Joe Biden campaign blames Donald Trump for Florida abortion law
Image via AP.

Donald Trump Joe Biden
The law took effect at the beginning of May.

Florida’s Heartbeat Protection Act, which bans termination of pregnancies after the six week mark with limited exceptions, has been in effect for one month.

And the Joe Biden campaign is blaming a former President who appointed Supreme Court picks who reverted abortion regulations to the states for the current situation.

“For one month now, women across Florida have been living under a near-total ban on abortion care, and it’s all because of Donald Trump. That’s one month of women being denied critical reproductive health care access before many even know they’re pregnant – they’re being told to flee our state or be forced to endure extreme health care outcomes rather than get the health care they need,” the campaign asserted Saturday.

“This cruel and extreme abortion ban is only possible because Donald Trump overturned Roe v. Wade, and he brags about it. Repeatedly. Trump even said these bans that are harming women are working ‘brilliantly,'” continued the statement from Florida state director Jasmine Burney-Clark.

She goes on to argue that things could get worse still.

“If he’s reelected, Trump will go even further, with his allies pushing plans that would ban IVF and access to contraception. The only way to protect reproductive rights is to vote for President Biden and defeat Trump in November.”

The Biden campaign has focused on Florida’s abortion law since it took effect.

A month ago at Jacksonville’s Prime Osborn Center, Vice President Kamala Harris made similar points.

“Trump did this,” Harris said, saying his SCOTUS picks were “intended to overturn” 1973’s Roe v. Wade, which happened in 2022’s Dobbs decision.

She also predicted that Trump would sign a “national abortion ban,” invoking Maya Angelou’s famous quote in explaining what a second Trump term would look like.

“When someone tells you who they are, believe them the first time. And Donald Trump has told us who he is.”

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Elvis Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American

    June 1, 2024 at 1:45 pm

    Good afternoon Sage Patriots,
    What a crock of smelly brown from the rats on the sinking ship ….. AKA ….. None of the Dook 4 Brains Leftists are going to believe that Trump is responsable for Florida’s Sage and Common-Sense abortion laws and regulations.

    Lets all repeate this Sage Wisdom Together:

    “What a crock of smelly brown from the rats on the sinking ship ….. AKA ….. None of the Dook 4 Brains Leftists are going to believe that Trump is responsable for Florida’s Sage and Common-Sense abortion laws and regulations”.
    Thank you, Sage Patriots, the “Undisputable Truth Of Elvis” has been brought to you, exclusivally, by Elvis Pitts American, and anyone disputing Elvis’ Wisdom will be placed under a painfull chastizement.

    • rick whitaker

      June 2, 2024 at 9:00 pm

      EARL AKA BILLY PURSER, biden has spelled it out to you. trump is a loser and he helped ruin florida. so billy, it looks like you back losers, well some slob has to.

  • Jojo

    June 1, 2024 at 3:17 pm

    What else do you expect from a mini-me like desantis?
    Everything he does is with an eye to suck in trump voters

  • MH/Duuuval

    June 1, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    Overturning Roe — the consequence of DJT appointing 3 anti-abortion justices will be his political epitaph in Nov. 2024.

  • Conservative always

    June 2, 2024 at 10:58 am

    Democrats are campaigning on abortion up until birth. Good luck with that.

    • MH/Duuuval

      June 2, 2024 at 11:58 am

      Reactionaries always want to ignore the 99.999 percent of cases that warrant a woman’s right to choose — proposing instead to make that decision for her. But, never promising in writing to pay to raise that child. Next time just wear a raincoat, sad sack.

  • Dick Whitaker

    June 3, 2024 at 6:27 am

    As if Joe Biden even knows what is going on. Did you see that old guy walk in to the tomb of the unknown soldier? There is something wrong with him. His gate went from the Biden shuffle to the clydsdale walk.

    • Impeach Biden

      June 3, 2024 at 6:32 am

      Yet the zombies, so drunk on Biden Juice, will never admit it.

      • MH/Duuuval

        June 3, 2024 at 12:44 pm

        Admit what? That old people have stiffened joints and sometimes have to move carefully? Joe can still ride a bicycle; your boy drives a golf cart. Who’s in better shape?

  • Dont Say FLA

    June 3, 2024 at 12:35 pm

    Well, Trump didn’t prevent it from happening. He allowed it. But really it was Mitch McConnell that did this by sitting on his hands when he should have been working Obama’s SCOTUS selections and then, per McConnell’s own rules he had just made up, he should have sat on his hands, leaving Trump’s last SCOTUS selection for Biden to make, but he didn’t. He gave it to The Trump!

    Trump was nothing but McConnell’s useful idiot. Absent Mitch McConnell, what would a second term of Trump even be? Just plain “idiot,” I guess?

  • Sundance

    June 3, 2024 at 6:15 pm

    Abort Florida

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