When it comes to garnering favor from Hispanic business owners in this year’s Presidential Election, it’s not a close contest; they like Donald Trump a lot more.
But among their employees and non-business-owning entrepreneurs? Joe Biden’s their guy.
Newly released polling from the U.S. Hispanic Business Council (USHBC) shows Trump has a double-digit advantage in support among the group’s business-owning members.
Forty-six percent of respondents who own businesses said they’d cast ballots for Trump if the election happened today, compared to 30% who said the same for Biden.
However, 52% of the organization’s non-business-owning members said they’d vote for Biden. Just 31.5% preferred Trump.
The USHBC surveyed 2,300 members April 20-May 8. The margin of error was 3.7 percentage points.
Among all USHBC members, 42% said they’d vote for Biden, 38% sided with Trump and the remaining 20% were either undecided or preferred Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Notably, Trump’s support base suffers from far fewer defectors than that of Biden. Among USBHC business owners, 14% who previously backed Biden were undecided, while 9% felt similarly about Trump.
Fifty-one percent of USHBC business owners said Trump was better for their bottom lines, compared to just 27% who said the same about Biden. The remainder said neither helped or hurt their profits.
The survey found 2 out of 3 respondents said Trump’s trade policies more positively impacted their businesses.
Asked to rank their top issues this election cycle, 31% pointed to the economy, 30% said preserving democracy was most important, 14% cited national security and 13% said immigration.
They added that inflation is most affecting their finances (33%), followed by gas and electricity prices (27%) and interest rates (20%).
My Take
May 22, 2024 at 5:08 pm
The petit bourgeois prefer the petit fascist.
Big suprise.
Dont Say FLA
May 22, 2024 at 5:10 pm
Loco Don is Truth-ing (lol) and sending our fundraising solicitations making claims the US Justice Department was ready to kill him.
Loco Don even claims, “Joe Biden was locked & loaded ready to take me out & put my family in danger.”
Any why would he do that?
Because of standard language in every search warrant ever issued for the DoJ to perform a search. That’s why.
This is why: “Law enforcement officers and correctional officers of the Department of Justice may use deadly force only when necessary, that is, when the officer has a reasonable belief that the subject of such force poses an imminent danger of death or serious physical injury to the officer or to another person.”
Loco Don done lost all his marbles! I figure it’s because a tiny little bit of the stress of a Presidency, his own, where he never before felt any stress because he did not give AF about being the public servant Preisdent of the USA, a tiny fraction of that stress is coming down on his head.
It doesn’t look much like the Prosecution will obtain a verdict of Guilt from the jury, so what is he even stressed about? Sitting still and staying awake 4 days per week for 5 weeks? That is kindergarten stuff. He should be able to do that without falling to pieces.
But he can’t. Anything little thing happens, Trump falls to pieces like he was Patsy Cline.
Dick Whittaker
May 22, 2024 at 5:57 pm
Biden is a boob. It’s obvious to everyone except the kool-aid drinking zombies. I wish the Repubs had a different candidate, but anyone is better than that moron and his giggling sidekick. Biden has got to go.
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 22, 2024 at 7:56 pm
Good evening Sage Patriots
Everyone please join me, Elvis Pitts American, in welcoming my “Transitioning,” employee Dick Whitaker [FKA Richard] [AKA Rick]. Our new Sage Pstriot, Dick Whitaker, should be loved by one & all because he is in “Transition” from Dook 4 Brains Lefty to Sage Patriot.
Now this type of “Transitiom” does not involve wearing ladies panties and “Tucking your Johnson way back in your Lady Under Panties”.
No America, our new Brother Dick Whitaker has seen the error of his prior political affilations and is striving to “Transition” into a Sage Patriot,”
Thank tou America,
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
Dont Say FLA
May 23, 2024 at 8:34 am
Today’s G0P strategery to re-take oval office
1- Re-run candidate who bats 1000 with a perfect popularity record… of losing
2- Call the competition names till folks believe the insults2- Nap time for Nappy Head
3- Call the competition names till folks believe the insults2b- Executive Session (aka continued nap time)
3- Collect underpants
4- Call the competition insulting, juvenile names until folks believe the insults
My Take
May 22, 2024 at 6:15 pm
Trump is a loathsome unAmerican moral degenerate. His close company is chosen for their foulness.
To quote Carl Hiaasen (sp?):
“You could throw a mullet net over any bus bench on BIscaynei Boulevard and recruit better.”
Dick Whittaker
May 22, 2024 at 6:26 pm
With regards to your Carl Hiaasen comment. That holds true for both parties.
Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
May 22, 2024 at 6:53 pm
Good evening America,
As a lot of you know I’ve got my Hispanic Posse lead by The Sage Speedy and his Savant-Genius Cousin SloPoke bringing the Hispanic vote home to Donald Trump & his VPOTUS Ron DeSantis.
Relax your Sphincters, America, we will not let America fall to The Dook 4 Brains Left for 2 POTUS cycles in a row ….. that would be the death of us all.
Thank you America,
Elvis [FKA EARL] Pitts American
Speedy y SloPoke
May 22, 2024 at 7:23 pm
My cousin SloPoke says we got the November USA election all set for the muy largo Hispanic Trump wave.
Now that Senior Elvis FKA Earl has been giving to SloPoke the data he needs we now have The Hispanic Trump Posse from el mar to shining el mar. My cousin SloPoke is having doing all the muy deficial workings to be making Senior Elvis y his friend Senior Don Trump the proud to have be knowing SloPoke y Speedy. Thanking Senior Trump muy mucho times of thanks.
SloPoke y Speedy
May 22, 2024 at 10:59 pm
I heard they were seeking farm food over the borders. Like eggs and half u plucked chicken meats
Dont Say FLA
May 28, 2024 at 11:04 pm
There’s U Pluck chicken farms that work like U Pick (straw)berry farms? Oh man that is a great idea! I wanna go!
Playing with ?
May 23, 2024 at 8:06 pm
Same delusions like Obama change. Saying now we will be Rich
No ,,,,change
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