The local Fraternal Order of Police is supporting the “Jacksonville Illegal Immigration Enforcement Act.”
City Council Vice President Kevin Carrico’s bill is up for a full vote Tuesday, and the police union says it could combat “the direct and dangerous consequences illegal immigration has had on public safety” in the city.
The bill would make it a “local crime” to be an undocumented immigrant in Duval County. It also contemplates money for 25 fingerprint readers for the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office to identify and process undocumented immigrants.
“I’d like to thank the brave men and women of law enforcement for standing with us as we fight to pass one of the toughest local illegal immigration enforcement measures in the country. I look forward to seeing this important legislation pass Tuesday night and hope the Mayor will join us in this common-sense effort to protect our city,” Carrico said.
Jacksonville is a focus in the state’s fight against illegal immigration, especially since House Speaker Daniel Perez tapped Sheriff TK Waters as a member of the State Immigration Enforcement Council.
Waters previously backed the bill.
“Illegal immigration is not just a federal issue; it affects us right here at home,” Waters said. “We’ve seen the impact on public safety, and this legislation will give us the support we need to enforce the laws effectively and keep our community safe.”
March 24, 2025 at 5:33 pm
Criminal aliens have absolutely no place in America. Enter the US lawfully or not at all. Apprehend, incarcerate and deport every single one.
March 24, 2025 at 6:23 pm
Unlikely even Big Bad Daddy Trump would attempt to send back (somewhere) the estimated 11 million folks here without permission — especially as many MAGA employers need and exploit their labor.
March 24, 2025 at 6:55 pm
The only tool that JSO lacks is a general shoot to kill order for anyone resembling an alien. Humans should have not such fears and be confident that they will receive all rights and protections of law in the US.
March 25, 2025 at 12:23 pm
Citizens enjoy the full rights, protections and privileges of the US including not being victims of criminal aliens. However, criminal aliens do not and should be treated accordingly.