I’ve never played poker with Lenny Curry, but I expect he’d be hard to beat. He rarely gives the game away nor shows too much emotion. Those tendencies held true during a brief conversation with reporters after he voted on Tuesday morning at the Southside United Methodist Church.
Curry kept his remarks soundbite-friendly. He said he was “feeling good” about the election and the message he was conveying. That has included concentrations on public safety issues and providing “economic opportunity” for all, including the “people left behind by this economy.”
Curry pledged as mayor to have “regularly scheduled meetings with the sheriff and the school board,” drawing an implicit contrast between himself and the mayor. He noted that inclumbent Alvin Brown had four years to set up recurring meetings with the sheriff, but it wasn’t a priority until “two weeks ago.”
Curry, when asked about the Election Eve St. Pete Poll that showed him in a dead heat with Brown, did not offer speculation on what the poll meant, preferring instead to look at the big picture.
“A year ago, I was the underdog. Most said we wouldn’t be here,” Curry said.
“We’re in the game.”
The Curry Election Night party will be at the Hyatt Regency from 7 to 11 p.m. tonight. We will be on hand for that and the Brown party to provide post facto coverage.