Irish eyes will be smiling on America’s Governor Friday, as Gov. Ron DeSantis will deliver remarks at Notre Dame’s Center for Citizenship and Constitutional Government.
The speech was scheduled before the election.
“One of our aims at the center is to inspire Notre Dame students to become leading citizens who serve the public good. We do that, in part, by introducing them to our nation’s current leaders, especially leading Catholic politicians,” said Center Director Vincent Phillip Muñoz.
“We are privileged to host Gov. DeSantis and look forward to learning about his experiences governing one of the largest states of the Union.”
The topics during the talk could run the gamut from the “war on woke” that inspired him to make radical changes at New College and other Florida institutions of higher learning, to the Presidential Election and high-profile Florida amendments legalizing recreational pot and removing state restrictions the Governor and the GOP Legislature imposed on abortion.
Expect his Catholicism to factor into the remarks, if previous speeches about donning the “full armor of God” to audiences of faith are any indication.
“You are going to face blowback, you’re going to face attacks, you’re going to face smears, and it’s the faith in God that gives you the strength to stand firm against the lies, against the deceit, against the opposition. It gives you the foundation to know that all the insults, all the nonsense they throw at you ultimately doesn’t matter because you are aiming higher,” the Governor said in 2023.
DeSantis has said he’s looking at running for President in 2028, and the calculus on that will be affected by how the election proceeds in the coming days.
A Donald Trump loss marginalizes running mate JD Vance and creates a window for the Governor that a Trump/Vance win likely would close.
White Spiteful Devil Rapist Trump
November 5, 2024 at 10:39 am
He better chance getting laid with Stormy Daniels,than being President
The blue wave is coming!
November 5, 2024 at 5:05 pm
If the POS isn’t in Florida then he’s at least out of our hair. Rhonda and Riley on tour of colleges in the US spreading hate and idiocy.
November 5, 2024 at 10:49 am
Good Morn ‘Ting America,
This Sage Speach by “AMERICA’S GOVORNOR” will be one for the history books as it will launch Ron & The Beautiful Casey into The White House for the TWO CONSECTUIVE POTUS terms immediatly following Trumps 4 years in The White House!!!!
Thank you America, EARL PITTS AMERICAN
A Day without Delusional
November 5, 2024 at 11:10 am
Early onstage MAGA dementia, insane in the membrane,insane in the brain ,crazy loco,got no brain,insane in the membrane, insane in the brain
A Day without Delusional
November 5, 2024 at 11:03 am
Where the full armour today MAGA lite
November 5, 2024 at 11:37 am
A despicable man with a despicable agenda.
November 8, 2024 at 3:08 pm
Iris were more protestant then Catholic..loads of prejudice between the parties.
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