With Jacksonville Mayor Alvin Brown advancing to the runoff election, Florida and national Democrats are issuing the expected congratulatory messages.
DNC Chair and Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued the following statement: “Congratulations to Mayor Alvin Brown on being the top vote-getter in yesterday’s four-way election. I’m particularly pleased by the number of Democrats who participated in early voting. Mayor Brown has delivered for the people of Jacksonville, making the city a great place to live and work. I look forward to joining other Florida Democrats in helping the Mayor win May’s runoff and earn another four years of service.”
Meanwhile, Florida Democratic Party Chair Allison Tant echoed similar sentiments.
“I congratulate Mayor Brown on his first-place finish in tonight’s election. Across Jacksonville, people voted for Alvin Brown’s strong leadership, bringing people together to grow the economy, protecting taxpayers’ dollars, and keeping our communities safe. Alvin’s campaign came in first tonight because he has always kept his promises, from creating jobs to holding the line on taxes. Meanwhile, his opponents are more divided than ever, resorting to negative attacks and fighting among each other,” wrote Tant. “In May, I am confident the people of Jacksonville will vote to take the River City to the next level with Alvin Brown.”
If there is any significant divergence between the two statements, it’s that Wasserman Schultz hewed to boilerplate rhetoric, while Tant more closely adhered to campaign talking points. What these communiques suggest, however, is that the Brown campaign is on the radar of the state and national parties, fueling rampant speculation that outside resources will be made available to Brown as he battles Lenny Curry ahead of the May 19 runoff election.
These messages also denote that this race will be explicitly partisan. A oft-repeated Brown talking point has been that the candidate works “with Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.” While that has been true throughout the Brown administration, that non-partisan stance necessarily will be eschewed during the next 8 weeks of the campaign.