Florida’s senior Senator is warning the White House about a disease carried by mosquitoes that is affecting travelers into the state.
“Recent surveillance data reports approximately 40 travel-associated cases of oropouche, in Florida, from people who have recently traveled from Cuba. Due to heavy traffic from South America and the Caribbean, there is concern cases could rapidly increase in Florida and other states. Yet, the administration has issued limited public health guidance and proper infrastructure to address the virus, such as local testing,” the office of Marco Rubio alleges.
To that end, Rubio has written Joe Biden to get input on what the White House is doing about the public health threat, “requesting the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take appropriate steps to proactively address the spread of oropouche in the United States, including providing healthcare providers specific steps to treat Americans infected with oropouche, and expanding access to rapid point of care testing.”
The disease is especially worrisome for pregnant women and for others, who run a risk of neurological problems.
It’s also hard to diagnose, Rubio writes.
“Because of its resemblance to dengue, the Zika virus, and chikungunya, public health officials have expressed concern that many patients may express symptoms for oropouche and receive a negative test for these more familiar diseases and never receive additional medical attention or guidance.”
The Senator wants more attention from the public health side, but also is asking Biden about “elevating the travel advisory status of Brazil and Cuba” given they are vectors for the disease.
The CDC has posted guidance on the disease, noting that caution is advised given therapeutic uncertainty.
“There are no vaccines to prevent or medicines to treat Oropouche. Prevention relies on personal protective measures to avoid bites.”
September 14, 2024 at 11:58 am
Marco.. Ask your Florida Surgeon General what to do.. He fights with the CDC all the time..As a matter of fact, the Governor fights with the feds all the time and trashes the CDC. Why are you trying to kick this to the CDC???
September 16, 2024 at 8:57 am
Yeah, Rubio should pay more attention to public health in Florida: “The vaccination rate of Florida kindergarteners has fallen to 90.6%, the lowest in over a decade.”
This is not just a problem for kids whose parents know more than medical science, but a problem for Florida residents who may be “collateral damage” when some epidemic breaks out in their area.
September 14, 2024 at 12:55 pm
OMG, America,
Marco seems to think Biden is capable of issueing a cohereant response to Marco’s written request. This is dangerous in the respect of A Republican propping Biden up to appear fully able to run the country. This type of egergious error, on Marco’s part, will dangerously help Harris get elected and not help keep our Great Nation Safe from the newest “Mystery Illness”.
Marco, Biden has late stage dementia, and as such, Biden is unable to carry out even the smallest, most insignificant dutys of POTUS.
Howabout you send a letter to The United States Department of Health?
Honestly it will be easy. You can just change a few names and words in the letter you errorenesly sent to Biden … then copy & paste it onto the new letter to The Dept. Of Health.
Thanks Marco, you know I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, always “Got Your Back”!!!!
*America it’s not easy being, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, but I’m just greatfull to myself for being the Sage Man that I am. I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, thank ME, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, for being ME ….. face it Folks somebody’s gotta do the hard work around here and I’m just thankfull to Me for All I Do for Our Great Nation*
September 14, 2024 at 1:05 pm
America, Relax Your Political Sphincters, as I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, just got off the phone with Marco and as strange as it seems Marco never got over Donald calling him “Little Marco” back im the day.
Thankfully I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, was able to talk Marco down from that ledge and make him promise, HENCEFORTH, to put such petty differences aside and proceed, going forward with the best interest of Our Great Nation.
Once again, I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, thank me, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, for all “The Behind The Scenes work I, THE SAGE ELVIS PITTS AMERICAN, do and for bringing our Great Nation back from the brink of Nuclear Hollocast 17….no make that 18 times.
September 14, 2024 at 1:15 pm
Final Sage Word:
America you know every team has a “Little Marco” and thats a fact.
Everyone is Forbidden to tease Marco and will be placed on CHASTIZEMENT with the dreaded Wanking Ban in place for the duration of such CHASTIZEMENT.
A Day without MAGA
September 14, 2024 at 1:59 pm
Marco Rubio got no credibility, Florida is a tropical state , disease like Malaria that American have no natural defenses,will invade Florida,like all tropical disease,maybe he suffering from MAGA fever
September 14, 2024 at 3:37 pm
Leave it to the States Rubio, seeks Federal Aid…once again.
My Take
September 14, 2024 at 4:06 pm
Where is that wonderful Surgeon General DeScumtis found under a rock somewhere.
September 15, 2024 at 11:08 am
Dr. Ladapo is running the show at UF medical school, modeling bedside manners and deductive medical skills for a new generation of practitioners.
Frankie M.
September 14, 2024 at 9:01 pm
Simmer down chicken Little
September 15, 2024 at 11:46 am
Rubio wants to cut down on the trips back and forth from Miami to Cuba that more recent Cuban emigres are accustomed to make. (These latter emigres keep up family ties — the Rubios and their ilk came over early and let family ties decline.)
Let’s, indeed, keep an eye out for additional tropical diseases coming north as the climate warms, but Rubio is mainly concerned with asserting his Senatorial creds on Little Habana.
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