Fox News viewers got an extended version of trial lawyer John Morgan’s case against the Democratic Party.
Morgan, who tweeted, “Be careful what you wish for” when Democrats moved toward picking a nominee by acclamation, had plenty more to say on cable television.
“What I didn’t like was a coronation instead of a convention,” he told Laura Ingraham, airing criticisms of Kamala Harris going unchallenged for the nomination to replace Joe Biden on the 2024 ballot.
“I didn’t like the idea of two or three people picking the nominee because I believe a convention would have provided perhaps a stronger candidate, or it would have made her stronger. That didn’t happen. And so I said, you know, I’m just going to take my money and go home, and guess what? They’re going to raise plenty of money without me. They’re not going to need me one bit.”
Morgan also noted during Monday evening’s appearance that once a former House Speaker backed Harris, the debate over an open process was moot.
“Once (Nancy) Pelosi endorsed her, that was the end of the convention because Pelosi had called for a mini-convention that’s over. It’s Kamala Harris, and they’re gonna live and die with her,” Morgan added.
Morgan said other candidates have a better shot, likening picking a candidate to picking a horse at a racetrack.
“I don’t believe she can win. Now, does that make me a bad person? They want to make me a bad person for saying that they want to say, ‘Oh my God, I don’t think she could win.’ I think a combination of Joe Manchin, Andy Beshear, Josh Shapiro, Mark Kelly. I got 1,000 different scenarios that I think make more sense to win.”
Morgan wasn’t done, however.
“I represent some people high up in the Trump organization for some cases. If they had to pick one person to run against out of the whole lot, they just pick one. I think it would be her.”
No Mo Joe
July 22, 2024 at 10:08 pm
Well 84 year old senile Pelosi has spoken. There is no democracy within the Demo party. The donors and senile leaders have spoken. It’s Ka Mana. Ride it, and let’s see how she defends these last three years. Of course the zombie media will protect the incompetent DEI hire. The comedy show continues.
Get Ready
July 22, 2024 at 10:37 pm
People will underestimate at their own peril. She could burn the White House to the ground and it wouldn’t matter. Who she is and who she is not are all that matter to many many people. If the Trump campaign can’t adjust they will be far more injured than Harris by what they throw at her. The Demo machine owns the media, Hollywood, big tech, most of Wall Street, and deep global pockets (check out the fundraiser photos of Hillary partying with Jonathan Soros. Doesn’t bother dem elites in the slightest). They’ve already hobbled Trump financially and legally. Now they can bury him with unlimited cash and a fully digital campaign. This will be the last presidential election that even approximates what people would remember as an organic process (the train has officially left the station). It will never be the same again. We are entering the age of AI and the fully digital sphere, where candidates do not even have to appear in person or walk among the people (well, Dems, anyway) and propaganda 24/7. Whoever owns big tech and the echo chambers will win the day. Even chat gpt hates the G0P—it’s preprogrammed in to hate Trump and Vance. Try it and you will see. Get ready for machinery like you’ve never seen, especially because Harris is a big deal whether people like her or not. It is foolish and also insensitive to not understand this. The Trump campaign does not seem to grasp this.
July 23, 2024 at 8:13 am
“check out the fundraiser photos of Hillary partying with Jonathan Soros. Doesn’t bother dem elites”
Not that I care but I think the Clintons were at Jonathon Soros’ wedding to Huma Abedin who is Hillary’s ex-chief of staff – not really what I’d describe as some major scandal. Now that Musk is giving trump $45MM a month for his campaign, I’m not sure the Soros thing really adds up to much either way but hey, keep pushing those conspiracy theories.
Get Ready
July 23, 2024 at 3:58 pm
You misunderstood me. I was saying people talk about it like it’s the boogeyman when it’s business as usual on both sides now. It’s not a conspiracy theory and you just proved my point. It’s out in the open and the only people it bothers are the respective opposing sides. The boogeyman thing only works with older voters. We’ve gone round the bend. This will be the most expensive campaign yet and we keep saying that every cycle. I think when people throw out “conspiracy theory” and other labels defensively it shuts down open conversation and debate. Nothing I wrote was a conspiracy theory, just personal observation. The biggest one being, anybody smug against Kamela’s candidacy is foolish.
July 24, 2024 at 6:23 pm
Elon says the media made up the $45 mil/month he was just joking
Tod Greend
July 23, 2024 at 10:41 am
JOIN US I have made $200 reliably in one day.That was my ideal day in my life and my boss was to a great degree content with me..CNN is additionally awed from my work and is outstandingly happy..check also unpretentious parts by open the affiliation and tap on HOME TECH OR MEDIA………
Begin here>>>>>>>>> Fullaccess76.blogspot.com
Silly Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:01 pm
You kwazy.
Michael K
July 22, 2024 at 11:05 pm
Miss Spoke has yet another new name. Bless her heart.
Elvis [FKA Earl] Pitts American
July 23, 2024 at 8:39 am
Good Morn ‘Ting my Besty Lefty John,
Lets just keep any future commentary regarding Kamalla on “The Down Low” the Left is very happy glomening on to Kamalla as their “Saviour” going forward. Please be considerate of their “Precious Feelings” and cease plus disist from any further trash-mouthing of The Presumptave Democratic Nominee Henceforth.
Thank you my Besty Lefty, John, for your concern for the Democrat’s “Precious Feelings”.
Elvis Pitts American
*for John’s eyes only: John if you stop trashing Kamalla, I will use my awsome political “Behind The Curtian” to get your “Recerational Weed” initiave passed*
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:43 pm
You post is straight up disrespectful and racist. You sound just like orange guy
Get Ready
July 22, 2024 at 10:41 pm
Dear Fla Pol: the comments section publishes some pretty weird stuff, but I say Repubs underestimate Harris at their own peril and I get censored. What gives??
July 23, 2024 at 4:04 pm
FP occasionally places comments on hold with the “awaiting moderation” message — it’s either random and/or when a single poster is sending too many comments. I’ve had many comments put on hold and they all get through eventually.
Amy Roberts
July 22, 2024 at 11:16 pm
Good Luck with your career AG. Hope the new job pays well too. Your writing has taken a hard right and it looks like you’ve gained a slew of new fans.
July 22, 2024 at 11:26 pm
LOL who the hell are you? This guy’s the same as he’s always been. Straight down the line. Why don’t you go find someone else’s cheerios to piss in. Seems like you’re having a bad day. People keep attacking journalists like it’s a hobby until there’s nobody left. If you don’t like it don’t read it. Slandering people just makes you a nasty person.
Frankie M.
July 23, 2024 at 8:07 am
Traditionally defense attorneys aren’t big fans of prosecutors. Morgan was wrong on one minor detail though. If Trump’s camp had to pick any one person to run against it would be Biden.
July 22, 2024 at 11:48 pm
The writers on this site work hard and you’re reading it for free. Especially now I think we should support our journalists. I am tired of seeing commenters attacking writers on this site because they don’t like the news. Most people have reading comprehension to understand how to read something and form their own opinions. Or not read something if they don’t like it. It is that simple. I like this site because it just tells the story and then people argue and debate about it. Maybe you should stick to Facebook. Threatening a writer’s job because you don’t like the story just makes you look foolish.
Silly Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:04 pm
Amy kwazy.
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:45 pm
She’s not AG, she’s the next President of the United States of America. What else you got.
July 22, 2024 at 11:34 pm
“If they had to pick one person to run against out of the whole lot, they just pick one. I think it would be her.” – This what’s known as Republican misinformation. Trump is so completely rattled by a confident, intelligent woman that he doesn’t know what to do. Expect a flood of racist, misogynist insults from the future jailbird, cause that’s all he’s got.
3rd time’s a charm
July 22, 2024 at 11:54 pm
I tried to publish a comment but for some reason it got censored. I said, they underestimate at their own peril.
July 23, 2024 at 6:14 am
Voting for the FELON.
S. Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:05 pm
You kwazy.
Michael K
July 22, 2024 at 11:45 pm
Best unofficial bumper sticker:
Prosecutor vs. felon.
July 23, 2024 at 8:18 am
The other large Ccuntries of the World have elected Women. Sadly Some Americans, prejudge others based on external sex and race. Basically those who pursue against the odds have the credentials . Why is it assumed they have position because of quotas.If Americans judged by content of character these laws would not be needed. I am I my 60 and have seen the ignorance of some people in the US. Those from the North or Soutg and how ther were raised and eeducatedl play a factor. I do not want a Project 2025, I want Democracy, Freedom of Soeech,Freedom of peaceful Assembky, Civil RRightsRight to Vote. Rights that were fought for and lives lost for. what makes America Different from the rest of the World. People with credentials get overlooked all the time because of how they look, why does that have to be the reason someone is accepted. Think about it how would you feel,you would not like it, studies have shown this.
Michael K
July 23, 2024 at 8:54 am
Yes! Mexico just elected a Jewish woman as president!
Sadly, women are still judged more harshly here. Vice President Harris worked her way up through her path to Attorney General, US Senator, and Vice-President. Nothing was “handed to her.” But expect a lot of “DEI hire” mudslinging and racist, sexist animus from the far right – and “reminders” that America once elected a Black man, so mission accomplished. Women in America still have to “prove” themselves, and women of color have to work three times as hard.
Conservative always
July 23, 2024 at 9:48 am
She worked her way up for sure…from her knees….Willie Brown *blushing.”
July 23, 2024 at 12:34 pm
I guess we can’t say the same for Donald because he never got to the top and women usually found him repulsive so he had to force himself on them. Or just buy them. Including his current spouse.
Get Ready
July 23, 2024 at 5:41 pm
This kind of thing is not what’s going to win or sway voters. I’m tired of seeing this kind of slandering things everywhere. It’s crass. Talk about how she wouldn’t visit the border, talk about her prosecutor and senate record, her (lack of) foreign policy experience, how she would fare against Xi, Putin, Iran, etc. What are her Ukraine and Israel positions, what about all this spending, would she support allies. Cost of living, concerns people have regardless of politics. Talk about how she thought Ukraine was a part of NATO, and we want to know what she’s been up to for four years and why she hid Joe, and whether she would raise taxes, and what she would do for the working and middle class, and if she would take away more tax deductions that will hurt the lower middle class (IMF has been threatening the US must act quickly against debt or things could get ugly and it means that squeeze would likely happen against people who can least afford it. The tax cuts run out in 2025 and if they do many will be paying thousands more despite declining income unless they put forth new policy). There’s a lot to talk about and a lot we don’t know. But these personal slanderings just make people look ridiculous and women do not appreciate it. She is the VP and presidential nominee. People need to wise up and start looking at real issues. It’s not the 1950’s. Let’s act like grown ups.
Kisma Baldazz
July 24, 2024 at 10:01 pm
Does that apply to all women in power then? Palin must have slept her way to Governor and VP pick, right? And Guilfoyle? Well, we know all about the Fox News scandals – so it’s obviously how it works there. Or are you just an intel who can’t believe any woman can achieve anything on merit? Hm….
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:47 pm
You’re very limited. Is that all you got?
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 10:03 am
you wrote: “… Harris worked her way up through her path to Attorney General, US Senator, and Vice-President. Nothing was “handed to her.””
Quite the contrary, *everything* was handed to her. Sleepy Joe explicitly states he wanted a “woman of color”, meaning her skin tone was more important than her (non-existent) qualifications.
You people on the Left are the ultimate hypocrites.
Michael K
July 23, 2024 at 11:02 am
Unlike the former president who inherited $400 million – talk about privilege handed to him! Get real.
He was born with a silver spoon.
The MAGA cult will always be a safe haven for the white supremacy / “ Christian” nationalist movement. Trump had those people in his pocket.
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 11:28 am
Are you just bitter because you’re white and a failure?
Marvin M.
July 23, 2024 at 2:42 pm
OK, Joe did say he wanted a woman of color (on the Supreme Court). No one is denying that.
But you claim “*everything* was handed to her [Harris].”
No. Her law degree she earned.
Her DA appointment she earned. She won the election. for Attorney General, so yes, she earned it. And she won the election to become a US Senator, so she earned that too.
You might want to google the name of someone who got a high profile job (or two), y’know, handed to him.
JD Vance.
And you might want to google the guy who handed him the job(s), Peter Thiel.
JD Vance almost inarguably won his Senate seat because of Peter Thiel’s money. Harris won her seat because of actual votes from actual people.
Just stop
July 23, 2024 at 4:11 pm
Just so we all understand, you’re saying life gets handed to you and you accomplish nothing on your own if you’re dirt poor white from a broken home, manage to put yourself through state college and YALE law school on scholarship and hard work, then work your way up in the private sector, instead of a government job, those things don’t count. And if someone believes in you and sponsors you, just as Kamala got supported and sponsored, then that means you didn’t earn it and you’re in somebody’s pocket. The logical inconsistencies just make my head spin. Stop the hypocrisy man, you’re just killing your argument. You can dislike the man for any other reasons but that right there is just r@cist.
Just Stop
July 23, 2024 at 6:02 pm
By the way, I think Trump messed up in selecting him but he did win his senate seat by a 6% margin (practically a landslide in a recently blue state). Trump’s endorsement may have helped or not because D Tim Ryan was favored to win. But saying he didn’t get there on his own is just disingenuous and seriously ironic. That’s how politics works for both parties. He’s a polarizing figure to be sure but also well liked among the working classes he represents. So your dismissal comes off like prejudice and is illogical. It won’t matter because the race is over before it began. I think Kamela will win.
S. Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:07 pm
Passagassi kwazy.
Tom French
July 23, 2024 at 8:53 am
Appreciate the info that Mr Morgan reps Higher ups in Trump world.
That is very telling.
July 23, 2024 at 12:54 pm
Yeah, I thought a pro-weed guy would be basically all right, but now we know he is merely a libertarian-leaning plutocrat.
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 1:01 pm
you wrote: “I thought a pro-weed guy would be basically all right, …”
Wow! That’s one seriously weak litmus test by any standard.
So you would literally sacrifice the country’s future to a dude who is and support stoners? Don’t that just scream volumes about their & your intelligence, or should I point out then lack thereof.
July 23, 2024 at 4:00 pm
S. Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:08 pm
You lack.
Get Ready
July 23, 2024 at 6:10 pm
Morgan is a successful lawyer with ties to the business world. Shocker! He’s an old school Clinton-era democrat and a pragmatist. Balanced budget, pro-business, social progressive. That used to be ok. Now it’s reason to be tarred and feathered! I think he’s a good thing for Florida.
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:51 pm
So, you aren’t really the “for the people ” lawyer, but for white men. Let the actual people decide,and they will prove you wrong.
My Take
July 23, 2024 at 9:41 am
“Coronation” “coup”
The new Trumpsucker party line.
Harold Finch
July 23, 2024 at 9:47 am
She is so incompetent and goofy. John is right, she is very beatable. And i agree, Joe Manchin/Andy Bearshears would have been a ticket Republicans that know what Trump is, could easily support.
Our enemies, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea will be chomping at the bit to test her, as they all think she is weak.
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:56 pm
Don’t trouble yourself about her being tested. She makes trump look stupid. If you actually listen to him, you already know. You can test her all you want, you can TRUST her unlike donald.
Manhattan Joe
July 23, 2024 at 9:50 am
I’m just cracking up at all the loony tune Trump/QAnon cultists sitting on millions in unsold Biden merch.
July 23, 2024 at 10:04 am
Was it a coronation though? No, the delegates are behind her, they decide. The President endorsed her but the delegates, elected officials, state chairs, etc. so many others have been speaking out against Biden, so if they didn’t want Harris they could have spoken up again. But instead they endorsed her because they believe she can beat the felon. I noticed Mr. Morgan only chose white men in his combos, which is quite telling. The GOP is afraid, the meltdown in the past few days shows it. She’s going win!
July 23, 2024 at 12:56 pm
Big question is will DJT agree to debate Kamala?
Or, will his ear injury keep him from it?
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 1:05 pm
LOL! Kamala won’t even do half as well as Sleepy Joe did.
Calling that debate Train Wreck Part II” will be an understatement.
I predict her failure will have cartoon-like qualities.
Marvin M.
July 23, 2024 at 1:55 pm
“I predict her failure will have cartoon-like qualities.”
Why do you think that? She was a State DA and State Attorney General before she became a US Senator and then the Vice President for the last three and a half years.
Why do you think she would fail?
Paul Passarelli
July 23, 2024 at 4:19 pm
Because I’ve seen the outtakes of her public failures that CNN won’t air. The cackling (and inappropriate) laughter, the rambling run-on-sentences devoid of any content. Her inability to even recognize her worthlessness, much less correct it.
In short, she’s in way way way over her head, and she’s trying to swim while holding shotputs.
It’s going to be an amusing summer.
I hope we survive until the fall. No pun intended. {ba-dum-dish}
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 12:57 pm
Exactly. It certainly gives you something to think about.
July 23, 2024 at 10:48 am
I do not think that the Democratic Party has control of Harris. I think they are worried about how she would perform as President. This is an election that the Democrats do not want to throw away someone that would be a good candidate in 2028. I think this is there way of never letting Harris be President and effectively taking her out of the running for the 2028 election. If they truly had control and believed in Harris, Harris would be stepping up to take over for Joe Biden now. The best way to campaign for President would be to be seen as Presidential, so it would be good for Harris to be President for her campaign. The fact that she is not replacing Biden shows the lack of faith in Harris.
S. Wabbit
July 23, 2024 at 4:10 pm
You kwazy.
July 23, 2024 at 6:23 pm
I have great respect for Mr Morgan and always will. I understand how he feels, but I don’t think those things will matter at the end of the day. Mrs Harris is not Gillum. She’s a more serious candidate who will spend the donors money the right way…. focusing on winning. And I suggest we realize that thus campaign is the women’s movement from the 60s and 70s bring replayed to its finish in 2024, and that’s where the excitement and energy is coming from and will not wane. Again great respect, but I ask that other unique expression s of a special time in our existence be considered.
Gwen Williams
July 25, 2024 at 1:01 pm
Grumpy old white man. Morgan. For the people?????
July 23, 2024 at 9:05 pm
“Her inability to even recognize her worthlessness, much less correct it.”
Look to your self, MAGA mite.
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