A Jacksonville City Council committee has learned classes at the University of Florida campus in the Urban Core could start sooner rather than later at 801 West Bay Street.
“We intend to introduce initial academic programming in an existing building on the campus site as soon as this August, that’s an aggressive timeline, but that’s the timeline we’re working towards. So it would be an initial degree program this August,” said Kurt Dudas, the Vice President for Strategic Initiatives at the University of Florida, to the Finance Committee.
A business program could start in January, with a “main launch in August of 2026 with additional degree programs” that “include business programs, engineering programs, and artificial intelligence and health sciences program, as well as programming and research related to the Florida Semiconductor Institute,” Dudas said.
Downtown Investment Authority head Lori Boyer said this was the first stage in a long term commitment for the city.
There will be 22 buildable acres at this site near the Prime Osborn available to UF for the campus.

When finally constructed, the campus will include the Florida Semiconductor Institute, further sweetening the deal which will be seeded by $300 million in public and private funds.
The state approved $75 million in each of the last two budgets, which is in addition to $50 million in commitments by the Jacksonville City Council and $50 million from private donors. An additional $50 million remains to be allocated, amid Council concerns that the city is facing fiscal dire straits.
Budget cuts or millage raises are likely the way forward if this progresses.