U.S. Rep. David Jolly took to national airwaves to explain his support for fellow Floridian Daniel Webster for the next Speaker of the House.
“I believe Dan is the right candidate to get us back to governing, to achieving conservative results through governing,” Jolly told Neil Cavuto of Fox News on Thursday. “We’ve gone from the ‘do-nothing’ Congress to the ‘try-nothing’ Congress. We need to let the House work its will on behalf of the American people who entrust us to serve.”
A take on the “try-nothing” Congress led the Indian Shores Republican to introduce legislation last week requiring House members to work at least eight hours a day, five days a week – a minimum of 40 hours — while in session.
“Americans are sick and tired of Washington inaction,” Jolly said. “They expect their leaders to work around the clock to tackle the nation’s problems.”
In a column in Friday’s Tampa Bay Times, Jolly continued his call for Congress to clean up its act.
“Dan Webster and I share a vision of a House capable of regular order,” Jolly writes. “Just as the American people accomplish great things at work, at home, and in our communities each day simply by committing to do so, we as a Congress have the opportunity to finally do the same.”