for your AI comment bot CS 102 project, not the D- I graded it with before I saw it use an emoji.
What happen to americanism
April 27, 2024 at 9:08 am
Those sympathy people should move out of America too.because if Israel has to give up their fought for home. American synpatherzizers should boat and give the land back to the tribes..but no all they want is to shout
April 27, 2024 at 9:17 am
Those bad Zionist they all fight for country bad bad bad
April 27, 2024 at 2:01 pm
Vietnam will always be. Desert storm will always be. We1,,2,will always be. Ukraine warts will always be. And so on and so on
April 27, 2024 at 2:02 pm
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