Gov. Ron DeSantis says Republicans wanted to run against Joe Biden in 2024, but that Kamala Harris would have been the GOP’s second choice for a presidential opponent.
“I think that the (Donald) Trump-(JD) Vance ticket was an incredibly strong position against Biden. (But) I think that they can beat whoever comes,” Florida’s Governor said.
DeSantis, addressing a group at St. Petersburg College, bashed her performance as “border czar” and that the media was “running interference” for her failures, before rattling off other objectionable policy positions taken by the California Democrat.
“She wants taxpayer funded health care and benefits for illegal aliens. She doesn’t think you should deport somebody that’s come (to the country illegally). So she is as bad as Biden has been on that. She’s even more liberal on that.”
DeSantis then said Harris “wanted to get rid of all private health insurance and said, let’s just junk all that.”
“How many of you want the government to take away your private health insurance? I don’t think a lot of Americans want to sign up to that,” the Governor said, before going on to allege that Harris backed “confiscatory tax increases,” and was “weak on crime … raising funds to bail out the rioters during the BLM riots in 2020.”
DeSantis also claimed media “turned on Biden after that debate” with Trump last month in Atlanta, deciding to “elevate” Harris.
“They had basically tried to cover it,” he added.
“If you had said Biden wasn’t up to the job three months ago, they would say you’re a conspiracy theorist. Then once it was made bare for the whole world to see, they immediately started saying, ‘Hey, this guy has got to go.’ So they knifed him in the back and they’ve been going after him, but they’re not doing that because they’re trying to help Trump. They’re doing that because they want the Dems to have a better candidate so that they can beat Trump.”
That said, he added that Harris may not be the final choice if she “falls on her face over the next few weeks,” suggesting delegates will do what they’re told “if some of the powers that be say, “no, we need to go a different direction.'”
“So I think it’s going to be a very interesting three or four weeks in the political scene, we preferred to run against Biden. I think that was clear because the majority of the, I think it was like 85% of the public thought that he was not equipped to serve for four more years as President.”
July 24, 2024 at 12:29 pm
Maybe DeSantis needs to STFU and try to run this state.
Ninety Three
July 24, 2024 at 12:38 pm
The state is in fine shape thanks to our fine Governor. What he said in the article above is absolutely true. Of course the zombie media will be covering for Ka Mana, just like they did for Joe.
Frankie M.
July 24, 2024 at 1:18 pm
Funny how DeSantis said the exact same thing before the election 4 years ago. How’d that work out?
July 24, 2024 at 8:31 pm
“… six Florida-based groups—including Florida Voters Against Extremism, Liberty Counsel, Florida Family Policy Council, Florida Conference of Catholic Bishops, National Center for Life and Liberty, and Florida Voice for the Unborn— are intent on keeping the state an abortion desert. The overwhelming majority of the board members of those groups, 29 out of 34, are men.”
July 25, 2024 at 7:06 am
Fine? Want to see my auto insurance renewal? An $100 per six months and I’ve never had an accident or speeding fine. House insurance? $600 a year extra. As someone else said, he really does need to STFU and get something down other than bullying minority groups and telling people what they can and can’t read or telling women what they can or can’t do with their bodies.
Michael K
July 24, 2024 at 1:56 pm
Yes, take it from the guy who blew through $160 million with nothing to show for it.
And by the way, Harris was never a “Czar.” Just another lie.
July 24, 2024 at 2:01 pm
Yakety yak DeSantis said that? More on the Who Gives a fudge diatribe from a useless lame duck. Stick a fork in Mr. Peking, his career is done. Thank goodness! Nothing to say at SPC about pushing for those “freedoms” for Floridians? You know freedom to make your own decisions about life, liberty, health, birth control, history, college majors etc? Guess not.
July 24, 2024 at 5:17 pm
Dee and his mafia have every intention of subverting the results of the two important ballot amendments in Nov., should they achieve a 60% vote: reproductive liberty for women and recreational pot for recreationally inclined Floridians.
These will become textbook cases in subverting the will of the people as expressed in an election.
July 24, 2024 at 2:20 pm
What else is DeSantis going to say? Don’t expect him to be honest and say what most Independent voters know…..”this could be the game changer we’re looking for!”
July 24, 2024 at 11:52 pm
Great judgement from the candidate who came dead last, blames National inflation for Florida residents inability to pay their bills in the State, that has the authority to regulate insurance since 1963, came from the ‘FREEDOM CAUCUS’ that fought for the right of states to regulate, but instead fills his coffers with the highest insurance premiums in the Nation, paid for a book tour that flopped! Thank you Florida residents for keeping Insurance companies ‘WOKE’!
Dont Say FLA
July 25, 2024 at 7:50 am
Rhonda thinks Trump can beat Harris when the dementia patient and the DEI hire already played him like the fool he is?
Biden Harris pulled the old bait and switch on Trump. MAGOA voters aren’t bright enough to remember Trump’s lines and attacks are the exact same as the last two times, so Biden Harris pulled a bait and switch to expose Trump’s nonsense to even the dimmest voter.
Trump got played. He’s done.
Taylor Swift will help elect President Harris
July 25, 2024 at 7:52 am
I for one am hoping for a Swift boat but this time it will be Taylor Swift getting her fans to come out and register to vote so that they can help elect President Harris! I am quite sure that Rona DeSatan’s crystal ball has not factored in this potential boost for the Vice President. And felons can’t vote for the felon, fraud, rapist, liar whom our Governor ran against in the primaries without success. So, Rona is just wrong, again. After all, he thought that he was presidential timber but his bark was bigger than his bite. How many millions of dollars did he spend on his failed campaign? His contributors were fools. The citizens who voted him in as Governor should be ashamed.
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