U.S. Sen. Rick Scott lamented at a law enforcement roundtable that Senate Democrats won’t support intercepting fentanyl at the border. But the Naples Republican voted against doing so twice.
Scott irked Democrats after a May 10 Kissimmee appearance with local law enforcement by begging the opioid crisis on President Joe Biden’s administration.
“I won’t stand by as fentanyl kills another 76,000 Americans this year. Getting my END FENTANYL Act signed into law is a big deal, but we can’t stop there,” Scott posted on social media after the event. “I’m fighting every day to force Biden to secure the border & hold his admin accountable to end this deadly crisis.”
Scott told WESH that the problems with the fentanyl crisis start at better patrolling the border. And during the roundtable itself, Scott traced a rush in drugs crossing the border to two weeks after Biden took office. And he complained that he faced resistance in a Democrat-controlled Senate to have legislation considered.
“I’ve proposed a lot of bills. We’ve struggled to get them passed,” he said.
But Democrats pounced and said Scott has also voted against bills that included better border patrol of drug trafficking. That included voting against a bipartisan border package that initially failed on a 50-49 vote, and which included The FEND Off Fentanyl Act. The measure later passed on a bipartisan 79-18 vote, but Scott still voted against it.
Scott’s office pushed back on suggestions his vote was related to fentanyl trafficking. The same package included foreign aid overseas, and Scott in a floor speech said he was voting against the legislation because it had no mechanism for keeping humanitarian aid in Gaza out of the hands of Hamas.
“It should not be difficult to say that we won’t risk even one dollar of American taxpayer money going to Hamas, and pass commonsense legislation to stop that from happening,” Scott said on the Senate floor. “That shouldn’t be hard.”
That FEND Off Fentanyl Act requires the administration to sanction foreign individuals connected to drug cartels, empowers the forfeiture of property and authorizes the Treasury Department to employ special measures to attack fentanyl-connected money laundering. It also requires annual reports to Congress on actions taken to reduce the international trafficking of fentanyl and related opioids.
The border package was negotiated in bipartisan fashion but notoriously faced opposition in Congress after former President Donald Trump urged lawmakers to reject a deal during an Election year.
“Rick Scott cares more about scoring political points than addressing Florida’s fentanyl crisis,” reads a statement from the Florida Democratic Party. “That’s why he voted against the FEND Off Fentanyl Act and the bipartisan border security deal backed by the Border Patrol Union. Floridians see right through Scott’s self-serving politics and will hold him accountable in November.”
Scott of note did discuss bipartisan legislation he introduced that did pass in the Senate. The Eradicating Narcotic Drugs and Formulating Effective New Tools to Address National Yearly Losses of life (END FENTANYL) Act was signed by Biden in March. The bill passed in the Senate by unanimous consent.
But Scott made clear the bill isn’t a solution on its own and still pegged the nation’s fentanyl problems on the President.
“I won’t stand by as fentanyl kills another 76,000 Americans this year. Getting my END FENTANYL Act signed into law is a big deal, but we can’t stop there,” Scott posted on social media. “I’m fighting every day to force Biden to secure the border & hold his admin accountable to end this deadly crisis.”
Scott’s office after this article’s publication sent a list of legislative achievements specifically focused on the fentanyl crisis.
May 17, 2024 at 4:55 pm
Scott voted against an immigration bill that codified 5k of illegals coming across every day. It was bad legislation and then they included fentenyl legislation to do exactly what the writer is doing saying “see Scott is not against fetenyl”. If you fall for that deception then you have to have a very low IQ.
May 17, 2024 at 6:47 pm
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May 17, 2024 at 6:52 pm
Good evening America,
What we have at our boarders is exactly what the 08iden Sad-Ministration wants at our borders.
No Senators or House members voted to “Make The Border Stink happen. Which is why no Senators or House members can vote to make it stop.
The 08iden Sad-Ministration did it all by Executive Order.
Which is why Trump will be elected to make it stop by Executive Order.
Every “Dook 4 Brains Leftist that voted for 8iden in 2020 will go to HEll for ETERTINTY for that 8iden vote.
The only chance at REDEMPTION is of course thru 1.) Your Religion AND 2.) VOTING FOR TRUMP.
Either you Repent and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord And Saviour AND VOTE TRUMP 4 POTUS – OR YOU BURN IN HEll FOR EVER & EVER AMEN. [Only by Voting Trump AND Getting Right With Jesus will you be able to join us COOL KIDS and best of all begin to Relax Your Sphincters. And as you know we all want to Relax Our Sphincters.
Vote Trump, Accept Jesus, & Relax Your Sphincter for Eternity ….. now who amoungst us would not want a Happy Ending such as described so Elequantly, by Elvis, as that?
You are welcome America,
Elivis Pitts American
rick whitaker
May 17, 2024 at 8:46 pm
Impeach Biden
May 17, 2024 at 9:11 pm
Old man yelling at the moon. Come on gramps lose the all caps.
rick whitaker
May 17, 2024 at 10:33 pm
Hung Wiil
May 17, 2024 at 10:59 pm
The headline to this piece should have read “Rick Scott finally has extrinsic value.” He voted against that stupid bill that would do absolutely nothing but make sure bureaucrats, law enforcement, lawyers, and judges and mental health geniuses will all get paid. Everyone is wrong on immigration.
Impeach Biden
May 17, 2024 at 4:56 pm
This one is on Joe. Nearly eight million illegals since he signed those executive orders on day one. Now the media and the Dems want to put this on the Repubs. The Dems are fully aware that this is a huge issue with voters and are trying to spin their way out of this mess that they have created.
rick whitaker
May 17, 2024 at 5:00 pm
HOWLER MONKEY, you are wrong as usual. look the real facts up and educate your inane ass.
Impeach Biden
May 17, 2024 at 5:14 pm
No Dick, it is you that needs to look at what is going on at the Southern Border. Your Homeland Security boss has been impeached.
rick whitaker
May 17, 2024 at 5:40 pm
HOWLER MONKEY, the truth rolls off your back like water on oil. the truth is trump shot the bill down so he could fool people, he fooled you for sure. the dems and smart gop know exactly why he shot the border bill down. go ask a smart person why.
Impeach Biden
May 17, 2024 at 6:53 pm
Negative Dick. Simply look at the numbers out there. Nearly night million have entered since Joe signed the Executive Orders. You refuse to acknowledge that fact. Now you spin. Only idiots like yourself believe that fallacy.
Dont Say FLA
May 19, 2024 at 10:19 am
What is going on at the Southern Border:
2016-2020 Trump built a selfie station for G0P whiners visiting Eagle Pass TX. It’s just like the weather guy reporting in the hurricane. He finds the windiest part of town, usually some wind tunnel intersection, and then acts like he can’t get out of the wind because it’s like that everywhere. Trump built a few miles of wall that blew over in the wind
2020-2024 Bipartisan border deal was fixing to pass from Congress for Biden’s signature giving the G0P just about everything the ever CLAIMED they wanted for the border when all the really ever wanted was the selfie station Trump built. Bluff having been called, the deal got shut down by Trump so the G0P didn’t lose their border selfie station like they already lost their abortion selfie station which has them lost at “see what a bunch of Moe’s they are”
rick whitaker
May 20, 2024 at 6:43 pm
HOWLER MONKEY, we need all the new workers we can get. why can’t you see that? you must of never had to find workers to hire. we need more workers, get out of the way maga and let us start the hiring.
May 18, 2024 at 11:34 am
How about you list the titles of those executive orders. Be specific as to which ones increased immigration #’s. Give us the links, too. Back up your delusions with reality.
Michael roberts
May 17, 2024 at 4:56 pm
nothing rick does makes sense.The senate and congress have become a worthless joke.Both sides are not able to work to a middle ground. The governor in floriduh has passed laws that are counter intuitive as well.
Hung Wiil
May 17, 2024 at 10:57 pm
Such as . . . ???
rick whitaker
May 20, 2024 at 5:43 pm
HUNG , most all of them of course. you’re playing dumb huh?
May 18, 2024 at 11:36 am
Scott just postulates and tries to appear relavant, but is completely useless and non-productive. He has done absolutely nothing to justify his seat, or his salary. Waste, fraud and abuse of taxpayer money, on full display.
May 23, 2024 at 4:40 pm
Like always, boarder control needs to be shown ineffective ,
” Fibs “.
But the 2 nd will somehow work better in control..
May 25, 2024 at 5:20 pm
I guess no one knows capital anymore 😕
Along side of the word parasite…
Why need a weapon.always somehow a weapon….
Reminits of yesterday.when the world had crack to play.
May 25, 2024 at 5:21 pm
Yesterday when they had smoke to play. Looks like it went away
Oh yesterday
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