Poll: Majority of voters back Donald Trump conviction
Image via AP.

Donald Trump court
Republicans, however, are standing by the presumptive nominee.

Republicans are making hay out of the so-called “lawfare” that led to Donald Trump’s conviction on 34 counts of falsifying records related to payouts to an adult film actor.

But a new survey of 2,220 registered voters from Morning Consult suggests that people outside the GOP base largely approve of the unanimous verdict from a New York jury.

“Over half of voters (54%) approve of the 12 jurors’ historic decision to convict the former president on 34 felony charges related to a 2016 hush-money scheme with adult actress Stormy Daniels. A similar share believes Trump committed a crime,” Morning Consult notes, regarding its survey conducted May 31.

Likewise, the decision is 20 points above water in terms of favorability, with 54% approving of the decision, and 34% of those polled disapproving.

Nearly half of respondents (44%) believe Trump deserves prison time or probation (49%). However, 68% say a fine would suffice as punishment.

GOP registrants, meanwhile, are rallying to Trump.

Just 15% of Republicans believe he should end his campaign in the wake of the verdict.

Meanwhile, “72% of Republican voters think right-wing politicians should still publicly campaign with Trump, regardless of his conviction, while just 17% said they should not. In fact, Republican voters want said politicians to remain loyal, as 71% say they should not oppose his nomination.”

Florida Republicans, of course, are rallying to the former President’s defense.

Sen. Rick Scott is part of a push to ensure President Joe Biden doesn’t get Judicial nominees through the Senate, Sen. Marco Rubio has been a vocal advocate for Trump, and even Gov. Ron DeSantis has decried the verdict.

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is suggesting voters don’t care much about the trial or the verdict, as evidenced by polling of seven swing states that will decide who wins the election.

“Democrats and their media allies should put the corks back in their champagne bottles because despite a massive spike in Trial awareness from our Wednesday night to Thursday night data (pre- and post-conviction – 800 likely voters per night), voters appeared to shrug at the court ruling as there was NO impact on any of the ballots,” wrote pollster Tony Fabrizio in a memo circulated to media Saturday.

He also contends “there was no change in voters’ opinions of the Trial – 52% said they thought the Trial was politically motivated in Wednesday’s data and it stayed at 52% in last night’s data. As importantly, as illustrated by the table below, President Trump’s lead in every ballot iteration remained statistically unchanged.”

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for FloridaPolitics.com since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Ocean Joe

    June 1, 2024 at 3:30 pm

    I would’ve liked to have actually heard the evidence before I approve of the verdict in a poll, but it’s hard to argue with the 12 who did.

    We need to move on.
    On to his next case of criminal misconduct.
    And the 3 or 4 after that.
    Then we can get back to the Zieglers.

    • Julia

      June 1, 2024 at 6:17 pm

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    • PeterH

      June 2, 2024 at 5:34 am

      The MAGA crowd will always support a circus. It’s time for fiscally conservative Republicans and Independent voters to take a stand. Do Americans really want four more years of Trump trials and potentially new impeachment charges? Republicans at one time were supporters of the rule of law.

      • Walt Browning

        June 2, 2024 at 8:03 am

        But are the Trump trials really his fault? Where are the Epstein trials? What about Burisma and Hunter Biden? Where are his charges and such? Unfortunately, most conservatives feel now that the judicial system is rigged against them. True or false, the prosecution of the president over the course of his first term is at the feet of the ruling class, both democrats and establishment republicans who don’t want to lose power or money. This is the force that is driving our system now.

        • Dont Say FLA

          June 2, 2024 at 11:34 am

          Whatabout whatabout whatbout. And one of your whatabouts, whatabout Hunter Biden’s trial, that trial is ongoing right now.

          At least get your whatabouts right if you’re going to whatabout. The G0P is going after Hunter for gun. Currently.

          Hunter is current on trial for 3 felony charges for bureaucratic gun approval paperwork because the G0P suddenly got interested in gun controlololololol

          The judicial system only rigged against anybody who are criminal defendants, and that’s because there was a pre-trial trial where a grand jury found their alleged crimes to be very trial worthy. The innocent don’t usually make it to trial and nobody is ever found innocent in criminal trials. They’re found, at best, to be “not guilty” because the prosecution didn’t meet their burden.

        • MH/Duuuval

          June 2, 2024 at 11:53 am

          Hunter’s trial is coming up soon — a serious gun charge, too. Seems like the 2A crowd would be up in arms, so to speak.

          • Tom

            June 2, 2024 at 12:15 pm

            I’m surprised that the NRA is not getting all apoplectic over the Hunter Biden gun thing myself. Shouldn’t drug users have a right to defend themselves under 2A? /s
            It does make me wonder though why Hallie Biden was not charged as well for dumping the gun, which she technically stole, in the garbage bin at the local supermarket. He’s not an elected official so it’s hard to care too much but I guess it will give fox news something to blather about as they try to change the subject away from trump’s conviction.

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 2, 2024 at 11:39 am

      Everything available at ww2 nycourts gov slash people-v-donald-j-trump-criminal-37026

  • JD

    June 1, 2024 at 3:33 pm

    Of course Convicted Felon Mafia Don, Cappo Desantis, and various footsoldiers are going to still back his DYI mafia.


  • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

    June 1, 2024 at 3:53 pm

    Buzz Buzz:
    We inturupt your daily “Self-Affirming Dook-Fest” to advise this is a re-print of a “Dook 4 Brains A. P. artical of Dook Propaganda.
    Buzz Buzz:
    We now return you to your Saturday much better informed.
    Elvis Pitts American

    • JD

      June 1, 2024 at 6:32 pm


    • rick whitaker

      June 1, 2024 at 9:53 pm

      EARL AKA BILLY PURSER, so you are now a supporter of a convict. good work.

  • MH/Duuuval

    June 1, 2024 at 6:58 pm

    Teflon Donnie: He could have walked out of the courtroom and shot someone on 5th Avenue and never suffered any consequence.

  • SuzyQ

    June 1, 2024 at 7:16 pm

    Susan “Susie” (neé Summerall) Wiles is the person behind former U.S. president Donald Trump’s campaign. She’s responsible for the some of the successful  campaigns of Rick Scott, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, et al. She is a prominent member of the political class and has, at the very least, a symbiotic relationship with this political establishment “publication” or propagator of political establishment propaganda and a confidential source for Florida Politics’ so-called journalists.

    • JD

      June 1, 2024 at 10:18 pm

      Strategically “leaked” source info is your point?

      • MH/Duuuval

        June 2, 2024 at 11:54 am

        Repetition is the mother of deafness.

    • Dont Say FLA

      June 2, 2024 at 12:09 pm

      Ron DeSantis campaign was successful?

  • Dont Say FLA

    June 2, 2024 at 11:27 am

    Biden didn’t have anything to do Trump’s first criminal trial or its 34 guilty verdicts, but that won’t keep Trump from his same old “it’s rigged” “it’s a hoax” “i never even met her” lines and the rest of them.

    And the star struck, celebrity worshipping MAGAs will fall for the same old lines. Again. They just keep falling for it. Every. Single. Time.

    Biden could affect the outcome of the post-trial by offering clemency to J6 “hostages” who agree to go public, telling their true stories about how believing Trump’s lies is how they ruined their own lives.

    J6 “Hostage” “Patriots,” it’s time for you to do some real patriotism and tell the truth about Trump and about your trials, like how they were legitimate and fair just like Trump’s trial just was.

  • Dont Say FLA

    June 2, 2024 at 12:08 pm

    Trump is claming his “election expert” witness Bradley A Smith was not allowed to testify.

    On the contrary, Smith was allowed to testify on topics hammered out during pre-trial and, oh, here that is:

    Here, it is abundantly clear that Smith does not possess personal knowledge regarding the underlying facts of the instant matter. Further, it is readily apparent, from the materials provided to the People by the Defendant, that Smith was retarned to testify at trial not as a lay witness, but as an expert. See People’s Exhibits 1 and 3.
    Defendant seeks to elicit from Smith, among other things, that at the time Cohen paid Daniels, there had never been a case in which anyone had been convicted of a federal campaign finance law violation for the making of “hush money payments;” the facts surrounding the trial of former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate, John Edwards, his subsequent acquittal, and that the case was heavily criticized. People’s Exhibit 1. Defendant also represents that Smith should be permltted to testify regarding “factual circumstances bearing on the Intent of relevant parties, which includes here
    President Trump, AMI wltnesses, and Cohen with respect to the absence of culpable mens rea under
    Penal Law S 175.10 and of the willfulness element of a FECA violation.” Defendant’s Opposition at Smith was previously precluded from testifying about similar matters in the Southern District of New York by Federal District Court Judge Lewis Kaplan. Judge Kaplan reasoned that Smith’s testimony was, as it IS here, improper because it sought to instruct the jury on matters of law. United States v. Bankman+ried, 2023 WL 6162865 *1, [SD NY, sept 21, 2023, No. (LAIC)]. Further, the testimony Defendant seeks to elicit from Smith here was also rejected in United Stales v. Suare% N.D. Ohio June 24, 2()14, No. 5:13-cr-42(), at 1-2. In Suarqy, the court ruled that Smlth’s proposed testimony was not relevant. The court agreed with the government that “whether the laws are commonly misunderstood does not weigh on whether defendants in this case intended to violate campaign finance laws.” People’s Exhibit 2 at pgs. 2-3. The same holds true here.
    The People’s motion is granted to the extent that Smith may not testify as a lay (fact) witness; offer opinion testimony regarding the interpretation and application of federal campaign finance laws and how they relate to the facts in the instant matter, nor may Smith testify or offer an opinion as to whether the alleged conduct in this case does or does not constitute a violation of the Federal Election Campaign Act (“FECA”). However, Smith will be permitted to testify generally as to the following: general background as to what the Federal Campaign Commission (“FEC”) is, background as to who makes up the FEC, what the FEC’s function is, what laws, if any, the FEC is responsible for enforcing, and general definitions and terms that relate directly to this case, such as for example “campalgn contribution”
    The Court will monitor this testimony closely to ensure full compliance. Any deviation from this ruling could result in sanctions up to and Including the striking of the expert’s entire testimony.

    But then what had happened was, Trump’s team submitted him to testify out of the previously defined and agreed upon bounds and parameters (in italics, right here, above) and Judge said no, he can testify to what was agreed upon which is where he has relevant expert knowledge that is pertinent to the trial or he has specific knowledge on the specific matters of the trial.

    Because Mr Smith’s testimony was going to be confined to its clearly established, agreed upon parameters, Trump’s defense declined to call him as a witness.

    Now why would the defense have agreed upon boundary to this potential witness’ testimony but then try to have him testify on something other than that? Easy: So Trump could make post-claims that exculpatory evidence was not allowed, expert witness was not allowed, etc.

    Trumps legal team manufactured a semi-plausible appearance of witness Smith not being “allowed” to testify in that his witness did not testify, but it was their own decision not to put him on the stand, and it was just gamesmanship for the post-trial whining.

  • Jojo

    June 2, 2024 at 12:56 pm

    Well that’s a relief. I seriously question either the intelligence or motivation for anyone that backs this orange grifter.

  • Michael K

    June 2, 2024 at 2:01 pm

    Felonius Trump.

    • MH/Duuuval

      June 2, 2024 at 6:22 pm

      Made me laugh!

  • Sundance

    June 3, 2024 at 6:42 pm

    Even phariors don’t like cavity checks allowed everywhere..
    Felons escalate

Comments are closed.


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