A new ad from President Joe Biden’s campaign directly addresses his widely panned debate performance. But it also assails Republican Donald Trump as dishonest and casts the Presidential Election as a choice in character.
The ad draws from footage of a speech Biden gave in Raleigh, North Carolina, the day after the CNN debate. The speech was widely seen as an effort to assuage concerns about his age and sharpness.
“Folks, I know I’m not a young man,” Biden says in the ad. “But I know how to do this job. I know right from wrong. I know how to tell the truth. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up.”
The 60-second ad will air on TV and digital platforms in battleground states and targeting young and diverse voters. The campaign purchased time on ESPN, TNT, Bravo, FX, Freeform and Comedy Central to reach those audiences.
The campaign also invested in sports programming and the Bachelorette premiere. There will also be a 30-second version on digital platforms.
The ad directly confronts concerns about Biden’s performance, which have spurred speculation about whether he should step aside and allow a different nominee.
But the ad also seeks to spotlight Trump’s performance at the debate.
“Did you see Trump last night? I mean this sincerely, the most lies told in a single debate,” Biden says.
A picture of Trump on the debate stage is the opening shot of the ad before cutting to Biden in Raleigh. Biden criticizes his foe for lying about the economy and pandemic response.
But chiefly, the ad focuses on the Jan. 6, 2021, capitol riot, as Congress certified Biden’s 2020 defeat of Trump.
“He lied about how he had nothing to do with the insurrection on Jan. 6,” Biden said of Trump. “We all saw with our own eyes.”
The ad then cuts to footage of Trump that day in a speech before the riot, encouraging protesters to go to the Capitol. “We’re going to walk down to the Capitol, and I’ll be there with you.”
Trump didn’t go to the Capitol, nor did he call the National Guard when riots started and participants attacked police officers and entered the building, disrupting the certification process for hours.
“He did not a single thing to stop it,” Biden said. “Nothing.”
FSU Frat Boy
July 1, 2024 at 10:25 am
Where is Dandy Don Meredith? “Turn out the lights, the party is over.”🤣
July 1, 2024 at 11:27 am
You’d hope he’d look at recent supreme court rulings and see what impact RBG had by hanging in there – he’s not doing anyone any favors by staying around and handing us four more years of trump. Silly old coot.
Ocean Joe
July 2, 2024 at 10:12 am
He knows how to tell the truth, but he has no clue how to sell his accomplishments and leaves a vacuum Trump fills with lies and exaggerations.
The Infrastructure bill, the Chips Act, the Green New Deal, historically low unemployment, historically high stock market, caps on insulin pricing, and recovery of supply chain breaks from covid. Inflation is still ravaging the poor and middle class at the grocery store yet it’s the lowest among the developed world. The border looks bad, Trump says these folks are poisoning our blood, typical fascist get out the pitchforks talk from a complete scumbag who is poised to get reelected and skate from his treasonous Jan 6 antics.
While I think Biden was going to lose anyway based on the electoral college set up by our elite forefathers, Biden should step down and give the party and all those on the ballot a fighting chance. Otherwise we get a Republican trifecta: the Court, the executive, and congress and a lot of backward, repressive laws as a result.
Hoo Jukin Hoo?
July 2, 2024 at 12:08 pm
Biden knows how to tell the truth? Are you kookin’ me? This guy lied on his college exams and from there on out! Are you jukin’ me? No normally alert American can believe that. Are you. . . oh my Gawd you can’t be.
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