Paul Renner endorses Sam Greco as HD 19 successor

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'Sam has the vision and determination to deliver real solutions for the people of HD 19.'

Republican Sam Greco picked up an endorsement from the man he hopes to replace in Northeast Florida’s House District 19.

“I am proud to endorse Sam Greco in his campaign to succeed me in House District 19,” House Speaker Paul Renner said in a news release.

“Sam’s time as a Naval Officer, commitment to public service, and steadfast support for our shared conservative values makes him the right choice to represent the district. Sam has the vision and determination to deliver real solutions for the people of HD 19, and I have no doubt that Sam will be an outstanding Representative for our community here in Northeast Florida.”

Greco said, “I am incredibly honored to receive the endorsement of House Speaker Paul Renner. Speaker Renner is responsible for passing the most consequential conservative agenda in Florida’s history and every Floridian is better off because of his leadership.

“His dedication to public service and our conservative principles has been an inspiration to me and so many others. I am committed to upholding these values and continuing his incredible work of delivering for the people of our district and state.”

Greco, a Navy JAG Officer, is one of four Republicans running for the seat, which covers Flagler and part of St. Johns counties. He faces Darryl Boyer, Matthew Nellans and James St. George in the Primary. Democrat Thomas Morley is also running, however HD 19 is reliably Republican.

Drew Wilson

Drew Wilson covers legislative campaigns and fundraising for Florida Politics. He is a former editor at The Independent Florida Alligator and business correspondent at The Hollywood Reporter. Wilson, a University of Florida alumnus, covered the state economy and Legislature for LobbyTools and The Florida Current prior to joining Florida Politics.


  • Linda

    May 20, 2024 at 10:22 am

    Sam has no idea what the issues are in Flagler County. He votes in S. Florida. Can you spell CARPETBAGGER? Darryl Boyer is locally endorsed in Flagler County.

  • Karen B

    May 20, 2024 at 1:35 pm

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  • Gail W

    May 20, 2024 at 3:38 pm

    darryl Boyer is a son of Flagler County! He knows us and our needs and wants often before we do. On the other hand, his opponent votes in South Florida; plus he knows nothing about Flagler county’w constituents.
    I will continue to support Darryl Boyer in hopes he is our next state representative.

  • Roland Clee

    May 20, 2024 at 7:09 pm

    Paul Renner has served HD 19 well and brought prominence to an underserved and under appropriated district. He has failed in this endorsement, in the past with the endorsements of disappointments on the school board and has locked arms with criminals who have embarrassed the county within the RPOF. Boyer is ready on day one and Greco would require at least one session to catch up. Boyer is the best choice for HD 19 and perhaps missing Renner’s endorsement is a blessing in disguise.

  • What a joke

    May 20, 2024 at 9:31 pm

    Ha!. Paul Renner is a classless act. Run him out of Flagler. This Greco dude prosecuted Navy soldiers who wouldn’t comply with vaccine mandates, was in the secretly Soviet at Georgetown and is publicly on tape saying is Ann Coulter is too conservative. He’s a phony just like his endorser. I

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