Florida Democrats did not miss an opportunity to capitalize on CFO Jimmy Patronis urging GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump to fix the state’s insurance issues.
“Instead of writing love letters to Donald Trump’s campaign on official letterhead, Jimmy should get back to work,” said Florida Democratic Party Chair Nikki Fried.
Patronis, a potential candidate for Governor in 2026, says the “(Joe) Biden-(Kamala) Harris administration has been a complete disaster for the American people” when it comes to property coverage.
Fried, who also served as Agriculture Commissioner through the end of 2022, places the blame elsewhere, claiming that “Floridians are paying the price of 30 years of failed Republican leadership in this state, which has directly resulted in a worsening affordability crisis.”
“Thanks to Republican leadership, Florida is home to the highest property insurance premiums in the country, worst inflation nationally, out-of-control housing costs and skyrocketing utility bills — crowing about this crisis now is nothing more than a political stunt in an election year.”
Countering Patronis’ willingness to help Trump’s “administration of patriots” to fix insurance issues, Fried says the CFO’s own party hasn’t done the work, and has offered “bandaid solutions and bailouts to the insurance industry.”
“Republicans have had years to propose solutions to this problem and pass policies to deliver relief to Floridians — and repeatedly failed,” Fried added.
“Last year, they held two special sessions at taxpayers’ expense and nothing has changed. Earlier this year, the Republican Party released their list of top 10 priorities and fixing the priority insurance crisis was not one of them — and during the past legislative session, Republicans spent more time banning rainbow flags and lights on bridges than addressing the number one concern for voters in this election — the economy.”
Ninety Three
July 25, 2024 at 10:56 am
Fried with nothing but political posturing. What would you do Fried in a state that is in the hurricane belt and claims can be in the tens of billions of dollars? Just like Ka Mana with her free college and free medical care. The two of you couldn’t balance a checkbook.
July 25, 2024 at 5:44 pm
Elvis Pitts "THE BIG VOICE ON THE RIGHT" American
July 25, 2024 at 7:23 pm
Mike you are hereby placed under a painfull 3 week Painfull Chastizement from ME, ELVIS, for your above Dook 4 Brains Leftist commentary. And yes Mike that includes the Mandatory 3 week masturbation ban as well.
Feel the Awsome Burn of my Chastizement,
July 27, 2024 at 3:04 pm
Elvis? You MEAN EARL SHITTS I got a cease and desist email for copyright enfringement from old Billy?
ZERO Creds “Shitts”, go back to your basement.
July 27, 2024 at 3:07 pm
Oh look, a noble argument against investments in taxpayers getting medical care and education, while slaying VP Harris..
Nothing like posturing for rich and corporate tax handouts and advocating dogged bootstraping for the taxpayer? That’s a good look Scared Ketchup 93.
Jimmy needs to go back to running seafood restaurants and get out of being the state CFO.
July 25, 2024 at 11:07 am
Congress decided in 1963, that the ‘Insurance’ industry would only be regulated by the States. Governor DeSantis, original leader of the ‘House Freedom caucus’ advocated for State rights! The GOP Governor and legislature has failed the citizens and businesses of this state, and the proof is the highest premiums in the Country for home, condo, and business owners, non-payment for claims, and nothing from Tallahassee, but a denial that ‘climate change’ is causing the issues. ‘Little D’ took millions from the insurance industry, paid for by all citizens paying higher premiums for his failed book tour and failed Presidential bid! When are we going to give ALL citizens the freedom to opt out of the portion of their insurance premiums used for advertising in an ‘oligarchy’ industry and economy, and all political spending, lobbying and cash donations to the legislature?
Dont Say FLA
July 25, 2024 at 11:59 am
“Leave it to the states” was, once again, leveraged by the G0P for giving half the USA the middle finger
Ninety Three
July 25, 2024 at 2:21 pm
So tell me about insurance costs in Kalifornia. There’s fires, mud slides, flooding, earthquakes, etc. what has Newsom done about this when he is not chasing people and businesses out of that once great state.
Phil Morton
July 25, 2024 at 4:18 pm
Home insurance rates in California average $1,453 per year.
Home insurance rates in Florida average $5,533 per year. That’s for a $300,000 house. Hope that helps.
July 25, 2024 at 4:47 pm
I’d laugh at this rejoinder, but my rates make me cry when I think of them.
Ninety Three
July 25, 2024 at 9:59 pm
I think you are full of crap. Kalifornia has a very high cost of living. Very high housing costs. Very high taxes. Fuel prices are through the roof out there. Yet you are going to tell me that Kalifornia home insurance policies are nearly 75% cheaper than Florida? BS.
Ocean Joe
July 25, 2024 at 5:35 pm
Sorry IB, there’s no what-abouting out of this one. Your boys have been running Florida since 1994.
But you’ve done a good job squelching drag story time, so if that’s what pays the bills at your house, bravo!
Kamala is Brat
July 25, 2024 at 12:55 pm
Go Nikki ….. kick these carnival clowns when they’re down!
Phil Morton
July 25, 2024 at 4:13 pm
Nikki ain’t wrong. Florida has done a horrible job with insurance in general and property insurance in particular.
Dont Say FLA
July 26, 2024 at 12:25 pm
The folks who matter think Florida’s G0P has done and is doing a magnificent job on insurance.
July 25, 2024 at 4:36 pm
MAGA heresy!
Did I heard correctly that record insurance claims in CA and Fla. are stemming from climate change?
tom palmer
July 25, 2024 at 5:43 pm
Patronis is a joke.The GOP legislators have done nothing about homeowners insurance except make it harder to file claims
July 25, 2024 at 6:11 pm
Go Nikki!!!!!! Preach!!!! They can’t squirm out of it. It hurts everybody whether you rent or own plus businesses and the whole economy. Now they’re just embarrassing themselves.
July 25, 2024 at 6:14 pm
Hilarious they would turn to Trump to save them from their own ineptitude and malfeasance when Trump called them out for being stupid and corrupt. They’re on an island now and it’s sinking.
Not Today
July 25, 2024 at 6:56 pm
Some reforms such as limiting assignment of benefits needed to happen ( why should insurance pay for a new roof just because it’s old? That’s called maintenance. Why should a complete new roof be required by law because only a few shingles needed replacing but since the color is not an exact match now Florida requires the whole thing to have to be replaced? Stupid stupid stupid) but then went too far with full on blank check approach when it should have been internal company driven reforms, not a one size fits all sledgehammer directed by the legislature. Financial companies are responsible for controlling and addressing fraud and abuse but insurance companies act like victims and get a pass? What?What they claimed was rampant fraud was largely internal mismanagement. Not to mention industry abuse such as threatening adjusters to fabricate lower damage estimates during natural disasters and withholding payouts due to lower reserves while keeping bonus structures apparently not tied to performance. The real thing is insurance companies were not managing themselves properly when they could themselves have denied improper claims and proved their cases against frivolous law suits, and better handled their risk management and reserves. Leaving it up to the legislature was not going to go well. The obvious issue is building mansions on sand in a storm belt and including those and overbuilt developments in general risk pools, as many have said here before. As long as we average folk of the inlands are subsidizing sandcastles, it’s NOT going to get better! Separate out the risk pools and charge people appropriately!! Those properties and developments were never supposed to be allowed on citizens but now the citizens property caps have been raised to $750k and over $1m in some areas. That is ludicrous and should be illegal. It was a welfare bait and switch for the donor class who can afford to get a private policy from Lloyds of London (had that been allowed) or self-cover, not make everyone else pay for it. (Of course they of the jumbo mortgage class would not like to have to pay for property up front for myriad reasons). The legislators, CFO, and governor are hypocrites acting like the market will take care of things when in fact they’ve manipulated the market to subsidize the wealthy and penalize everyone else. The constant rate increases for both home and auto are just rubber stamps and they will capsize the market if they don’t get serious fast. Don’t even get me started on car insurance which in fact would be managed by proper laws they refuse to pass and prosecute for reasons no one including the insurance industry can fathom.
Michael K
July 26, 2024 at 7:19 am
Public policy, such as it is in supermajority controlled Florida is shopped out to industry shills for their benefit, not the public. Or it comes pre-packaged from far right think tanks that are focused on high ROI for their billionaire donors.
Fried is correct on this one. I’ll add that car insurance is also sky high here. As usual, follow the industry contributions.
rick whitaker
July 26, 2024 at 4:21 pm
florida is a hellhole. vote dem, you need it.
Flash Light
July 27, 2024 at 3:45 am
For 15+ years we’ve been told that tort reform and limiting lawsuits was the answer to our insurance mess. Tell us again how that is working out? Why, oh why do Floridians trust these Repubs?
July 27, 2024 at 3:10 pm
Why do Floridians trust the BananaRepublicans? Stockholm syndrome perhaps? It’s a mystery to me.
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