Any commission on healthcare costs should make sure to look at all parts of the delivery system, not just hospital costs.
Pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, Medicaid HMOs, and ambulatory surgical centers also are part of the health care delivery system and contribute to health care costs, said Tony Carvalho, president of the Safety Net Hospital Alliance of Florida.
“If they are going to look at health care costs they need to look at everything,” said Carvalho, whose association represents 14 teaching, children’s and regional perinatal intensive care hospitals.
Gov Rick Scott has issued press releases regarding a Commission on Healthcare and Hospital Funding. He has said in those releases that the commission examine the revenues of hospitals and insurance companies as well as the salaries of executive officers, senior management as well as legal and lobbying expenses.
Scott on Thursday issued a press release saying the commission would begin its work “in the weeks ahead and gather essential information that could inform the building of a budget before July 1.”
There is no additional information on who will be commission members, their number, when the commission will begin meeting, or how many times it will meet.