Will so many Chicken Littles lately declaring that the sky is falling on the heads of Florida’s Republicans, it’s important to remember why their hegemony is hardly in danger.
On the other side of them is the Florida Democratic Party, the Washington Generals of contemporary politics.
Case in point is Reason No. 437 (or is #628 or #1014?) the Florida Democrats fail.
As Marc Caputo of POLITICO Florida first reported, the FDP began a paid-media campaign consisting of direct mail and live patch-through calls targeting Republican state Senators.
The FDP wouldn’t disclose its budget, reports Caputo, but said it was in “the mid five figures” and that each district will receive thousands of mailers and calls offering to connect voters with their senators.
The concept for the mailers is nothing if not straightforward.
Well, if the targeting of one household in Sen. Jeff Brandes’ district is an example of the Democrats’ work, its the FDP which is flushing its money down a toilet.
Here’s what one voter emailed to Florida Politics.
“Came home to a mail chaser to (FDP’s) calls about redistricting that the FDP announced earlier this week.”
“What’s funny is that the piece was to me: a 4/4 Republican (this means this voter has cast a ballot in the last four elections). As a little reminder, I’m currently at my mom’s house. My mom, a 4/4 Dem + D donor, received nothing.”
In other words, the Florida Democratic Party is sending negative mail against a Republican state Senator to a Republican super-voter.
(Nevermind the fact that it’s fifteen months before the election.)
The FDP never ceases to amaze with its profound skill at flushing money down to the toilet.