New Lenny Curry Chief Administrative Officer Sam Mousa continues with his budget reviews. Next on tap: Jacksonville City Council.
3:26 p.m.: There is no city council revenue. Perhaps they can market trading cards?
3:27 p.m.: A slight increase in travel expenses. Liability insurance down. Not a lot going on in this budget.
3:28 p.m.: The starting salary is $45,000 in the Council Auditor office. A four-year accounting degree is the prerequisite. Kirk Sherman says they need outgoing people. Hard to find. Mousa: “Engineers are the same damn way.”
3:32 p.m.: To move up, one must be a CPA. An additional 30 semester hours of credit.
3:35 p.m.: A slight increase in PT and OT in the Value Adjustment Board side.
3:40 p.m.: Parking spaces, communications allowance based on their rate plan, et al.
3:43 p.m.: Discussion of the two executive council assistant positions that were not filled. Robin Lumb‘s left to get Curry elected. Crescimbeni does without (read: uses everyone else’s).
3:47 p.m.: Mousa on enhancements: “We know what your bosses can do. We know who you work for.”
3:48 p.m.: Apparently, the council has $9 an hour positions open.