A representative of the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department noted in a Monday meeting of a City Council panel that ‘fentanyl-laced cocaine’ is an emergent overdose trend.
Jacksonville currently has a pilot program treating overdose victims.
The program tests for 17 different adulterants, spanning a wide pharmacological range.
Previous concerns have been fentanyl-based heroin, suggesting that street dealers are finding new markets.
Councilman Bill Gulliford, who pushed for this program, notes that it seems to be working.
However, the new lacing presents the latest worry.
“Cocaine laced with fentanyl is prevalent now. In recent toxicology reports, every sample of cocaine had fentanyl in it,” Gulliford said. “The scary part of this is it’s becoming more widespread. There are incidents of this used in counterfeit Xanax.”
Gulliford noted that young people often combine Xanax and alcohol, and urged that parents warn kids about the potentiality of a new, dangerous alteration being marketed to them.