House Speaker Paul Renner is among a slate of candidates scheduled to speak at the Florida Chamber of Commerce’s 2024 Prosperity and Economic Opportunity Solution Summit.
Renner will deliver a talk providing the state perspective on legislation and policy that supports families on their paths to prosperity.
“Legislation and policy play a significant role in eliminating barriers to opportunity for children and families throughout Florida,” a description of his session explains, noting that he will discuss “his Opportunity Agenda and the groundbreaking outcomes it has led to over his speakership.”
Renner first gaveled in during an organization session in late 2022, laying out a bold agenda promoting economic strength “full of prosperity, abundant with opportunity and rich in quality of life,” Renner said at the time.
The Summit will be held May 23 in Coral Springs beginning at 9 a.m. and running through 4 p.m. Renner is scheduled to speak during the first session, before a scheduled coffee break.
The summit begins with a session on the business case for prosperity, with Florida Chamber Foundation President Mark Wilson.
Up next is a session on business and philanthropic leaders uniting to build prosperity, with speakers Maritza Martinez-Guerrero of the Orlando Magic, Jonathan Romine of Collaboratory and Jim Miller of Maximus.
In the third session is a panel discussion on how local leaders in Broward County are making an impact, moderated by Greater Fort Lauderdale Alliance Executive Vice President Ron Drew with leaders from the local community.
After Renner is a session on supporting families, with speaker Nan Rich.
The second half of the day includes scaling solutions at the zip code level; a networking lunch; exploring education as a pathway to prosperity; discussing the balance between brand and community; supporting re-entry programs; exploring the impact of afterschool programs and discussing transportation as a means to opportunity.
A full program is available online. Registration remains open here, with in-person and virtual options available.
A welcome reception is scheduled for May 22 from 6-7 p.m. for in-person attendees.
Dont Say FLA
April 26, 2024 at 7:47 am
There’s four paths to prosperity anymore for your average citizen, but one is, by most appearances, for “ladies only”
1- Powerball
2- MegaMillions
3- Elections work that results in a payout from The Donald J Trump Hair Club for Menzzzzz
4- Get groped or molested or raped by Trumped and prove it in court, unlike Cray Cray Nancy Mace always claiming she was raped but the lady proven repeatedly in civil court to have been sexually assault by Donald ZZZZZ Trump wasn’t because civil court isn’t criminal court, but Nancy Mace’s so-called rapist didn’t even go to ANY court whatsoever. Nancy Mace, by her own rules, is a liar, so make sure not to be a liar like Nancy Mace. Make sure you prove it and you, too, can live the lifestyle of the rich and famous.
Ron Forrest Ron
April 26, 2024 at 9:36 am
United States of America’s path to prosperity:
Step 1: Be born into a wealthy, connected family.
Step 2: Leverage the family name and family money. No matter how incompetent and/or crooked you might be, no worries, this can still work for you, despite you.
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