U.S. Sen. Rick Scott is spotlighting a measure he cosponsored becoming law that will deny pensions to lawmakers convicted of public corruption crimes.
U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen, a Nevada Democrat, introduced the legislation, dubbed the No Congressionally Obligated Recurring Revenue Used As Pensions to Incarcerated Officials Now (No CORRUPTION) Act. Scott crossed the aisle to back the bill.
“I am incredibly proud to see our No CORRUPTION Act become law,” Scott said in a prepared statement.
“If you are a Member of Congress and convicted of a crime involving public corruption you should lose all pension benefits provided to you by taxpayers and hardworking families — period. Making Washington work for American families requires real reforms that end the current dysfunction. We must never stop working to hold elected officials accountable and protect taxpayers’ hard-earned money.”
Per Scott’s Office, the bill “closes a loophole that has allowed former members of Congress to continue to receive a taxpayer-funded pension during their appeals process after being convicted of certain felonies related to their time in office.
The National Taxpayers Union supports the legislation.
“The reform in Senators Jacky Rosen’s and Rick Scott’s No CORRUPTION Act is a win for taxpayers. The commonsense bipartisan legislation closes a loophole in federal law that allows former members of Congress convicted of a crime to still collect a taxpayer-funded pension. We commend Senators Rosen and Scott for their leadership on this good government bill,” said Demian Brady.
Brady is the Vice President of Research for the organization, which positions itself as the “voice” of American taxpayers.
The bill does restore benefits if the conviction does not survive appeal.
Rosen noted the bipartisan effort to get this bill through the Senate, crediting her Republican colleague from Florida.
“Nevadans elected me to the Senate to stand up to corruption and protect their taxpayer dollars from abuse. That’s why I worked across the aisle with Senator Scott to close the loophole allowing politicians convicted of corruption to continue collecting taxpayer-funded pensions. I’m proud to see our bill become law, and I’ll keep working across the aisle to clean up Washington,” she said.
Mental 🤔
December 30, 2024 at 1:55 pm
Clean up Washington..good luck it is corporation America..and sludge in your waterways. Nevermind that you need water to survive.thats not a right
Jake Laughlin
December 31, 2024 at 1:51 am
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Ocean Joe
December 31, 2024 at 8:10 am
Ironic. Golden parachute for me, not thee.
January 1, 2025 at 6:56 pm
What a joke! The biggest Medicare fraudster in history, who used numerous dark, illegal LLC’s to funnel FL tax dollars to himself during his governorship, now is trying to market himself as an “Anti-Corruption” leader? Really Rick?!?!? Do you think we FL taxpayers, whom you repeatedly stole from, have no memory? You need to be the first felon convicted under “your” law!
January 4, 2025 at 12:50 pm
TRrick ought to step up and match Trump who donates his entire salary to “charity”. TRick apparently gives small amounts of his salary to charities — not wanting these charities to become lazy and dependent.
Frank LaGrass
January 5, 2025 at 11:42 pm
What do we have? A new Republican coalition: the SUPER-rich and the MERELY-rich? That Social Security Fairness Act, passed with Republicans like Rick Scott’s support makes me think this. Cop-teacher households in far too many places, in terms of TOTAL compensation, are in the top 1% of annual income charts. Making the rich RICHER is no way to drain the Swamp – especially when, to do it, Social Security is brought closer to insolvency. For those not-so-rich hardworking Americans, who have no pension, Social Security is ALL they have.
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