Eric Conrad: We’re just haggling over price

cost of gun ownership

I am a southern, white, gun-owning male who worries that one day my family will have to pay the price for America’s unwillingness to stand up to the gun lobby.

I know that sounds counterintuitive, but hear me out.

I grew up bouncing BBs off the backs of the alligators in Lake Newnan outside of Gainesville, FL. I went to high school in Jacksonville, where gun stores outnumber hospitals. In college, my friends and I would go trap shooting on Sunday mornings before getting breakfast.

I have four younger brothers that mean the world to me. One lives in Denver, a short drive from Aurora. The other three live in Jacksonville, just blocks from a hospitality district where days ago a young father of two was gunned down outside of the restaurant where he worked.

I’ve worked for political campaigns and candidates that have faithfully stuck to the “we aren’t interested in limiting a person’s Second Amendment rights” line. We used to say “Pod 1 Loves Guns” when I worked for the Obama Campaign, a reference to the values of the North Florida region I was based in.

Let me be very clear: I am not opposed to personal gun ownership. I own three guns of my own and enjoy shooting.

What I am opposed to is the gun lobby’s stranglehold on our elected leaders that stops meaningful legislation which could save lives.

Right now, over 90% of Americans support reforms like extended universal background checks. When’s the last time over 90% of Americans supported anything other than blue jeans and apple pie?

But nothing has changed. There have been over 70 mass shooting just in schools since the Newtown Massacre in 2012 and Congress hasn’t passed any laws to reduce gun violence. I’m not talking about national registries or magazine bans; I’m talking about a five to six minute wait to determine whether a gun buyer is a threat to others.

How much is one innocent life worth? Ten gun buyers waiting a few minutes longer to purchase a firearm? 25 buyers? 100?

I’m not going to tell you about how other countries have faced similar crises and collectively made the decision to enact reform. We aren’t other countries. As Americans we deal with issues at our own rate based on our own values.

Instead, I’ll point to an issue that the South just tackled: the Confederate flag. Since revisionist historians started to recast the role of the South in the Civil War in the late 1800s, it was pretty much an accepted fact that people were too divided over the flag for anything to ever change.

…and then it did. In a matter of weeks, the Confederate flag was relegated to the dustbin of history in South Carolina and companies that understood its harmful symbolism to so many Americans began pulling products from their shelves.

The change came at the cost of nine more innocent lives, but it happened.

This all reminds me of an old joke that has been retold by George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Groucho Marx, and others over the last century.

Tell me if you’ve heard this one:

The Gun Lobby walks up to the American People and asks “Would you allow me to sell as many of my products in an unregulated manner, including to the mentally unstable and criminally minded, if it only cost you a few tens of thousands of deaths a year?”

The American People respond: “Of course. No one should limit our liberty.”

The Gun Lobby then asks: “What if that included an average of two mass shootings a month in elementary schools, movie theaters, and places of worship?”

The American People: “Of course not! We value the lives of innocent citizens. What kind of country do you take us for?”

Gun lobby: “We’ve already established that. Now we’re just haggling over price.”

It’s a bit different, but the punchline is still the same.

Our lack of action as a country suggests that we don’t value the lives of innocent Americans over the minutes of inconvenience that potential gun buyers might face. So unless we are willing to start telling our elected leaders to pass background check reform, we might as well continue to just haggle over the price of innocent lives.

Eric Conrad has been described as a ‘key myth-maker’ in Florida politics for his work on numerous electoral and issue campaigns across the state. He is a sixth generation Floridian who grew up in North Florida.

Conrad has been recognized as one of Florida’s top 30 Under 30 Rising Political Stars by SaintPetersblog and was named a Winner of the Year in 2014 by the Tampa Bay Times for his work during the cycle.

Eric Conrad

Eric Conrad has been described as a 'key myth-maker' in Florida politics for his work on numerous electoral and issue campaigns across the state. He is a sixth generation Floridian who grew up in North Florida. Conrad has been recognized as one of Florida's top 30 Under 30 Rising Political Stars by SaintPetersblog and was named a Winner of the Year in 2014 by the Tampa Bay Times for his work during the cycle.

One comment

  • Odysseus M Tanner

    July 27, 2015 at 4:03 pm

    Amazing how people remain blissfully and persistently ignorant of the devil-in-the-details issues with “universal” background checks as currently proposed, one of which is the need for record keeping, which is a registration risk. And registration is a no-go.

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