After facing complaints from the Florida State Association of Supervisors of Elections accusing him of dragging his feet on refilling supervisors of elections positions, Gov. Rick Scott announced two of those appointments on Friday.
Scott first named Chet Huddleston as the Supervisor of Elections of Hardee County.
Huddleston, 32, of Wauchula, worked with Hardee County public service organizations including the Hardee County Economic Development Council and the local Kiwanis Club. Huddleston previously worked with the United States Department of Agriculture. He is filling a fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Jeffrey Ussery, a Democrat who left the position May 30.
Huddleston’s term will be through January 3, 2017.
The governor then named Pinki Jackel to replace Iida Elliott as Supervisor of Elections of Franklin County.
Jackel, 57, of Saint George Island, has been in public service for several years, including serving as County Commissioner of Franklin County since 2008 and chair of the Tourist Development Council since 2012. Jackel will fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Elliot, a Republican who left for health reasons, for a term ending January 3, 2017.