HB 1335, approved Friday by Gov. Ron DeSantis, will bring a number of changes to what businesses must do to comply with state law.
One such change involves the tobacco industry.
The legislation requires people permitted for or seeking to be permitted for a cigarette, tobacco product, nicotine, or cigar license to apply online with The Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco.
It imposes another requirement on operators in the tobacco space, increasing the requirement for a tobacco product distributor corporate surety bond to $25,000, from $1,000.
Moving on to alcohol, the bill relaxes the “lookback period” in which prior felonies can be considered as license disqualifiers, from 15 years to 10 years. It also requires online applications similarly to the tobacco rule.
It’s not just vices that see regulation changes here, however, but other aspects of life’s ups and downs.
Namely, elevators.
Those applying for permits are now required to do so online with the Division of Hotels and Restaurants.
Certified Public Accountants? They get similar treatment, with new requirements for online applications with DBPR.
Pilots also see changes that could impact diversity efforts. The bill ends what a bill analysis calls “a competency-based mentor program for minority persons” and “removes the requirement that DBPR must consider the minority and female status of applicants when qualifying deputy pilots.”
The bill has good news for barbers and cosmetologists licensed in other states, removing language that required them to be licensed in another jurisdiction for a year for their licenses to be accepted in Florida. Now, such reciprocity is instant.
Those involved in asbestos abatement can also breathe easier in a sense, with the bill removing previous requirements for bondability for contractors, which were previously in place for the sake of demonstrating financial responsibility. This will save them $100 each.
Specialty electrical contractors also get a break here. They are allowed to expand their business to non-electrical business signs.
May 11, 2024 at 9:44 pm
Is it shear laziness. Computers only..or being able to translate English because of all the new migrants that need placements.
Or just intended to do fraud with sensitive information.on the www
rick whitaker
May 11, 2024 at 10:21 pm
desantis is way in over his head. almost all of his decisions are bad. it must have something to do with his myriad of personality defects.
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
May 14, 2024 at 4:46 pm
FYI, the platform of the Libertarian Party of Florida (Section V, paragraph 4) says: “…We call for abolishing all business and occupational licenses. The right of the people to conduct business is inherent and should not require the permission of the State …”.
rick whitaker
May 14, 2024 at 7:15 pm
LARRY, no wonder libertarians are considered foil hat wearers.
May 14, 2024 at 7:33 pm
Oh Big Lar, I almost forgot,
I’ve got a little fishing shack up there in Bokelia if y’all Liberaterians ever want to bring some of that Matlache old hippy weed up and “Party With Elvis”.
We can discuss politics and stuff.
Elvis Pitts American
May 14, 2024 at 6:57 pm
Yo Big Lar,
Thats why there are only 17 folks in Florida with The Liberatarian Party.
You and the other 16 Liberatarians will be first in line to sue The Great Sate of Florida if we removed licensure on elevators and one falls 11 stories and makes your testicals pop out of your nut sack.
Thank Goodness there are only 17 of you Liberatarians in Florida and our Govornment had The Sage Wisdom to make all 17 of y’all live down there in the “City of Old Crumudgens” “Cape Coral”.
Y’all are henceforth forbiden to leave Cape Coral. Y’all can go over the bridge to Ft. Myers or take your boat over to those fine restaurants on Pine Island and/or go to the artsy fartsy Matlache to smoke weed with all them Old Hippies … but thats it, Big Lar, y’all Libratarians need to stay within a 60 mile radius of Cape Coral.
Thanks Big Lar,
Elvis Pitts American
*elvis giving the world “correction & direction” every day*
May 14, 2024 at 7:55 pm
Sorry, Big Lar, I was just having one of my overly authoritian moments, and am lifting y’all’s travel restrictions.
Y’all Florida Liberatarians are henceforth free to move about The Planet.
Thanks Big Lar,
Elvis Pitts “Friend Of Liberatarians” American
Elvis Pitts American
May 14, 2024 at 8:07 pm
…..forgot to take my meds Big Lar. 🙂
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