The Second Gentleman was first in the hearts of Central Florida Democrats Friday night, as he rallied support for Kamala Harris in The Villages.
And he had some digs at Donald Trump along the way.
Doug Emhoff contrasted the VP’s “well thought out” economic plan with that of the GOP nominee, which he said has embraced “tax cuts, increasing the debt, and tariffs.”
Harris, he added, is “pro-capitalist and pro-worker.”
He also promised more federal infrastructure and manufacturing spending of the sort seen under the Joe Biden administration.
He also warned against Project 2025 and its “attacks on seniors,” by way of denoting the “binary … clear choice” of the presidential election,” while noting Trump has threatened political opponents, “praises the Jan. 6 insurrectionists,” still questions the 2020 election, and invoked Hungarian leader Viktor Orban as a “character witness” during the debate with Harris.
He urged listeners who were mad at Trump to “stay mad and channel that anger into action.”
“Let’s channel that anger into making him angry and win Florida and win this election,” Emhoff said.
The Second Gentleman said Harris wasn’t bothered by Trump’s personal attacks, saying “it’s all a distraction,” and offered a personal anecdote about how he gets excited by seeing her on TV or her polls or fundraising only to have his enthusiasm tempered by his wife.
“She just looks at me with that look and says ‘Dougie, we haven’t won anything yet.’ Get back on the road.”
Emhoff also talked about his Jewish faith, crediting Harris with encouraging him to be public about the spiritual tradition, and urging other Jews to live “openly and proudly and without fear.”
He also namechecked former Republican Rep. David Jolly, who was “in the house” at the event Friday night, and an example of this “huge big tent that’s going to take down Donald Trump.”
In a quote provided by the Harris campaign, Jolly said Floridians “are not going back to the chaos and embarrassment of having Donald Trump representing us on the world stage. We will not allow him to force his extreme Project 2025 agenda onto our lives.”
Larry Gillis, Libertarian (Cape Coral)
September 14, 2024 at 9:06 am
“Florida Politics” never mentions America’s third-largest political Party. Instead of the PushMePullYou politics of the Legacy Parties, the Libertarian Party represents a clear choice.
September 15, 2024 at 11:49 am
The sound in the background of this post is the sound a toilet makes when it flushes.
I don’t suppose this comment is related to the appearance at the RNC by a Libertarian?
rick whitaker
September 17, 2024 at 10:24 pm
LARRY, voting libertarian is flushing you vote. why leave the house if you are just going to flush your vote my time is worth more than that. you might as well not even to regiter to vote if you’re going to throw your vote a way. being a contrarian and disagreeing with everyone is a kind of mental illness..
Stephen D
September 14, 2024 at 9:10 am
Comma-la has proved herself to be a useless vessel/empty suit as a vice-president. She was no more than dei hire for Biden.
September 14, 2024 at 9:14 am
I’ll bite, clarify that statement, please. What examples make her an “empty vessel” or “empty suit”? How exactly is she a DEI hire? Let’s consider her career before becoming vice president: Kamala Harris served as the Attorney General of California and a U.S. Senator. In both roles, she demonstrated a track record of tackling important issues such as criminal justice reform, consumer protection, and public safety. As a senator, she was active in committees on intelligence, homeland security, and the judiciary, working on bipartisan efforts and engaging in significant legislative discussions.
Labelling her as just a DEI hire disregards her accomplishments and the experience she brought to the position. Whether or not you agree with her policies or performance as vice president, it’s hard to argue that her career doesn’t show a history of public service and leadership beyond simply fitting a diversity checkbox.
Alexa is Biased
September 14, 2024 at 9:33 am
How did she get the VP job? What did Joe say on who he was gonna pick? Was it the best qualified or did he say “female, preferably black”? That sounds like DEI to me. Flame away JD.🤣
September 14, 2024 at 10:25 am
So Biden said he wanted a woman, preferably a Black woman, as his VP. Shocking stuff, right? The nerve of him, wanting to reflect the diversity of the country in his administration. But he didn’t just pull a random name out of a hat. He picked Kamala Harris, who, surprise surprise, has an actual track record—as in, California’s Attorney General and a U.S. Senator. It’s almost as if he found someone who’s both qualified and adds diversity. Who knew you could do two things at once?
September 14, 2024 at 10:44 am
Ad hominem attacks make you look pretty foolish but what the hell … please name something that Mike Pense did as VP that would make him something other than a token christian to sure up the religious right vote?
Alexa is Biased
September 14, 2024 at 11:07 am
Well I was responding to the statement that she wasn’t a DEI hire. She was. You call it an attack. Don’t know why. It was purely a response and of course your sensitive feelings get bruised. Now Pence was certainly not a DEI hire. He is one of those old white guys your party likes to constantly point out. 😜
September 14, 2024 at 11:31 am
I wasn’t responding to you. I was responding to Stephen D
Alexa is Biased
September 14, 2024 at 11:38 am
My apologies. 😄
September 14, 2024 at 12:07 pm
Pence was put on the ticket to solidify the evangelical vote, which is a type of DEI.
And, Pence was very malleable — perhaps imagining the day he would be elected President — until Jan. 6, 2021, when he followed the Constitution and not DJT.
September 14, 2024 at 12:40 pm
Maybe you should stop responding with stupidity Alexa!
Alexa is Biased
September 14, 2024 at 6:59 pm
And there he is my so called blow hard “independent” my azz Peter H.
rick whitaker
September 14, 2024 at 9:41 pm
MAGA MARK, you are wrong about harris being a DEI pick. how would a ball of mud like you know anyway, you wouldn’t. harris was picked for vp because she obviously has presidential credentials. you don’t like her because you hate any person that is not white, and you hate women, and you hate people smarter than you. now i’ve took the time to explain it to you in truthful terms, BUT, you can’t handle the truth.
Alexa is Biased
September 15, 2024 at 5:51 am
No dumb azz. Presidential credentials? Let’s talk what happened in 2019. Then the media and zombie leaders before Joe completely lost his mind suggested that he replace Kammy with someone else. Her one on one with the Pennsylvania reporter the other day showed the real Kammy. Back to word salad and her bobble head shake.
rick whitaker
September 15, 2024 at 9:49 am
MAGA MARK, a maga mark like you calling me a “dumb azz”, now that’s funny. is your IQ over 140, well then lay down you clown. iv’e noticed that you are way dumber than i had originally thought, now that’s bad. dumb might not be the right word for you . low information dude might be a better moniker for you. low info maga mark, yeah, that’s the ticket.
Michael K
September 15, 2024 at 10:21 am
Thanks! By your logic, Harris amply demonstrates the brilliance of a DEI hire: She possesses a superior intellect and presidential temperament over her opponent, who can barely construct a coherent sentence and is unable to control his seething anger, bigotry, and racism in front of 67 million people. Not to mention the torrent of lies he spews.
Harris pointed out that last time around, 81 million Americans told him he was fired, but he never listens – or cares about anyone but himself.
rick whitaker
September 14, 2024 at 9:29 pm
STEPHEN D, if you believe the LIE you just told, then i guess you are the typical “florida man” that i keep hearing about. if you are fiull of lies, hate, and fear, then that’s why you sound so ignorant.
rick whitaker
September 17, 2024 at 10:27 pm
STEPHEN, you’re spouting lies. how about a few facts dude. harris will be a great president, and your ass will be pissed about it. how sad dude. get a life.
September 14, 2024 at 9:53 am
Good Morn ‘Ting America,
We had a very low turn-out down here in “The Villages” as the Sage Patriots took my advice and boycotted the Sham.
The residents HOA officials were “Paid-Off” to allow this Sham to be held on Residents Common Property.
Also all the Elderly Gramas and Grampers were Life-Long DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTYS dressed up in MAGA gear for this Sham Production.
The above Golden Nuggs of Sage Truth have been brought to you courtsey of ME,
September 14, 2024 at 11:11 am
It was an invitation-only event for people who had registered as volunteer workers as well as some press passes. As it turned out, a second room had to be used with a viewing monitor. Media estimate was 400 people which is indeed a surprising amount of Dems to exist in MAGAt’s old age sanitarium zip code.
However, your MAGAt friends didn’t listen to you either since they showed up with their excess-carb-intake bodies to ‘protest’ until disbursed by police for creating a roadway hazard with their handicap outfitted golf carts.
September 14, 2024 at 9:11 pm
It was not a low turn out. You can see the visit on YouTube. Good try though.
September 15, 2024 at 9:23 am
Thank you Lisa for your reply,
What you saw were hired shills some dressed in MAGA Gear.
It was 100% fiction manufactured by “THE DOOK 4 BRAINS LEFTIST” Harris Campaign.
It is amazing how little it takes to fool people.
Thanks again, Beautiful Lisa, for coming to me, Your Besty Righty, ELVIS [FKA EARL] PITTS AMERICAN, for “Correction & Direction”.
I will always be here for you to provide “Sage Wisdom” upon request,
Michael K
September 14, 2024 at 11:59 am
Vice President Harris has transformed an entire party and a presidential candidacy in less than three months.
She is winning the hearts and minds of the American people who love our country. Her opponent is spreading fear lies and hate, and has a dark and dystopian view of our nation.
Show me another presidential candidate in US history who has accomplished so much in such a short time frame. In the debate, she mopped the floor with her opponent who claimed she was “dumb as a rock.” She looked straight at him – but he is a weak and feeble coward – not even man enough to look at her.
She has a plan and avision. Her opponent can only call names,tell lies, and hurl insults. No plan. Not even a “concept,” except Project 2025.
Sadly, in 2024, it is inconceivable to a shrinking segment of America that a woman could (or should) achieve success on her own skill and merit. Vice President Harris did not inherit $450 million dollars. She has earned everything she has accomplished through hard work. As president, she will do the work. Some angry bitter people seem to be threatened by that. But most Americans are rediscovering the optimism that has always moved America forward. And we are not going back.
Joan MM
September 14, 2024 at 6:17 pm
Well said✔️
September 15, 2024 at 9:16 am
It was interesting that someone like Karl Rove bought up the “dumb as a rock” comment. His quote after she killed the debate was something along the lines of “if she’s dumb as a rock, what does that make you?”
September 14, 2024 at 12:46 pm
There is the Kamala Harris website that outlines all of her economic proposals. Some of her proposals will advance and some will not.
The Republican Party plan for America’s future is Project 2025. The plan closely follows the Trump narrative. Americans don’t need to compare plans ….. just look at the decades of Republican failed leadership since Reagan and make your choice.
Sam Snead
September 14, 2024 at 1:18 pm
The Unrepentant Degenerant Malignant Narcissistic Imbecile with Myriad Other Mental Problems has Destroyed the Minds and Souls Forever of the majority of the GOP. The Trump Pep Rally around The Lake of Fire in Hell will last for Eternity.
September 14, 2024 at 1:29 pm
Sam you are hereby CHASTIZED for spreading untrue Dook 4 Brains Leftist Screed
As a former Pro Golfer, Sam, I will extend to you the courtsey of proveing that you were “Drunk off Too Many Brewskies” at The 19TH HOLE BAR & ASIAN MASSAGE PARLOR, in order to have your CHASTIZEMENT (and wanking ban) lifted.
Thanks Sam,
rick whitaker
September 14, 2024 at 9:31 pm
EARL, what’ got into you?
The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl].
September 15, 2024 at 10:58 am
Thanks my Besty Rick,
Good looking out my man. Fang Fang, The Manager, down at The Asian Massage Parlor had slipped me some of that Fyentenal (which the Harris Sadministration let into our Great Nation) into my brewski. Fang Fang did it to take all the cash out of my wallet.
Thanks for coming to get me by busting into the massage parlor and fighting your way back out while carrying me on your back.
The Doctor said, “If that brave, good lookin, GI JOE Military Hero had got me to the Hospital 1 minute later they would not have been able to bring me out of that that coma from the Fyentenal (which the Harris Sadministration let into our Great Nation).
Your the BEST, My Besty Rick, you saved the life of The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl].
Willie Tyson
September 14, 2024 at 4:56 pm
Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy, he with cut social security, and want to be a dictator of this whole United States, our life will be in hell under his policy. Vote for coming to Harris you for All America people. He’s saying black people eating dogs and cat he disgusting Man. No good. He wants to get rid of the Constitution that kind of person never need to be behind America presidential seal.
September 14, 2024 at 5:57 pm
Good evening Fake “Willie (White Boy) Tyson,
I’m Black Son, stop your “Raciest Pretense” of also being Black. Your White Dook 4 Brains Leftism” is screaming between the lines to all us “Real Black Man”.
Either that or your wife has you so 9USSY WHIPPED that you need help my “Fake Brother From A Whitev Father & Mother”
Thanks Fake Willie Whit Boy you are SO BUSTED,
rick whitaker
September 14, 2024 at 9:32 pm
EARL, you sound WEIRD, what’s wrong?
The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl].
September 15, 2024 at 11:08 am
Rick was correct, America, please see my Thank You (above) to The Brave Rick for saving my life.
I’ve already talked to President Trump about awarding Rick The Sage Presidental Medal Of Honor for saving my life as soon as possable after President Trump’s upcoming Inaguration…and yes, America, it’s a solid Gold medallion, made exactly the same way as the one President Trump bestowed upon Rush Limbaugh, prior to Rush being called back up into Heaven.
Thanks again My Super-Hero Rick,
The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl]
The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl].
September 15, 2024 at 11:19 am
BTW, America, the Doctor also said that I still had a boner when they brought me in, and a Special Shout-Out to Sally Mae, the beautiful nurse that volunteered to “Strap-It-Down” so it would be out of the way in case they needed to turn me, The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl], over on the opperating table,
The Sage Elvis [FKA Earl].
Alexa is Biased
September 14, 2024 at 7:00 pm
Cut social security? He wants to eliminate taxes on social security, but go ahead and vote for Kammy. She hasn’t jumped on that bandwagon yet. Hasn’t come up on the teleprompter. It’s up to Obama.😜
rick whitaker
September 14, 2024 at 9:20 pm
MAGA MARK ,if you think trump knows what he’s going to do, then you are dumber than trump, and that’s hard to do.
Alexa is Biased
September 15, 2024 at 5:53 am
Now are you going to really try and convince me what Kammy is going to do? Thanks for the morning laugh. She flip flops like fellow Florida Demo Charlie Crist. Will the real Kammy please stand up?
rick whitaker
September 15, 2024 at 9:35 am
MAGA MARK, no, i wouldn’t try to convince you of anything. i have discovered by reading your posts that you are a moron and not really capable of explaining anything to. don’t flatter yourself, no one cares what you think. you are a maga cultist so you don’t understand hardly anything.
Word Salad
September 15, 2024 at 11:11 am
I understand this Rick. You are an angry, bitter, confused old man like Joe Biden. Hopefully your family has taken the car keys from you. 😜
September 14, 2024 at 9:23 pm
Cutting taxes on social security would defund social security and Medicare. Those taxes he wants to cut fund the actual program genius. Same thing for not taxing tips. Both he and Kamala are wrong on that. Those taxes on tips fund the persons social security and Medicare. If you stop taxing tips it will lower their SSI and cause shortages. There will be no money for social security and Medicare. His tariff plan will raise the cost of goods even higher and inflation will go up again. Do you understand what a tariff is? You need to do research. All economists say cutting taxes on SSI and instituting tariffs will be a disaster.
Word Salad
September 15, 2024 at 11:29 am
Genius? Are you aware that when you work you pay social security taxes and your employer does the same for you? Of course we pay Medicare tax as well. Now when you start drawing benefits that you have already paid for that is really double taxation. Now if Bobblehead Kammy came up with that you would be jumping for joy.
September 15, 2024 at 11:33 am
MAGAs finally understand that Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid are popular with the vast majority of voters, regardless of party affiliation. So, they have set about slowly starving these programs, which they believe will lead to still another of their manufactured crises and again create an opportunity to whittle down the programs’ benefits.
Also, add in another round of Trump tax grants to the ultra-wealthy and large corporations and, they’ll ask, how to pay for entitlements when revenues are down?
Great news, though, there’s going to be a Biden minimum federal tax on all corporations showing a profit. (This won’t apply to Trump, however, as he has somehow managed to become ultra-wealthy while his companies consistently lose money — if we believe his tax returns.)
Word Salad
September 15, 2024 at 3:36 pm
Come on MH, your first sentence is complete BS. No one is going to take social security or Medicare. Now changes will have to be made as social security is going broke by 2033 or 2035. I see the retirement age getting moved up again to say 70 and FICA tax will be on all earnings in the future.
September 14, 2024 at 5:48 pm
Who else can write a great job description like smart -climate agriculture. For park maintenance duties
September 14, 2024 at 8:17 pm
One day we will learn the lengths of humility
September 14, 2024 at 8:49 pm
Capitalism. Vs empowerment that capitalism. gives you
Plus in ear with humiliation that is hindering lives 🤔
September 14, 2024 at 8:50 pm
September 15, 2024 at 10:27 am
When you start lobbying ad hominem like Stephen D you know they have nothing and are running scared.
Otherwise they would be speaking of actual policies they disagree with
September 15, 2024 at 9:25 pm
Social Security and Medicare are going broke? Really?
Working people — roofers, cops, teachers, clerks, and all of those who stand on their feet all day — do not support raising the age for SS.
SS can be easily fixed by raising the threshold for paying into the fund. Or a surcharge on high incomes. Trump could fix both SS and Medicare while he is being inaugurated. Ask him: He’s currently bidding for working-class support.
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