Donald Trump responds to his guilty verdict by falsely blasting a ‘rigged trial’ and attacking star witness
Image via AP.

Donald Trump
His son Eric Trump and daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, joined him, but his wife, Melania Trump, who has been publicly silent since the verdict, was not seen.

Donald Trump attacked the judge and the star witness in his criminal hush money trial and again tried to undermine New York’s criminal justice system on Friday while seeking to turn his conviction on 34 felony charges into fuel — and not an impediment — to his bid to return to the White House.

Trump addressed reporters at his namesake tower in Manhattan Friday, returning to campaigning a day after he was convicted of trying to illegally influence the 2016 election by falsifying business records to hide money paid to a porn actor who claimed they had sex.

The Republican ex-President, as defiant as ever, argued the verdict was illegitimate and driven by politics and sought to downplay the facts underlying the case.

“It’s not hush money. It’s a nondisclosure agreement. Totally legal, totally common,” he said.

In a message aimed to galvanize his supporters, he cast himself as a martyr, suggesting that if it could happen to him, “They can do this to anyone.”

He said he was “very honored to be involved” because “somebody has to it it.”

“I’m willing to do whatever I have to do to save our country and save our Constitution. I don’t mind,” he said. “So we will continue the fight.”

President Joe Biden, responding to the verdict at the White House, said the former President “was given every opportunity to defend himself” and blasted his rhetoric.

“It’s reckless, it’s dangerous, it’s irresponsible for anyone to say this is rigged just because they don’t like the verdict,” Biden said.

While the guilty verdict appeared to motivate Trump’s loyal base of supporters, including those who began pouring donations into his campaign, it’s unclear if any of this will help him with independent voters who’ll be decisive in the November election.

No former President or presumptive party nominee has ever faced a felony conviction or the prospect of prison time, and Trump is expected to keep his legal troubles central to his campaign. He has long argued without evidence the four indictments against him were orchestrated by Democratic President Joe Biden to try to keep him out of the White House. The hush money case was filed by local prosecutors in Manhattan who don’t work for the Justice Department or any White House office.

Trump, who has painted himself as pro-law enforcement and even talked of how officers might handle suspects roughly, has spent the last two years attacking parts of the criminal justice system as it applies to him and raising questions about the honesty and motives of agents and prosecutors.

After weeks of primarily speaking from an aging courthouse in Manhattan, Trump chose to return to campaign mode Friday in the atrium of his Trump Tower, the brass and rose marble lobby where he descended his golden escalator to announce his 2016 campaign nine years ago next month.

“We’re going to fight,” Trump said. “I’m wired in such a way that a lot of people would have gone away a long time ago.”

When Trump emerged from the courtroom immediately after the verdict Thursday, he appeared tense and deeply angry, his words pointed and clipped. But at Trump Tower on Friday, he appeared more relaxed, especially as his speech went on and he defaulted into his standard rally mode, complete with acted-out stories. He did not take any questions from reporters.

Despite the historic ruling, a convicted Trump sounded much the same as a pre-convicted Trump, as he delivered what amounted to a truncated version of his usual rally speech.

In his disjointed remarks, Trump initially started attacking Biden on immigration and tax policies before pivoting to his case, growling that he was threatened with jail time if he violated a gag order. He picked apart intricate parts of the case and trial proceedings as unfair, making false statements and misrepresentations as he did so.

Trump said he wanted to testify, a right that he opted not to exercise. Doing so would have allowed prosecutors to cross-examine him. The former President on Friday raised the specter of being charged with perjury for a verbal misstep, saying, “The theory is you never testify because as soon as you testify — anybody, if it were George Washington — don’t testify because they’ll get you on something that you said slightly wrong.”

Testing the limits of the gag order that prohibits him from publicly critiquing witnesses including Michael Cohen, Trump called his former fixer, the star prosecution witness in the case, “a sleazebag.”

He also circled back to some of the same authoritarian themes he has repeatedly focused on in speeches and rallies, painting the U.S. under Biden as a “corrupt” and “fascist” nation.

His son Eric Trump and daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, joined him, but his wife, Melania Trump, who has been publicly silent since the verdict, was not seen.

Outside, on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, supporters gathered across the street flew a giant red “TRUMP OR DEATH” sign that flapped in front of a high-end boutique. A small group of protesters held up signs that said “Guilty” and “Justice matters.”

On Friday morning, Trump’s campaign announced it had raised $34.8 million as donations poured in the hours after the verdict through midnight. That’s more than $1 million for each felony charge and more than his political operation raised in January and February combined.

Trump and his campaign had been preparing for a guilty verdict for days, even as they held out hope for a hung jury. On Tuesday, Trump railed that not even Mother Teresa, the nun and saint, could beat the charges, which he repeatedly labeled as “rigged.”

His top aides on Wednesday released a memo in which they insisted a verdict would have no impact on the election, whether Trump was convicted or acquitted.

The news nonetheless landed with a jolt. Trump listened as the jury delivered a guilty verdict on every count. Trump sat stone-faced while the verdict was read.

His campaign fired off a flurry of fundraising appeals, and GOP allies rallied to his side. One text message called him a “political prisoner,” even though he hasn’t yet found out if he will be sentenced to prison. The campaign also began selling black “Make America Great Again” caps, instead of the usual red, to reflect a “dark day in history.”

Aides reported an immediate rush of contributions so intense that WinRed, the platform the campaign uses for fundraising, crashed. The $34.8 million raised Thursday did not include what Trump collected at his in-person fundraiser or any donations that continued to come in online Friday.

Trump is set in the upcoming two months to have his first debate with Biden, announce a running mate and formally accept his party’s nomination at the Republican National Convention (RNC). But before he goes to Milwaukee for the RNC, Trump will have to return to court on July 11 for sentencing. He could face penalties ranging from a fine or probation up to four years in prison.


Republished with permission of The Associated Press.

Associated Press


  • Ocean Joe

    May 31, 2024 at 2:35 pm

    He should’ve testified, then we’d have about 100 counts of perjury to try.

    • Hung Wiil

      May 31, 2024 at 3:35 pm

      Its not the reporters job to tell me what is true and what is false. F U

      • rick whitaker

        May 31, 2024 at 6:26 pm

        HUNG, if someone don’t tell you what is true, how will you know?

      • Ocean Joe

        June 1, 2024 at 1:33 pm

        If you are watching Fox news, I agree with your comment.

  • Michael K

    May 31, 2024 at 3:07 pm

    Lies, lies, and more lies. That’s all that Trump knows how to do – which is why he refused to take the witness stand in his own defense.

    But there is no denying the truth: A jury of 12 of Trunmp’s peers unanimously agreed that the facts and evidence presented by the prosecution confirmed that Trump falsified records and committed crimes.

    I’ve yet to hear a single Republican admit that truth.

    • rick whitaker

      May 31, 2024 at 6:30 pm

      MICHAEL K , gop is a minority, so it requires lies to win. simple math

  • My Take

    May 31, 2024 at 3:27 pm

    Proved guilty AND proven guilty.
    Guilty as sin.
    Fairly tried and convicted.
    Now he needs to be disposed of.
    In November.

  • Dont Say FLA

    May 31, 2024 at 4:11 pm

    Why is Trump only now promising to fight his trial’s guilty verdicts? On his side, the criminal defendant’s side, that’s what his trial was supposed to be for. But he slept through it instead of fighting. I reckon he must plan to fight it right after he builds that wall and makes Mexico pay for and also locks her up.

  • Michael K

    May 31, 2024 at 4:39 pm

    Poor Melania. I guess she’s tired of hearing about her husband’s infidelities – but his having unprotected sex with a pornstar after she gave birth to their son must sting.

  • Paul Passarelli

    May 31, 2024 at 7:19 pm

    Kangaroo Court. Meaningless Verdict.

    I support Trump more today than I did yesterday.
    I’ll support Trump more tomorrow than I did today.

    Democrats are idiots.

    • rick whitaker

      May 31, 2024 at 7:49 pm

      PAUL , i’m sure you will still vote for a convicted criminal, birds of a feather huh?

    • My Take

      May 31, 2024 at 9:07 pm

      But Republicans are scum.

    • Ocean Joe

      June 1, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      Who did you support yesterday? Because it sounds like you’re the guy Trump was talking about if he shot somebody on 5th Avenue.

  • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

    May 31, 2024 at 9:16 pm

    Good evening to all my, Elvis Pitts American’s, Besty Leftys,
    As you all know Elvis loves you guys and as I promised I am holding off on “Weighing In” on the results of the NYC Trial for a while because I love you guys and want y’all to think that you guys “Won Something” as a result of that trial.
    So as I promised I am holding off chastizing any “Dook 4 Brains Leftys” and “Weighing In” with my ususal Truth, Justice, and The American Way for a few days or maybe longer.
    Honestly its because most of you ‘Aint had $hit for your entire lives for which you could have ever “Relaxed Your Sphincters Over” and I want all my Besty Leftys to experiance thevJoy Of Sphincter Relaxation for once in their lifetimes.
    So everybody “Relax Your Sphincters” ….. do it for Elvis,

  • Sundance

    June 3, 2024 at 6:53 pm

    Urainus is in. .
    Play that Deck

Comments are closed.


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