After a grueling seven hours on the campaign trail, Annette Taddeo is already tired.
Just hours after Charlie Crist’s former running mate announced she is running to unseat Carlos Curbelo in Florida’s 26th Congressional District, new audio from a local radio show shows Taddeo bailed on a scheduled interview — telling producers she was “too tired” to appear.
This bout with fatigue came hours before Taddeo told MSNBC she was “middle class,” despite listing a net worth of $5,713,300 only 15 months ago.
Of course, this caught the eye of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which had just finished turning up the heat on Taddeo the day before, with an opening volley email calling her out as a multimillionaire.
A new NRCC email calls Taddeo’s latest blunder a “doozy.”
“That’s right,” NRCC spokesman Chris Pack said. “After a whopping seven hours into her campaign for Congress, Annette Taddeo was so worn out that she had to cancel a local Florida radio interview for the following day so she could get some R & R.”
Luckily for “middle class” Taddeo — who is now in her fourth campaign for elected office — she does have a “nice 6,500 square foot, $1.25 million dollar mansion” to lounge around in, Pack saids. It’s not even in the district she wants to represent, he noted.
Taddeo previously ran unsuccessfully for Miami-Dade County Commission in 2010, for Congress in 2008 and for lieutenant governor last year.
“Annette Taddeo continues to demonstrate why she has never won any of her many campaigns for office,” Pack said. “It’s also suspicious that while Annette Taddeo was too tired to appear on local Florida radio, she had no problem going on national television to lie about being middle class, despite her millions of dollars in wealth.”
With two blistering GOP emails in less than 24 hours, this campaign is shaping up to be a long, arduous (and tiring) climb for Taddeo. She had better get plenty of rest.
The audio clip of the US 1 Radio program is available on YouTube.