Gov. Ron DeSantis is continuing to attack Florida’s abortion rights initiative, calling the organization backing Amendment 4 a “left-wing group” whose “ads should be taken off the air.”
Speaking in Lake City, DeSantis said he believes Florida will become a destination for people to get abortions if Florida voters support enshrining abortion rights in the state constitution via Amendment 4.
Abortion rights advocates some Floridians are currently traveling to Charlotte, North Carolina, as the nearest place to get access abortion care after the state’s six-week ban went into effect in May. Other women who can’t afford to travel out of state are forced to stay pregnant.
DeSantis also said he believes the proposed constitutional amendment to limit government interference on abortion is intentionally vague, which he said means non-physicians could perform the procedure.
“They have a very clear agenda about what they want that to be. It says health care provider instead of physician,” DeSantis said. “You don’t even have to have a medical license to be able to be greenlighting late-term abortions all the way up to the moment of birth. That’s insane. I don’t think any other state has done that. … That cannot be undone by legislation if that is to pass.”
The Amendment 4 campaign did not immediately respond to DeSantis’ comments on Tuesday afternoon when Florida Politics reached out for comment.
Meanwhile, the group backing Amendment 4 announced Tuesday a statewide ad campaign featuring a 30-second spot that says most women don’t know they are pregnant before the state’s six-week ban. The ad called Florida’s policy “an extreme ban with no real exceptions.”
“These left-wing groups are lying to you about what their amendment means about Florida law. Why would you trust them to vote for this left-wing amendment?” DeSantis countered. “I think actually some of these ads should be taken off the air because they’re totally contrary to what the statute is. But I think voters are going to be able to figure this all out, and they’ll know kind of what the facts are.”
There are exceptions to Florida’s current ban that require rape, incest and human trafficking victims who got pregnant to provide proof of the crimes against them with police report, restraining order or a medical report. Two physicians can also say in writing that an abortion is necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life, another exemption written into state law.
Amendment 4 is leading to a fiercely contested political battle between reproductive rights and the DeSantis administration. The ballot question requires at least 60% of the vote to pass. Amendment 4 backers are bracing for a razor thin margin to decide the outcome.
DeSantis reiterated his claims Tuesday that some of the petitions collected to put Amendment 4 on the ballot are fraudulent.
“They had submitted petitions on behalf of dead voters. That has been substantiated,” DeSantis said. “We now know that there are signatures that have been accepted by some of the Supervisors that don’t match the voter file, so they are investigating this, as they should.”
Proponents are accusing DeSantis of being heavy-handed and weaponizing the state to fight against Amendment 4.
Democrats also called DeSantis’ accusations a witch hunt and said there has been no prior proof of improper petitions. They also pointed out that the signature verification process went through the Supervisor of Elections Offices and the Secretary of State, a group that includes Republican elected officials and a DeSantis appointee.
“The bottom line is, the Florida government is trying to decide what you should do with your body, not you,” said Lauren Brenzel, Campaign Director for the Yes on 4 campaign. “This multi-million dollar paid media campaign will remind Floridians — who supported this amendment across party lines — that the State is meddling with our personal decisions and make clear what is at stake and how the current abortion ban is greatly harming the lives of many Floridians.”
Ocean Joe
September 10, 2024 at 5:29 pm
Hey gang, pack up the station wagon, bring sunscreen, we’re all going to Florida for abortions!
Governor, when you signed the draconian 6 week ban, late at night, you should have known Amendment 4 would be coming. We can’t fix all the damage you’ve done, but we can fix some of it and make Florida a reasonable place again.
September 10, 2024 at 6:20 pm
The main reason I cannot stomach Trump is because he is a whiner. I don’t know why he doesn’t like DeSantis because, as you can read above, DeSantis is a whiner as well. Maybe whiners don’t like sharing the audience with other whiners.
If abortion prior to viability is so wrong/bad, then you ought to be able to inundate us with medical evidence, or at least Biblical passages, but no, you just whine. Grow a pair!
Dont Say FLA
September 11, 2024 at 9:19 am
Holy Frijoles we had all misunderstood him so many years ago when he promised “we will get tired of all the winning.”
What Donald J Slump had actually promised was that “we will get tired of all the whiningI!”
I will admit it. Turnip was right. Definitely tired of all the whining.
It was the network! It was the mods! It was the mics! It was Taylor Swift! It was anybody but meeeeeee! Once again!
September 10, 2024 at 8:09 pm
The noise from DeSantis’s crying and teeth grinding is becoming unbearable. What did DeSantis expect when Trump and his draconian Supreme Court picks performed the deed that Republicans have been praying for since Reagan?
September 10, 2024 at 8:09 pm
The noise from DeSantis’s crying and teeth grinding is becoming unbearable. What did DeSantis expect when Trump and his draconian Supreme Court picks performed the deed that Republicans have been praying for since Reagan?
September 10, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Every time our pro life, pro execution governor speaks out on Amendment 4, he’s lying. He’s also interfering with the election, which should be drawing more attention from the Department of Justice.
God knows, we haven’t agreed with all the voter suppression laws that DeSantis has gaslighted us with during his tenure. But being so involved, in a too late, it’s been approved for a vote, is beyond legal ramifications. Government DeSantis is committing election interference and must be held accountable. Vote Yes on 4
September 10, 2024 at 8:33 pm
Just more trash burning,, 🤧
September 10, 2024 at 8:37 pm
Every time our pro life, pro execution governor speaks out on Amendment 4, he’s lying. He’s also interfering with the election, which should be drawing more attention from the Department of Justice.
God knows, we haven’t agreed with all the voter suppression laws that DeSantis has gaslighted us with during his tenure. But being so involved, in a too late, it’s been approved for a vote, is beyond legal ramifications. Governor DeSantis is committing election interference and must be held accountable. Vote Yes on 4
tom palmer
September 10, 2024 at 8:38 pm
Think of all the tourist tax revenue this could produce. but our small-minded governor cannot see beyond his nose.
Abort the GOP
September 10, 2024 at 10:55 pm
Florida needs to have an abortion from the GOP, then we can live peacefully.
Cheesy Floridian
September 12, 2024 at 9:32 am
Lets go! They have all shown they have no spine
Dr. Franklin Waters
September 11, 2024 at 12:05 am
Oh no.
Dont Say FLA
September 11, 2024 at 9:13 am
One reason for young women to visit Florida would be an infinite improvement relative to the current situation after 20+ years of MAGA “leadership.”
Rona is a Tramp diaper sniffer
September 11, 2024 at 9:34 am
Rona DeSatan’s own words show that he doesn’t respect the right of free speech in our US and Florida Constitutions. He also doesn’t respect the Constitutional right of citizens to propose amendments via initiative and the signature validation and certification process. Most disturbing is that he doesn’t respect female bodily autonomy and the privacy rights of citizens to make decisions about their own bodies. Yes, he did pack the Florida Supreme Court with biased justices who gutted our right to privacy with a bogus opinion gutting the privacy right as to abortion; read the dissenting opinion and see how the majority played games with the facts and precedent. Basically, Rona DeSatan is a facist pig. May he burn in Hell!
September 11, 2024 at 8:30 pm
It’s entirely a reaction to his ploy to Iowa. Nobody was complaining before. He owns this!
I think it’s adorable how he is trying and failing to remain relevant!
September 12, 2024 at 2:39 am
My personal takeaways,
Crazy old man that got outclassed. Constantly saying n the defense with nothing to contribute.
Michael K
September 12, 2024 at 9:18 am
DeSantis has no problem un-welcoming and creating a hostile environment for the LGBTQ community in Florida – much to the chagrin of the hospitality industry. He’s doing his best to alienate half the population and subvert the will of the people. I doubt he would survive a recall.
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